Keterangan: | Insulating spray untuk pelapisan pengisian dan insulasi peralatan listrik & elektronik dengan pewarna merah ( Red= 107) atau tanpa pewarna ( Clear= 108) untuk melindungi permukaan terhadap minyak, uap air, asam & basa.
Daya lekat istimewa pada metal, gulungan, coil. Lebih cepat kering daripada kebanyakan bahan insulasi lainnya.
Digunakan untuk gulungan motor & stator, trafo, ring dan frame, ujung-ujung komutator, bus bar, seal elektrikal dan elektronik, bagian-bagian pada panel sakelar, komponen, coil, angker dinamo.
- Sempurna untuk coil bidang sempit & magnet, penetrasi baik pada gulungan lama dan dangkal.
- Fleksibilitas istimewa dan tahan air.
- Daya dielektrik sampai 2.100 Volt per mL
PRIMO is a registered trademark owned by JC Group Companies
PRIMO’ s CHEMICAL CLEANING & MAINTENANCE products for the various needs of cleaning ( Solvent and Water based) , maintenance and protection of electrical, machineries, production lines, water treatment systems, hands, boilers found in the sectors of industrial, marine, transportation, construction, heavy equipment, workshop and as well as custom blend applications ( upon special request) in the form of aerosol spray, pail, drum and economical bulk.
For more information about these products, please view our e-catalogue: http: / / chemicals-en |