Anggota Gratis
Informasi Kontak
Tn. Michael Bernardinus [Direktur/CEO/Manajer Umum]
E-mail:Kirim Pesan
Nomor Telpon:
Nomor telpon Tn. Michael Bernardinus di Cibubur
Nomor Ponsel:
Nomor ponsel Tn. Michael Bernardinus di Cibubur
Nomor Faks:
Nomor faks Tn. Michael Bernardinus di Cibubur
Raffles Hills, Blok P2 no.3, Jl.Alternatif Cibubur
Cibubur 16954, Jawa Barat
Rata-rata Tinjauan Pemakai

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Bahasa :

Katalog Produk

Offshore Company[25 Jul. 2006, 2:28:19]
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTunai, Cek Bank
Kemas & Pengiriman-
Location: The offshore companies we incorporate, are under offshore jurisdictions law of Bahama, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Island (BVI), Cayman Island, Cook Island, Dominica, Hong Kong, Marshall Island, Mauritius, Nevis, Panama, Seychelles, Singapore, UK, USA, Vanuatu.
General advantages:
-Single owner can act as Director/Shareholder/Corporate Secretary
-tax heaven/minimum tax
-minimum/no need for fililing tax (annual return)
-minimum foreign exchange control
-operated anywhere in the world
-registered office in offshore jurisdiction
-no need for Annual General Shareholder Meeting
General requirements:
-valid pasport
-utility bills (phone, electricity, water)
-bank reference
-professional reference
-reference from employment
-additional financial documents
paid in advance (confidential).
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