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Fluke 718[23 Dec. 2011, 22:01:52]
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
Negara AsalAmerika Serikat


718, Fluke Calibrator

Pressure Calibrator

Basic Features
• Pressure Source and Milliamp Measurement to calibrate and maintain almost any pressure device
• Integrated pump is easily cleaned when accidently exposed to fluids that reduces cost of ownership and repairs and enables servicing the pump in the field
• Error % calculation for quicker pass/ fail decision making in the field
• Best in class mA accuracy of 0.015 % for better measurement confidence and workload coverage
• Min/ Max/ Hold to capture changing measurements
• Switch test feature for quicker and more accurate pressure switch testing
• New 1 and 300 PSI pressure ranges mean fewer extra tools required
• 1, 30, 100 & 300 PSI ranges now available

Size : 216 x 94 x 66mm
Weight : 992g

menampilkan 250 dari 278 | Sebelum : Fluke 719 | Berikut : Fluke 717