Waterbath, Oven, Sterilisers, Incubator, Uninersal Oven
Waterbath with microprocessor PID control, over temperature protection. Up to 90 drajat celcius - WB 10 : 10 Lt, 35x21x14cm, 1200 W, rings ( 3) - WB 10R : 10 Lt, 35x21x14cm, ....
waterbath with microprocessor PID control, over temperatur protection. up to 90 drajat celcius. Diameter Ring 18.7 cm - WB 7 7Lt, 24x21x14cm, 1200 W, rings ( 1) - WB 7R 7Lt, ....
OVEN, with natural Convection air Circulation, 30-220 drajat C UNB 100/ 14 Lt UNB 200/ 32 Lt UNB 300/ 39 Lt UNB 400/ 53 Lt UNB 500/ 108 Lt
Sterilisers with Natural Air Circulation 30-220 drajat C SNB 200
Incubator, with natural air convection, 30-70 drajat C - INB 200/ 32Lt - INB 300/ 39 Lt - INB 400/ 53 Lt - INB 500/ 100 Lt - INE 200/ 32 Lt - INE 300/ 39 Lt - INE 400/ 53....
UNIVERSAL OVEN, with Forced Air Circulation ( FAN) UFB 400/ 53 Lt UFB 500/ 108 Lt UFE 600/ 256 Lt UFE 700/ 416 Lt UFE 800/ 749 Lt UFP 400/ 53 Lt
UNIVERSAL OVEN, with Natural Air Circulation 30-250 drajat C UNE / 118 Lt UNE 600 / 256 Lt UNE 700 / 416 Lt UNE 800 / 749 Lt