Davis RAIN GAUGE, WIND SPEED & DIRECTION, ( Kecepatan Angin, Arah Angin, Pengukuran Curah Hujan, dan Temperature) : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com, www.alat-teknik.com, www.karyamitra.co.id[12 Feb. 2012, 9:13:07]
Davis RAIN GAUGE, KECEPATAN ANGIN, ANEMOMETER 12 meter cable length. ( Kecepatan Angin, Arah Angin, Pengukuran Curah Hujan, dan Temperature)
Display ° F or ° C, wind speed, wind .chill, and wind direction.
Recorded with the time and date.
Has a 12/ 24 hour clock, a date display,
Direction display with 16 compass points,
Alarms for temperature, wind speed, wind chill, and time.
Range :
- Wind speed : 0 to 175 mph; res. 1 mph; acc.± 5% .
- Wind direction: 1° or 10° increments.
- Inside Temp : 0° C to 60° C, res.1°
- Outside temp. -45° C to + 60° C, res 1°
- Wind chill: range, -134° F to 140° F; res.1° ; acc.± 4° F.
Consist of :
LCD Main Unit complete with
- AC Adapter 9 Volt
- Junction Box
- Junction Box Cable 2.4 m
Anemometer complete with :
- Anemometer base
- Anemometer Arm
- Win vane for direction
- Wind cup for wind speed
- Cable 12 meter length
Rain Collector complete with :
- Cable 12 m length
Contact :
Telp : 021-7543316
Fax : 021-7543281
email : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com
www.alat-teknik.com, www.karyamitra.co.id