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High Volume Air Sampler, Air Sampling Pump, Low Volume Air Sampler, Personnal Air Sampler, Bactery Air Sampler, staplex, gilian, skc, etc : karyamitrausaha@,
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Staplex Air Samplers product :

A complete line of Air Sampler pumps for airborne particulates
Select product group or Model for photo and detailed specifications.

1. TFIA Series High Volume Air Samplers

( 0-70 cfm/ 0-2 cmm)

TFIA High Volume Air Sampler 110-125 Volts AC/ DC, 50-60 Hz Best seller!

TFIA-F Includes built-in Flow Adjuster - 110-125 Volts AC/ DC, 50-60 Hz

TFIA-CDT Includes built-in Count Down Timer - 110-125 Volts AC/ DC, 50-60 Hz

TFIA-2 220-240 Volts AC/ DC, 50-60 Hz Best seller!

TFIA-2F Includes built-in Flow Adjuster - 220-240 Volts AC/ DC, 50-60 Hz

TFIA-2CDT Includes built-in Count Down Timer - 220-240 Volts AC/ DC, 50-60 Hz

TFIA-4 24 Volts DC ( 35 cfm [ 1 cmm] maximum flowrate) 16 Amps

TFIA-4BC 24 Volts DC with battery cable with clamps, 16 Amps

Battery Pack and 110/ 220 volt Charger for TFIA-4 Air Sampler ( 24 VDC)

2. Filter Papers for High Volume Air Samplers
TFA41 Filter Paper 4" dia. ( 100/ box)
TFAGF41 Glass Fiber Filters 4" dia. ( 100/ box)

TFA810 Filter Paper 8" x10" ( 100/ box)
TFAGF810 Glass Fiber Filters 8" x10" ( 100/ box)

TFAQ810 Quartz Filters 8" x10" ( 100/ box)

TFA69 Filter Paper 6" x9" ( 100/ box)
TFAGF69 Glass Fiber Filters 6" x9" ( 100/ box)

TFA2133 Filters, 4" diameter ( 100/ box)

3. Filter Holders for High Volume Air Samplers
SH4 4" Diameter Filter Holder Assembly

SH810 8" x 10" Filter Holder Assembly

SH69 6" x 9" Filter Holder Assembly

4. Tripod for High Volume Air Samplers
TR-1 Tripod Mounting

5. Calibration Kits for High Volume Air Samplers
CKHV Calibration Kit for use with 4" diameter Filter Holder

CKHV810 Calibration Kit for use with 4" diameter and 8" x 10 Filter Holders

AD810 Adapter Plate

6. Outdoor Shelters for High Volume Air Samplers
SAM Aluminum Outdoor Shelter

7. Flow Adjuster/ Brush Seater
FA-1 & FA-2 Flow Adjuster/ Brush Seaters

8. Constant Flow Controllers for Hi Volume Air Samplers
FC-1 & FC-2 series Constant Flow Controllers

9. Flow Recorders for High Volume Air Samplers
FR-1 & FR-2 Flow Recorders ( requires SH810 8x10" Filter Holder)

10. Carrying/ Storage Cases for High Vol Air Samplers
TFIA-CC and TF-CCK Carrying/ Storage Cases

11. Timers
DTM-1 & DTM-2 Digital 7 day Timers

MT-1 & MT-2 Mechanical Timers

ETI-1 & ETI-2 Elasped Time Indicators

DTM-4CDT Digital Countdown Timer

12. Impactors for High Volume Air Samplers
AKI Annular Kinetic Impactor

Model 234, 235, 256 High Volume Cascade Impactors

13. Size Selective Inlets
PM10-SSI PM10 Size Selective Inlet

PM2.5 Size Selective Conversion Kit

14. TSP and PM10 Environmental Air Sampling Systems
TSP-1 and TSP-2 Total Suspended Particulate Air Sampling Systems

TSP-1CF and TSP-2CF Critical Flow Total Suspended Particulate Air Sampling Systems

TSP-1NB and TSP-2NB Brushless Total Suspended Particulate Air Sampling Systems

PM10 Size Selective Inlet and PM10 Air Samping Systems

15. TPPV-1 and TPPV-2 High Volume Pesticide Air Sampling Systems

16. Radioiodine Air Sampling Systems
TFRC Series Radioiodine Air Samplers

LVC Series Radioiodine Air Samplers

TEDA Carbon Cartridges for Radioiodine Air Sampling

17. Low Volume Air Sampers
LV-1/ LV-2 Series Low Volume Air Samplers

BS/ BSA Series Battery Powered Low Volume Air Samplers

EC-35, EC-35A Low Volume Air Samplers ( 3 - 39 lpm)

18. Area, Asbestos and Microbial Air Samplers
( for airborne asbestos, lead, nuisance dusts & microbes)

General Information and Typical Users

EC-1, EC-1A & EC-1-12V Econometric Air Samplers ( 3 - 25 lpm)

EC-45, EC-45A 5 port Econometric Air Samplers ( 3 - 39 lpm)

VM-3 & VM-4 Volumetric Air Samplers ( 3 - 16 lpm)

M-5 and M-30 Primary Electronic Air Flow Calibrators

RC-20, RC-50 Quick Check Calibrating Rotometers

PBF-1 & PBF-2 Primary Bubble Flowmeter Calibrators

MAS-1, MAS-2 and MAS-6 Microbial Air Samplers

Membrane Filters and Preloaded Filter Cassettes, 25-mm and 37-mm dia.

AV-100K Acetone Vaporizer Analysis Kit

19. Timers
DTM-1 & DTM-2 Digital 7 day Timers

MT-1 & MT-2 Mechanical Timers

ETI-1 & ETI-2 Elasped Time Indicators

DTM-4CDT Digital Countdown Timer

20. Personal Air Samplers
PST-2X & PST-2XA Personal Air Sampler ( 0.5 - 2.0 LPM) [ battery operation]

PST-5 and PST-6 Personal Air Samplers ( 0.5 - 2.0 LPM) [ battery or AC operation]

PST-5000 and PST-5000A Constant Flow Personal Air Samplers ( 50 ml - 5 LPM)

PST-1DT Detector Tube Air Sampler

21. Calibrators for Area, Asbestos and Personal Air Samplers

M-1, M-5 and M-30 Primary Electronic Air Flow Calibrators

RC-5 Quick Check Calibrating Rotometers

PBF-1 & PBF-2 Primary Bubble Flowmeter Calibrator

22. Membrane Filters and Pre-loaded Filter Cassettes, 25-mm and 37-mm dia.

23. AV-100K and AK-100A Acetone Vaporizer & Analysis Kit

Contact :
e-mail : karyamitrausaha@
Fax 0251-7543281
Fax : 0251-7539361
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