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Media Surveying : : : GPS Garmin - GPS Trimble - GPS Magellan - Digital Theodolite Nikon - Total Station Topcon - Auto Level - Automatic Level Sokkia - Kompas Suunto - Kompas Brunton - Distometer - Ber Test - Handy Talky Motorola
Media Surveying : : : GPS Garmin - GPS Trimble - GPS Magellan - Digital Theodolite Nikon - Total Station Topcon - Auto Level - Automatic Level Sokkia - Kompas Suunto - Kompas Brunton - Distometer - Ber Test - Handy Talky Motorola
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Centrifuge Extractor Test Set (BI-300A ), ASTM D-2172 / AASHTO T-164[18 Oct. 2009, 3:33:57]
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Negara AsalIndonesia
Centrifuge Extractor Test Set (BI-300A
), ASTM D-2172 / AASHTO T-164
For determining bitument content in hot mixed paving mixture and pavement sample
BI-305 Centrifuge Extractor ; Electric, 220 V-AC, variable speed DC motor up to 3600 rpm, alumunium housing, removable cover and bowl, 1500 gram capacity. : 1 Set
BI-303 Filter Paper ; Low ash filter paper : 1 Box
Also required,
but not part of this set :

BI-304 Solvent (CCL4)
GE-152 Triple Beam Balance
GE-174 Drying Oven
GE-363 Mixing Bowl
GE-403 Graduated Cylinder
GE-748 Leather Gloves

Dimension (l x w x h) : 60 x 40 x 60 cm
Gross Weight : 50 kg