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CV. Mitra Andalan Teknik
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CV. Mitra Andalan Teknik
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Moisture Analyzer Ohaus MB35[4 Nov. 2011, 22:12:21]
Jumlah Pesanan: Tambah ke Keranjang
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
Kemas & PengirimanUnit
Negara AsalAmerika Serikat
The MB35 features a maximum sample capacity of 35g, with a readability of 0.002g and
repeatability to 0.02% ( 10g sample) . The intuitive software establishes a simple user interface
with simple 3 key navigation for easy setup. The MB35 offers a straightforward one step
testing procedure. The LCD display shows % moisture, actual weight, actual temperature
and test time. The MB35 operating temperature range is 50º to 160º C in 5º increments.
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