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von & fuer LOBUGALA TEKNIK 0812 8648 9205; 0856 9128 2248; 0812 8711 8066; 0813 100 390 41 Distributor Alat Teknik dan Mesin Agro, Alat Teknik Medizine, CCTV, GPS, Alat Deteksi Gempa Bumi dan Tsunami, Alat Penangkal Petir, Robot, Peralatan Pesawat Terbang

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Tahun ke-14
von & fuer LOBUGALA TEKNIK 0812 8648 9205; 0856 9128 2248; 0812 8711 8066; 0813 100 390 41 Distributor Alat Teknik dan Mesin Agro, Alat Teknik Medizine, CCTV, GPS, Alat Deteksi Gempa Bumi dan Tsunami, Alat Penangkal Petir, Robot, Peralatan Pesawat Terbang
  • Katalog Produk

    EXTECH Sound Level Meter with PC Interface 407750

    Jumlah Pesanan:
    Cara Pembayaran:
    Transfer Bank (T/T)

    Keterangan :

    EXTECH Sound Level Meter with PC Interface 407750

    Meets ANSI & IEC 651 Type 2 standards
    Background noise absorber for machine noise measurements filters ambient noise
    30 to 130dB measurement range with ± 1.5dB accuracy
    Large display with backlighting and analog bargraph
    MIN/ MAX, Auto/ Manual Ranging
    Analog AC/ DC outputs for connection to a recorder
    RS-232 interface for capturing data directly on a PC
    Tripod mount ideal for field use
    For complete specs please download the product datasheet ( not available for some accessories)

    Digital Display : 3-1/ 2 digit ( 1999count) Autorange LCD
    Bargraph Display : 50dB display range ( 1dB resolution) ;
    Measurement Range : 30 to 130dB ( 31 to 130dB for " C" weighting)
    Resolution : 0.1dB
    Accurancy : ± 1.5dB @ 94dB for a 1kHz sine wave
    Microphone : Electret Condensor .24" ( 6mm dia.) type
    Frequency Weighting : " A" and " C" type
    Time Response : Slow/ Fast
    Sampling time : updates every 0.5 seconds
    Measurement frequency range : 31.5Hz to 8kHz
    Analog output : AC: 0.707Vrms ( full scale) ; DC: 10mVDC/ dB
    Applicable Standards : IEC 651 type 2, ANSI S1. 4 Type 2
    Power Supply : 9V battery, optional AC adaptor
    Dimensions : 10× 3.1× 1.5" ( 256× 80× 38mm)
    Weight : 85oz.( 240g)

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