Mangosteen[20 Nov. 2010, 2:06:52]
Bali Mangosteen Medium tree, to 30-60 feet ( 9-18 m) tall, with a straight trunk and a rounded, dense crown. The new bark is bright green and smooth, becoming dark brown and rough with age. All parts of the plant exude yellow latex when wounded. The thick leaves are opposite, elliptical and bright green, from 3-6 inches ( 8-15 cm) in length. The flowers are solitary or in pairs at the branch apex, 1-2 inches ( 2.5-5 cm) in diameter, with 4 pinkish white petals and 4 persistent sepals. The fruit is round, 2-3 inches ( 5-8 cm) in diameter, with a thick purple rind surrounding 4-8 fruit segments. The pulp is aromatic and has a delightful sweet sour taste. Usually only one enlarged segment has a viable seed, which is flattened and about 1/ 2 inch ( 1.3 cm) long.