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    rail scrap

    rail scrap

    222 - 270USD
    Jumlah Pesanan:
    Negara Asal:
    Cara Pembayaran:
    Transfer Bank (T/T)
    30000.00 tone
    Kemas & Pengiriman:
    I shall sell a rail scrap metal
    In quantity 30000,00 tone in a month 222-270 $
    Length from 1,5 meters up to 12 meters
    Oleg Nikolaewich
    We are NOT a trading company, broker, etc. WE ARE THE ACTUAL SELLERS. We own and operate 39 Scrap Metal yards (HMSI&II and RAIL), 6 Gold mines (South Africa), 6 Iron Ore mines (Brazil, Russia and Australia), our own Fleet of Vessels and our own Corporate Jet Fleet to insure safe and punctual deliveries. In addition, we have 18 Offices throughout the world with sales over USD$400 Billion Dollars.
    We provide different types of contract to accommodate the different needs of the buyers, all of our contracts are written under UCC, ICC, CIQ, IML, IBA, CIGS and USA laws and regulations, for everyone's protection and don't accept any revisions as it would violate those standards. We don't work with occasional spot offers; we have continuous supply from various sources, we are very reliable and as you will notice we have the best prices in the world.
    If you were interested with our offer inform us on E-MAIL we to you we shall send photos of metal waste products, cost in USD for ton of metal delivery at our expense in any seaport of China convenient for you
    We hope for fruitful cooperation

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