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Kasiraj Exports
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Kasiraj Exports
Kontak Perusahaan | ||
Nama: | Tn. S.Balamurugan [Pemilik/Pengusaha] | |
E-mail: | Kirim Pesan | |
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Alamat: | 37, Santhai road, Tuticorin 628002, tamilnadu India | |
Rata-rata Tinjauan Pemakai | Tidak ada ulasan untuk perusahaan ini - Menulis tinjauan | |
Tanggal Bergabung: | 24 May. 2023 | |
Terakhir Diperbarui: | 26 Feb. 2008 | |
Sifat Dasar Usaha: | Pabrikan, Dagang dari kategori Kesehatan & Kecantikan | |
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Dear sirs / Madamme, Our aim is Herbalisation we pride of doing it for past ten years . Availability of Medcinal herbs with us is like " Sanjivi Porvatha " ( Medicinal Mountain) we can supply various varities of medicinal herbs and crudedrugs. Our products have been proven safe and effective on clinical tests. Traditional and modern users of Medicinal herbs of U.S.A, Europe, Japan and Singapore are our buyers. Here you will find an alphabetical list of crudedrugs, spices and potpourries. You may choose your interested materials and place orders as per your demand. Fair price and best quality is our trade policy. We oblige customer' s order with prompt delivery. Please convey your interest by E-mail, fax or any communication to confirm our offer. Medicinal Crude Drugs Abrus practatorius seeds & leaves -Moringa ptergosperma leaves Achyranthus aspera seed -Myrica bark Aloe vera leaves -Neem leaves Andrographis paniculata herbs -Noni fruit Aristochia labiosa herb -Papaya leaves Ashwagandha root -Physillium husk Berberries bark & roots -Passiflora herbs Boswella serrata resin -Phylanthes niruri herbs Calamus root -Plumbago rosea root Calotropis gigantean leaves -Pongamia glabra seed Cassia fistula pods -Rhubarb root Cassia leaves -Ricinus communis leaves Centella asiatica -Sarasaparilla root Chotta gokhru -Senega root Curculigo orichoides roots -Senna leaves Cyperus rotundus roots -Senna pods Eclipta alba herbs -Sida cordifoila herbs Eucalyptusleaves -Stramonium leaves Euphorbia herbs -Terminalaia chebula block Evoluvullus alsinoides herbs -Tinosporia cordifola herbs Galega purpurea herbs -Trianthema decandra root Glorisa suberba tubers seeds & roots -Tulsi leaves Gymnema sylvestre leaves -Tyloporia indica leaves Lemongrass -Urginea indica Leucus aspera herbs -Viburnum bark Lobelia leaves -Vinca rosea leaves, roots Mollugo ceriviana - Vasaka leaves Momordica hispida pods -Winter green leaves Morinda citrifolia leaves & pods -Yellow dock root and all types of Crude drugs etc. All the materials are available in Tea â € “ cut size, powder form and extracts. Spices: Coriander seeds - Fennel seeds Cummin seeds - Fenugreek seeds Cellery seeds - Ginger Chillies - Pepper Dill seeds - Turmeric and all Spices available in powder form also Potpourries : Potpourries are available in the form of Fragranced and Non-fragranced. Rose, Chinnamon, Apple, Vannila, Peach, Strawberry, Cherry, Lavender, Manoranjan, Marikolandu, Kewda, Kuchikali, Mogra. Packing : According to your interest the materials can be packed Assuring you our sincere co-operation in all aspects. Awaiting your response and enquiries. Thanks & Regards, S.Jenofia For Kasiraj Exports 37, Santhai road, Tuticorin - 628002 Tamilnadu, India Tel : 91 - 461 - 2362384 Fax: 91 - 461 - 2362386 Web: E-mail : ttn_centella@ herbals@ | ||
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