Alat Laboratorium | Alat Testing | Test Instrument : 0251-7543316, karyamitrausaha@[8 Sep. 2011, 2:02:49]
Kami menjual alat sbbt :
1. OPTIKA - ITALY : Binocular Microscope, Trinocular Microscope, Digital Microscope, , Laboratory Polarising Microscopes, Up Right Metallurgical Microscope, Inverted Biology Microscope, Stereo Microscope, Inverted Metallurgical Microscope, Upright and Inverted Epi-Fluorescence Microscopes, Gemological Stereomicroscopes
2. HERMLE - GERMANY : Lab. Centrifuge, High Speed Centrifuge, Refrigerated Centrifuge, Microlitre Centrifuge, Universal High-Speed Centrifuge
3. LABOMED - USA : Spectrophotometer, UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, Double beam Spectrophotometer, UV-Vis Auto scanning Spectrophotometer
4. ALP - Japan : Laboratory Autoclave, Medical Autoclave
5. ELMA - Germany : Ultrasonic Cleaning Bath, Industrial Ultrasonic Cleaning System
6. ADAM EQUIPMENT - UK : Analytical Balance, Precision Balance, Moisture Analyzer, Compact Balance, Mechanical Balance, Bench Scale
7. NYX TECHNIK - USA : Vertical Electrophoresis, Horizontal Electrophoresys, Gel Documentation System, Power Supply, Thermal Cycler, UV Transilluminators
8. NABERTHERM - GERMANY : Muffle Furnace, Tube Furnace, High Temperature Furnace, Split Furnace
9. GFL - GERMANY : Water Still, Water Bath, Deep Freezer, Shaker, Steam bath, Tissue Float Bath, Hybridization Incubator, Tube Roller Incubator
10. HUMANLAB. - KOREA : Lab. Freezer, Seed Germinator, Oven, Incubator, Humidity and Temperature Chamber, Fume Hood, Laminar Air Flow, Biological Safety Cabinet, Growth Chamber, BOD Incubator, etc.
11. OMNI - USA : Homogenizer, Ultrasonic Homogenizer, Multi-sample Homogenizer
12. FUNGILAB - SPAIN : Viscometer, Rotational Viscometer, Flow Cup Viscometer, Falling Ball Viscometer
13. CONSORT - BELGIUM : pH, Conductivity, TDS, Dissolved Oxygen Meter
14. HUMAN CORP. - KOREA : Water Purification System
1. HISTOLINE - ITALY : Rotary Microtome, Automatic Microtome, Cryostat Microtome, Tissue Processor, Tissue Embending Center, Paraffin Dispensing Console
2. OPTIMA - JAPAN : Bilirubin Meter, Hemoglobin Meter, Visible Spectrophotometer, UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Orbital Shaker, Micro Centrifuge, Colorimeter, Electrophoresis, Gel Documentation
3. BIOSAN : Shaker, Rotator, Rocker, Thermo-Shaker, Shaker, Vortex, Mini Centrifuge, Dry block Thermostat, Water bath, Magnetic Stirrer, Over-head Stirrer, UV Cabinet for PCR, Densitometer, Fluorometer, Washer, Aspirator.
4. INTERSCIENCE - FRANCE : Bag Mixer Lab. Blender, Gravimetric Dilutor, Automatic Colony Counter, Accelerated Bacterial Enumeration.
5. EUROCLONE - ITALY : Microbiological Safety Cabinet, Laminar Air Flow, Cytotoxic Drugs Handling Cabinet, PCR Cabinet.
6. KALTIS - TAIWAN : Ultra low Temperature Freezer - 86 º C, Low Temperature Freezer -40 º C, Ultra Low Temperature Freezer - 156 º C
7. DIALAB - AUSTRIA : Micro plate Reader, Micro plate Washer
8. WS TYLER - USA : Rotap Sieve Shaker, Test Sieve Shaker
9. GROVERS : Dissolution Tester, Tap Density Tester, Disintegration Tester, Test Friability Tester
10. PP SYSTEM - USA : Portable Photosynthesis, Porometer, Leaf Cuvettes, Soil Canopy & Chamber, Chlorophyll Flourescence
11. HEROLAB - GERMANY : Centrifuge, Refrigerated Centrifuge, High Speed Centrifuge, Gel Documentation, Automatic Colony Counter, UV Products
12. FOOD TECHNOLOGY - USA : Food Texture Analyzer
13. LAB PLANT - UK : Lab Scale Spray Dryer
14. ALL-AMERICAN - USA : Portable Sterilizer
15. BIOTRON - KOREA : Lab. Scale Fermentor, Pilot Plant Fermentor
1. AURORA INSTRUMENTS - CANADA : Atomic Absorption Spectrometer ( AAS) , Atomic Fluorescence, Mercury Analyzer + Hydride Forming Analyzer, Microwave Digestion, Liquid Handling, UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
2. BRIMROSE - USA : NIR MIR Spectrometer, Benchtop NIR Analyzer, Handheld AOTFF-NIR Spectrometer
3. CECIL - UK : HPLC, Isocratic HPLC, Binary Gradient HPLC, Ion Chromatography, Spectrophotometer
4. ANGSTOM ADVANCED INC. - USA : Gas Chormatograph
6. SKY RAY : X-ray Fluorescence Spectometer
7. COLOR RITE - GERMANY : Color Spectrophotometer
8. AMEL ELECTROCHEMISTRY - ITALY : Trace Analyzer, Polarographic Analyzer
1. ORTON - USA : Dilatometer, Glass Dilatometer, Molten Glass Viscometer
2. COFOMEGRA - ITALY : Corrosion Box, Solar Box, Etching Machines
3. BETACOLOR - USA : Densitometer, Specto Densitometer
4. DOSER - GERMANY : Moisture Meter for Paper and Cardboard, Moisture for Wood and Building Material, Moisture Meter for Building Material.
5. DEFELSCO - USA : Coating Thickness Gauges, Inspection Instruments
6. DELMHORST - USA : Moisture Meter for Cotton, Flooring, Grain, Hay, Moe Inspector, Industrial & Mill Application, Kil-Mo-Trol In Klin Moisture Monitor, Leather, Paper, Restoration/ IAQ, Soil, Wood worker, etc.
7. IMV CORPORATION - JAPAN : Vibration Meter, Vibration Measuring Instruments, Seismic Monitoring System.
1. ENVIRONMENTAL DEVICES CORPORATION : Particulate Monitor, Airborne Particle Monitor, Portable Particulate Ambient Air Sampler, Particulate Air Monitor
2. KIMO - FRANCE : Anemometer, Lux Meter, Vane Anemometer, Air Quality Monitor, Infrared Thermometer, Thermometer Digital, Thermohygrometer Digital
3. MET ONE - USA : Hand Held Particle Counter, Bench top Particle Counter, Portable Ambient Particulate
4. HF INDUSTRY - USA : Hand held Turbidity Meter, Laboratory Turbidity Meter
5. IMR - USA : Combustion Gas Analyzer, Flue Gas Analyzer
6. E Instrument - USA : Combustion Gas Analyzer, Industrial Combustion Analyzer, Industrial Combustion & Emission Analyzer
7. CLEAN AIR EXPRESS - USA : Emission Sampling Equipment
8. ASSEMBLAD - ITALY : Automotive Gas Analyzer, Automotive Infrared Gas Analyzer, Smoke / Opacity Meter
9. SOLINST - CANADA : Water Level Meter, Water Interface Meter, Water TLC Meter, Water Tag Line Meter.
10. STAPLEX - USA : High Volume Air Sampler, Low Volume Air Sampler
11. WILKS ENTERPRISE - USA : TOG Oil and Grease Analyzer
12. PARTECH - UK : Portable Suspended Solid
13. WINDAUS - GERMANY : Portable Photometer
EDIBON – SPAIN : Physics, Electronics, Communications, Electricity, Energy, Systems & Automatics, Mechanics & Materials, Fluid Mechanics & Aerodynamics, Thermodynamics & Thermotechnics, Process Control, Chemical Engineering, Food & Water Technologies, Environment, etc.
ph meter
Conductivity meter
Salinity Meter
Turbidity Meter
DO Dissolved Oxygen Meter
Total Suspended Solid Meter'
ORP Meter
Laboratory Oven
Penangas Air
Magnetic Stirrer
Hot Plate Stirrer
Water Sampler
Dust Sampler
Sound Level Meter
Vibration Meter
Noise Dosimeter
Opacity Meter
Alat Uji Emissi
Pitot Tube
Weather Station
Water Level Indicator
Epavoration Pan
Rain Gauge
Penakar Hujan
Humidity Meter
Alat Laboratorium dapat menghubungi :
Telp 0251-7543316, Fax > 0251-7543281,
HP 081380327507,
email : karyamitrausaha@