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Senter Strum Model Stik 3 Ruas[7 Dec. 2011, 8:16:10]
HargaRp 1.000.000,- / pcs
Jumlah Pesanan: Tambah ke Keranjang
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai, Western Union
Kemas & Pengirimankardus/box
Negara AsalIndonesia
Senter Strum ini sangat unik dan banyak peminatnya karena bisa di panjangin ( 54cm) dan posisi pendek ( 32cm) , senter strum ini juga memiliki senter dan sirine ( suara yg sangat keras sehingga penjahat akan takut ) .

Supervoltage self-defensive flashlight stun gun TW-09
Main parameters:
1. Output pulse voltage: 2600KV
2. strong illumination
3. Size: spread 54CM
4. stun gun , LED flashlight and alarm
This self-defensive Stun gun has several special functions such as high voltage electric shock and strong illumination. It is an ideal self defense device for law enforcement, security guards and civilians due to their extended reach and power.
Self-defensive Stun gun is made of ABS engineering plastic and alloy metal with a high voltage generator and a built-in nickel-cadmium rechargeable battery. It has an advanced electric pulse technology.

Usage and attention:
1.Push upward the right switch second gear to shock
2.Push upward the right switch first gear to illuminate
3.The quantity of electric may be not adequate enough after accomplished, so please check first before using.
4.This product is equipped with a built-in rechargeable battery and a built-in charger. Connect the tie line with the electric power to charge.
5.The charge time should be 3- 5 hours, please pay attention to end the charging time. During charging-up it can` t be used.
6.Memory function and local action are specialized in rechargeable battery. After a long period of non-use, it should be checked and charged one more time before using.
7.The stun gun should not be stored in a humid environment and kept in super high/ low temperature. It shouldn` t be sunned or rained.
8.In order to prolong the life span of usage, please avoid using electric shock function continually for 5 seconds or more.
9.DO NOT shock metal objects
10.DO NOT shock children, children, persons with heart disease and any vital part on human body.
Paket terdiri dari :
- 1 unit adaptor ( untuk cas )
- 1 unit senter strum
- 1 unit sarung.