Nikon Total Station DTM 352
Total Station Nikon DTM 352
Advantages of new Nikon Total Station systems
- Ketelitian Sudut : 5 "
- Ketelitian Jarak : 1/ 5 -( 3mm+ 3ppmxD)
- Pembesaran Lensa : 33x
- Ketelitian sudut : 1/ 5 "
- Internal Memory : 10.000 Points
- Display : 2 Muka
- Jarak ukur 1 Prisma : 2.300 M
- Jarak ukur 3 Prisma : 3.000 M
In addition to the enhancement of functions inherited from their predecessors— the Nikon Total Station DTM-350 and Total Station Nikon DTM-330— the new models feature a large graphic LCD, ergonomic keyboard and improved software for superior operability.
Total Station NI ikon, Production represents a full set of the traditional surveying tools, new GPS receivers and software. The approach based on the full integration of the satellite and traditional equipment, will allow ordinary consumers to increase considerably productivity due to the improved user qualities, full hardware and program compatibility inside the new Total Station Nikon complex systems.
Advantages of new Nikon Total Station systems: high efficiency, simplicity and convenience in operation, low power consumption, small weight and sizes, an opportunity of use on a tripod, in a backpack, and on the car, a boat and other mobile objects. Basic innovations of the modern Nikon Total Station - GPS receiver providing high speed of supervision, the best capture of a signal of the satellite, higher accuracy in adverse conditions and low power consumption in comparison with already existing GPS receivers.
Total Station Nikon, superb optics as well as powerful and practical on-board survey programs. And all features are housed in a light and compact design.Company and product names listed in this website are their individual registered trademarks. Nikon Total station color of photographs appearing in this web site may differ from that of actual products. Specifications and equipment are subject to change without any notice or obligation on the part of the manufacturer.
1x Allumunium Tripod for main unit
1x Data Transfer Cable
1x Transit Software
1x manual Book
1x Tools
1x Single Prism Set ( untuk poligon)
terdiri dari :
1 x Single Prism Target w/ case
1 x Alluminium tripod
1x Pole prism set ( untuk pengukuran detil)
terdiri dari :
1 x Ranging pole 2 meter
1 x Single prism holder with target plate
1 x Circular level for pole
Information & Order :
Dealer online GPS and ALAT SURVEY
Graha cempaka mas block E2 lantai 26 no 5 cempaka putih jak-pus
Contact : Okdis Tians
Hp : 0812-72226262 / 0858-41221100
Telp : 021-44587685
Fax : 021-42879252
YM : tanjungbonemandiri@