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Tanggal Bergabung:24 May. 2023
Terakhir Diperbarui:13 Feb. 2012
Sifat Dasar Usaha:Dagang, Jasa dari kategori Makanan & Minuman

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poultry, ready supply of duck meat, duck & dod nurseries ready virgin egg production, and raw duck egg

al pest control, and sometimes excessive doses, cases of poisoning of ducks often cause social conflict. Maintenance of duck is traditionally more of a risk.
Looking at this picture, changing the habitual way of maintenance of the traditional way in the direction of intensive care is necessary, because like anywhere else in the future to maintain the traditional maintenance can not be expected. This is due first, duck rice field food or habitat increasingly scarce due to drug use pesticides; second, productivity levels have traditionally raised ducks, the less economic value, only between 10-41% bekisar or an average of 22.5% ( approximately 80 eggs a year) . This requires the scientist to introduce new methods of managing duck. Of course maintenance techniques are confined to prosecute a variety of disciplines iilmu and technology needs to be applied by farmers. But actually these demands are not detrimental to farmers, instead will give good results.
Nutritional guidelines for the raw feed ducks in Indonesia until now did not exist, but the farmers themselves who mixes a try. The farmers usually prepare fodder Itiknya guided by the formula from abroad, adjusted for feed ingredients in Indonesia.
Good condition for livestock feed ducks are as follows:
A. Ration composed of ingredients that contain complete nutrient such as protein, fat, crude fiber, vitamins and minerals. Craft of some kind of food, the more variety the better, especially from animal sources of protein.
2. Any food finely ground, then compacted granular tau in pill form, so that the ducks do not eat a lot of runoff. Materials commonly used to feed the ducks are: bran, corn, soybean meal, coconut cake, lamtoro, fish, snails, mussels, kitchen waste, bone meal, head / shrimp and others.
3. The number of delivery and protein levels in adapted to the age of growth and egg production.
4. Place the food should be avoided not to polluted fungi or bacteria. So it should always be clean and dry.
5. Adjust the amount of food and beverage by the number of ducks, not to be jostled each other at mealtimes.
Ration formula ducklings are eligible:
Grits ( 25% ) + fine bran ( 40% ) + Cassava ( 5% ) + Fish Meal ( 20% ) + coconut cake ( 5% ) + 5% soybean cake, mix with a bottle cap 2 and a little water Biotama , then they will give to the ducks. If the age of 1 week of duck food needs: 15 g / head / day, the age of 2 weeks of 30 g / head / day, the age of 3 weeks of 40 g / head / day, the age of 4 weeks of the needs of organic foods as much as 60 g / head / day.
The size of the cage to measure the density of 1 x 1 meter can accommodate:
Ducklings: 10-20 tail
Key to the success of duck production business located on the implementation of governance programs of maintenance of duck until the age of 22 weeks. Nutritional mistakes during growth could lead to duck too late to reach sexual maturity so that ducks can not produce the expected life.
In an intensive effort duck, there are three principal evaluation that has contributed to the success of which:
A. Seedlings duck; economic characteristics in the success of the venture is 20% .
2. Duck food; in the business have contributed to the success of 30% .
3. Administration of maintenance, including cages, how to care and skill, the greatest role that is 50% .
Child Maintenance Ducks
Before it is placed after the ducklings hatch, which is a circle made of plywood, must be done prior preparation, such as spraying the cage to clean using Biotama 3 ( 2-3 caps Biotama 3 dissolved in 1 liter of water) . Setting a heating lamp in the plywood circle to duck child health is assured.
To avoid the winds that come in, given the duckling feathers are soft and can not stand the cold, keep the cage walls covered with a plastic curtain. Seelah 4 days, plastic curtains can be opened at noon, and night closed pda. At the age of 4 weeks of all the plastic curtains can be removable because ducklings have fur that is thick, but if there is any heavy rain or strong winds, plastic curtains are still required. Parent made by heating oil or electric light bulbs is needed until the age of 3 weeks. At the age of over 4 weeks of light use it only as a torch.
A good heater temperature is as follows:
- Sunday I: 32 Â ° C
- Week II: 27 Â ° C
- Week III: 21 Â ° C
To see the temperature ( heat) is good for ducklings can be seen from the spread of ducklings under a heater in a circle of plywood ( pelingkar) .
The new ducklings purchased from Poulty Shop or from a place far enough, once incorporated in pelingkar was not in a hurry to be fed. However, given refreshments in advance, such as milk or sugar water. This is to avoid the " stress " because of displacement. After approximately 1 hour, ducks were fed little by little and often so as not to waste food and ransacked. After 1 week of the first, give fresh water mixed with " natural antibiotic " is Biotama 5, turmeric and tamarind. 1 plus 1 cm segment of turmeric tamarind pieces ( puree) adding 1 -2 Biotama 5 bottle caps and water to 1000 ml. Enter in a large bottle of mineral water, cover tightly and shake shake. Refreshments can be called " cattle herb " . Give this drink once a week. This is to stimulate the appetite and growth of a uniform, also to avoid diseases terhdap sensitivity during maintenance



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