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 Katalog Produk:Lemari Narkotik ( narcotic cabinet)  Katalog Produk:Tensocrepe  Katalog Produk:Ambu Perfit ACE  Katalog Produk:Pot Sally 12.5 gram  Katalog Produk:Pot Shanti 15 gram  Katalog Produk:Pot Rany 15 gram  Katalog Produk:Pot Amelia 12.5 gram  Katalog Produk:Kursi tunggu pasien ( waiting chair patient)  Katalog Produk:Autoclave All American  Katalog Produk:Doppler Bi Dop ES 100V III  Katalog Produk:Fetal Doppler Echo Sounder ES 101EX  Katalog Produk:Vascular Doppler Mini Dop ES 100VX  Katalog Produk:Fetal Doppler Bidop ES 100V III   2Mhz  Katalog Produk:Fetal Doppler Mini Dop ES100V II   2M  Katalog Produk:Kursi Roda SM 8024 Galaxis Declined Commode Wheelchair  Katalog Produk:Kursi Roda SM 8023 Galaxis Adjustable Commode Wheelchair  Katalog Produk:Kursi Roda SM 8006 Econ Wheelchair  Katalog Produk:Kursi Roda SM 8004 Innova Wheelchair  Katalog Produk:Kursi Roda SM 8003 Excel Wheelchair  Katalog Produk:Kursi Roda SM 8022 Shima Declined Commode Wheelchair  Katalog Produk:Kursi Roda SM 8013 Children Declined Wheelchair  Katalog Produk:Kursi Roda SM 8012 Shima Declined Wheelchair  Katalog Produk:Kursi Roda SM 8007 Children Wheelchair  Katalog Produk:Kursi Roda SM 8002 Galaxis Wheelchair  Katalog Produk:Kursi Roda SM 8001 Shima Wheelchair  Katalog Produk:One Touch UltraMini  Katalog Produk:Kotak P3K ( first aid box)  Katalog Produk:HOSPITAL LINEN  Katalog Produk:Dropper Amber Glass Bottles  Katalog Produk:Botol airless Anya 15 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol airless Anya 30 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol airless Amira 100 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol airless Amira 80 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol airless Anjani 35 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol airless Raya 15 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol airless Anora 20 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol airless Adel 30 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol airless Grimsa 40 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol airless Atifa 30 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol airless Sari 15 ml  Katalog Produk:Gluco Dr Strip  Katalog Produk:Pot Cream Acrilic ( SHAFA)  Katalog Produk:Pot Cream Acrilic ( SEKAR)  Katalog Produk:Pot Cream Acrilic ( MAWAR)  Katalog Produk:Pot Cream Acrilic ( OVALE)  Katalog Produk:Pot Cream Acrilic ( NIRMALA)  Katalog Produk:Pot Cream Acrilic ( HONEY)  Katalog Produk:Pot Cream Acrilic ( LAURA)  Katalog Produk:Pot Cream Acrilic ( JASMIN)  Katalog Produk:DOCTOR\' S FRIEND DF 506A Portable Suction Unit  Katalog Produk:Botol Waginem 60 ml & 100 ml Spray  Katalog Produk:Botol Ayu 100 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Novi 60 ml  Katalog Produk:Electric Cautery DR Morton MC 888  Katalog Produk:EASY TOUCH 3 in 1  Katalog Produk:Tabung Oksigen Portabel  Katalog Produk:Reagen Hach  Katalog Produk:Kertas Saring Whatman  Katalog Produk:ThermoRed  Katalog Produk:Fetal Doppler BF 600+  Katalog Produk:Indian Ear Candle  Katalog Produk:CELANA SUNAT / KHITAN  Katalog Produk:Fortelux N ( Diagnostic Penlights)  Katalog Produk:STAT Site M Hgb ( alat pengukur haemoglobin)  Katalog Produk:Table Top Centrifuge  Katalog Produk:Lampu Philips HP 3616  Katalog Produk:Burnion MMU 300 ( mesin penghancur jarum)  Katalog Produk:Lampu Infra merah ( lampu kesehatan)  Katalog Produk:Ultrasound Transmission Gel ( Jelly USG)  Katalog Produk:Mid & Thight Compression Stocking ( stoking untuk varises)  Katalog Produk:Pot Gendhis 20 gram  Katalog Produk:Pot Marpuah 80 gram  Katalog Produk:Pot Lulur Sudarmi 100 gram  Katalog Produk:Pot Lulur Murtini 250 gram  Katalog Produk:Pot Sunarti 10 gram, 30 gram, 60 gram  Katalog Produk:Icepack ( Cool Pack)  Katalog Produk:Wrist ( Thumb) Support catalog 1084  Katalog Produk:Wrist Wrap catalog 1181  Katalog Produk:Alat Bekam  Katalog Produk:Spiral Knee Stabilizer ( catalog 2032)  Katalog Produk:Excel Knee Brace  Katalog Produk:Multi orthosis Knee Brace ( catalog 1036)  Katalog Produk:Knee Immobilizer  Katalog Produk:Knee Stabilizer  Katalog Produk:Botol Deswita 50 ml & 90 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Waginem 60 ml, 100 ml & 260 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Juminah 50 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Rokayah 100 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Sumiati 30 ml  Katalog Produk:Ice Gel  Katalog Produk:Alat NESCO 3 in 1 ( Glukosa, asam urat, cholesterol)  Katalog Produk:Kursi Roda ( Wheelchair)  Katalog Produk:Gelas Laboratorium  Katalog Produk:Mesh Abdominal Binder  Katalog Produk:Sacro Lumbar Support  Katalog Produk:Sacro Lumbar Support  Katalog Produk:Ankle Support ( Untuk pergelangan kaki)  Katalog Produk:Wrist/ Thumb Support  Katalog Produk:Wrist Wrap  Katalog Produk:Tennis Elbow Brace  Katalog Produk:Hip Stabilizer ( korset untuk menstabilkan tulang panggul)  Katalog Produk:Knee Guardian Post  Op  Katalog Produk:Knee Guardian S  Katalog Produk:Knee Guardian L  Katalog Produk:Maternity Belt ( sabuk korset untuk ibu hamil)  Katalog Produk:Maternity back support ( korset penyangga untuk Ibu hamil)  Katalog Produk:ARM Sling ( gendongan lengan)  Katalog Produk:Shoulder Support  Katalog Produk:Hernia Truss with removable pad ( alat bantu hernia)  Katalog Produk:Hernia Truss Single sided ( alat bantu hernia)  Katalog Produk:Posture Aid/ Clavicle Brace ( alat bantu untuk memperbaiki posture tubuh)  Katalog Produk:Spinal Brace ( posture support)  Katalog Produk:Cervical Collar ( with medium density)  Katalog Produk:Cervical Collar ( Alat penyangga leher)  Katalog Produk:Collar with Trachea Opening  Katalog Produk:Rigid Splint Cervical Collar ( alat bantu penopang leher)  Katalog Produk:Lumbar Support ( with flexibel stays)  Katalog Produk:Sacro Lumbar Support With Silicone Pad  Katalog Produk:Sacro Lumbar Support With Silicone Pad  Katalog Produk:Reinforced Patella strap ( Penguat Sendi Lutut)  Katalog Produk:Hip Protector ( pelindung tulang panggul)  Katalog Produk:Pampers Dr P  Katalog Produk:Alat Penghancur Jarum Suntik  Katalog Produk:Media Diagnostic system & Advance bioprocessing  Katalog Produk:Pot Chelsea 10 gr dan 20 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Diana 5 gr ( acrylic)  Katalog Produk:Reagent, Media Mikrobiologi dan Chromatography  Katalog Produk:Reagent, Media Mikrobiologi dan Chromatography  Katalog Produk:Reagent, Media Mikrobiologi dan Chromatography  Katalog Produk:Bahan Chromatography  Katalog Produk:Timbangan Bayi Digital BD 585  Katalog Produk:Timbangan Bayi Digital BD 590  Katalog Produk:Lampu Kesehatan ( medical lamp)  Katalog Produk:Philips Black Light Blue  Katalog Produk:Philips Actinic TLK 40 W/ 10 R ( Lampu Serangga)  Katalog Produk:Hand Centrifuges Hettich1025  Katalog Produk:Manset Sphygmomanometer Riester  Katalog Produk:Pot Acrylic Saskia 15 gr dan 25 gr  Katalog Produk:Botol Clara 60 ml  Katalog Produk:ThermoFlash LX 26  Katalog Produk:Pot Lulur Dara III ( 100 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Virda 25 gr  Katalog Produk:Jas Laboratorium  Katalog Produk:Jas dokter  Katalog Produk:Jas Laboratorium  Katalog Produk:Pot Sterile  Katalog Produk:Schott Duran Glassware  Katalog Produk:Jas operasi  Katalog Produk:Tabung Oksigen  Katalog Produk:Oksigen Troli  Katalog Produk:Strip BeneCheck Plus  Katalog Produk:REAGENT  Katalog Produk:Pot Pyramid  Katalog Produk:Pot Sarah 12, 5 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Celine 8 gr  Katalog Produk:Timbangan Bayi Tanita 1380  Katalog Produk:EXAGO   USG Portable  Katalog Produk:Botol Reagen  Katalog Produk:Strip Cholesterol Nesco  Katalog Produk:Strip Asam Urat Nesco  Katalog Produk:Strip Glucose Nesco  Katalog Produk:Burnion Incinerator  Katalog Produk:Pot lulur Vina 250 gr  Katalog Produk:Kertas saring Sartorius  Katalog Produk:Kebutuhan laboratorium klinik  Katalog Produk:Timbangan Kern 440  Katalog Produk:Timbangan Kern PLE N  Katalog Produk:Timbangan Kern KB  Katalog Produk:Timbangan Kern EMB  Katalog Produk:Timbangan Kern CMC/ CMGN  Katalog Produk:Timbangan Kern CM TEB  Katalog Produk:Timbangan Kern TEE 150 1  Katalog Produk:Pot Maureen 12, 5 gr  Katalog Produk:Botol Ajeng III 180 ml  Katalog Produk:Pot Cream dan Botol Kosmetik  Katalog Produk:Botol Dian 60 ml  Katalog Produk:Pot Nelly 17 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Bedak Tabur Nikita 20 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Bedak Tabur Nikita 30 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Jessica 30 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Nelly 10 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Cathy 12.5 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Elga 25 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Stella 8 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Elga 30 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Denissa 12.5gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Nancy 30 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Yossy 17 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Deassy 8 gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Elga 5gr  Katalog Produk:Pot Deassy 5gr  Katalog Produk:Botol Pritta 10 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Steffie100 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Steffie 30ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Salwa 60ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Rania 100 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Rania 60 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Dian 200 ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Nerry 100ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Nadia 60 ml  Katalog Produk:BOTOL NADIA 100ml  Katalog Produk:Botol Pritta 30ml  Katalog Produk:Urine & Faeces Container  Katalog Produk:AppleNeb ( Nebulizer for Children)  Katalog Produk:PenguinNeb ( Nebulizer fot Children)  Katalog Produk:MiniNeb Nebulizer  Katalog Produk:EcoNeb Nebulizer  Katalog Produk:MobiNeb Nebulizer  Katalog Produk:Bidan Kit/ Partus Set  Katalog Produk:Culture Media Microbiology  Katalog Produk:Lamp for alcohol  Katalog Produk:Clamp for stand ( stainless Steel)  Katalog Produk:Clamp for stand  Katalog Produk:Gauze  Katalog Produk:Needle  Katalog Produk:Spatula with double spoon  Katalog Produk:Spatula Besar  Katalog Produk:Spatula kecil  Katalog Produk:Forcep for Splinter  Katalog Produk:Forcep for Microscopy  Katalog Produk:Anatomic Forcep  Katalog Produk:Tripod Stand  Katalog Produk:Penjepit Flasks  Katalog Produk:Penjepit beaker  Katalog Produk:Tongs ( penjepit) Crucible  Katalog Produk:Bunsen Burner  Katalog Produk:Electric Burner  Katalog Produk:Bilirubin Meter BR 400  Katalog Produk:Alat peraga pendidikan kedokteran  Katalog Produk:Refractometer BR 1E  Katalog Produk:Refractometer Atago ATC 2E  Katalog Produk:Refractometer Atago ATC 1E  Katalog Produk:Refractometer Atago PAL 3  Katalog Produk:Refractometer Atago PAL 2  Katalog Produk:Refractometer Atago PAL 1  Katalog Produk:Suction Pump Constant 1400  Katalog Produk:Minic DC Portable Suction Pump  Katalog Produk:Minic S Portable Suction Pump  Katalog Produk:3 Ways suction unit KS 700  Katalog Produk:Suction Pump TAF DREAM KS 1002  Katalog Produk:Suction Pump Doctor` s Friend DF 702  Katalog Produk:Suction Pump Doctor` s Friend DF 650  Katalog Produk:Suction Pump Doctor` s Friend DF 760  Katalog Produk:Suction Pump Doctor` s Friend DF 760A  Katalog Produk:SMEF DYX1A Suction Pump  Katalog Produk:THOMAS SUCTION PUMP 1632GL  Katalog Produk:Porselin Laboratorium  Katalog Produk:Plastik Laboratorium  Katalog Produk:Ambulance Type DELUXE  Katalog Produk:Ambulance Type ECONO  Katalog Produk:Ambulance Type Standard  Katalog Produk:Fetal Doppler BF 500B  Katalog Produk:Fetal Doppler BF 600+  Katalog Produk:OGSY   Cylinder Filling Plant  Katalog Produk:PAM   101   Patient Monitor  Katalog Produk:Penghancur Jarum Suntik  Katalog Produk:ABN Classic Bowles Stetoskop  Katalog Produk:ABN Classic Pediatric  Katalog Produk:ABN Classic Infant Stetoskop  Katalog Produk:ABN Sparague Rappaport  Katalog Produk:ABN Spectrum Stetoskop  Katalog Produk:ABN Fetal Stetoskop  Katalog Produk:ABN Training Stetoskop  Katalog Produk:ABN Majestic Stetoskop  Katalog Produk:ABN Classic Stetoskop  Katalog Produk:SMIC 42 cm Sterilizer  Katalog Produk:ABN Cardiology Stetoskop  Katalog Produk:Sterilizer SMIC  Katalog Produk:Sphygmomanometer AND   UM   101  Katalog Produk:Reliefthera Jok Kesehatan  Katalog Produk:AND Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor  Katalog Produk:ECM   Imagyne   USG  Katalog Produk:Ranjang Pasien 3 Engkol  Katalog Produk:Ranjang Pasien 2 Engkol  Katalog Produk:Ranjang Pasien 1 Engkol  Katalog Produk:Ranjang pasien tanpa engkol  Katalog Produk:Ranjang pasien sederhana  Katalog Produk:Verlos Bed  Katalog Produk:Brancart Komplit  Katalog Produk:Brancart Multipurpose  Katalog Produk:Gynaecolog Chair  Katalog Produk:Tempat tidur anak  Katalog Produk:Meja Periksa  Katalog Produk:Meja Periksa stainless  Katalog Produk:Standard Cassete  Katalog Produk:Lampu Alphabet  Katalog Produk:Lampu Baca Rontgen  Katalog Produk:UV Sterilizer  Katalog Produk:Tabir Ultra violet  Katalog Produk:Tiang Infus  Katalog Produk:Stand Waskom  Katalog Produk:Foot Step  Katalog Produk:Matrass  Katalog Produk:Bed Screen  Katalog Produk:Digital Incubator  Katalog Produk:Standard Incubator  Katalog Produk:Baby Cot  Katalog Produk:Baby Tafel  Katalog Produk:Lemari Instrument  Katalog Produk:Lemari Obat  Katalog Produk:Bed Side Cabinet  Katalog Produk:Trolley Obat  Katalog Produk:Emergency Trolley  Katalog Produk:Instrument Trolley  Katalog Produk:Spectrophotometer Hach DR5000  Katalog Produk:Spectrophotometer Hach DR3800  Katalog Produk:Hagamed Medical Equipment  Katalog Produk:Mikro 120 Hettich Centrifuge  Katalog Produk:Haematokrit 210 Hettich centrifuge  Katalog Produk:Centrifuge Hettich EBA21  Katalog Produk:Centrifuge Hettich EBA20  Katalog Produk:Hand Centrifuges Hettich1014  Katalog Produk:Kertas USG/ USG Paper  Katalog Produk:Hibis Pembalut Herbal  Katalog Produk:Centrifuge HC 1120 T  Katalog Produk:Centrifuge 80 2  Katalog Produk:Centrifuge 80 1  Katalog Produk:Vacuum Tubes  Katalog Produk:Peraga Alat dan Obat Kontrasepsi  Katalog Produk:Alat Peraga Sistem Reproduksi Wanita  Katalog Produk:Lampu Philips Blue Light/ 52  Katalog Produk:Lampu Philips TL UV 15/ 30/ 36  Katalog Produk:Lampu Philips Infrared 250/ 375  Katalog Produk:Lampu Philips Fibre Optics 13163  Katalog Produk:Lampu Philips Fibre Optics 13165  Katalog Produk:Riester Sinuscope  Katalog Produk:Riester Otoscope  Katalog Produk:Riester Tele Laryngo Pharyngoscope  Katalog Produk:Riester Naso Pharingoscope  Katalog Produk:Riester Aneroid Exacta  Katalog Produk:Riester Sphygmotensiophon  Katalog Produk:Riester ri san Aneroid  Katalog Produk:Riester Precisa N  Katalog Produk:Riester Aneroid Minimus II  Katalog Produk:Riester Aneroid R1 shock proof  Katalog Produk:Riester ri mini/ pen scope  Katalog Produk:Riester Global deluxe wall model  Katalog Produk:Riester Empire Sphygmomanometer N Anesthesia model  Katalog Produk:Riester Empire Sphygmomanometer desk model  Katalog Produk:Riester Empire Sphygmomanometer wall model  Katalog Produk:Riester Empire Sphygmomanometer stand model  Katalog Produk:Riester Nova Presameter wall model  Katalog Produk:Riester Nova Presamater stand model  Katalog Produk:Riester Nova Presameter desk model  Katalog Produk:Riester Diplomat Presamater desk model  Katalog Produk:Duplex de luxe baby Stethoscopes Riester  Katalog Produk:Riester De luxe Neonatal  Katalog Produk:Duplex de luxe Stethoscopes Riester  Katalog Produk:Riester Cardiophon  Katalog Produk:Stetoscope  Katalog Produk:glass ware  Katalog Produk:Mortuary Cabinet ST 2 STA  Katalog Produk:Mortuary Cabinet ST 3 STA  Katalog Produk:Freezer Box DC 40 Y  Katalog Produk:Cooler Box XC 40 G  Katalog Produk:Bloodbank Refrigerator  Katalog Produk:Extra Low Temperature  Katalog Produk:Low Temperature Chest Freezer  Katalog Produk:Low Temp Cabinet  Katalog Produk:MONO   Anti Dengue Tri Line Device Test  Katalog Produk:MONO   Duo Rapid Test Malaria Card & Strip  Katalog Produk:MONO Rapid Test HCG Pregnancy Device & Strip test  Katalog Produk:MONO Rapid Test Malaria ( P.F/ P.V) Device Test  Katalog Produk:MONO Rapid Test   Anti HIV  Katalog Produk:MONO Rapid Test   Anti HCV  Katalog Produk:Hach DR2800  Katalog Produk:Blender Obat  Katalog Produk:Panbio Dengue Duo Cassette  Katalog Produk:Hagamed Mask  Katalog Produk:Philips Infrared  Katalog Produk:Bantal Silicon  Katalog Produk:Selimut Polar  Katalog Produk:Regular Pack  Katalog Produk:Premium Paket  Katalog Produk:Linen Ruang Operasi  Katalog Produk:Jas Operasi  Katalog Produk:Sprei Flat  Katalog Produk:Baju Celana OK  Katalog Produk:Kimono Rumah Sakit  Katalog Produk:BLENDER OBAT  Katalog Produk:NURSING BED CB 003  Katalog Produk:NURSING BED CB 3003DX ( 3 Cranks)  Katalog Produk:NURSING BED CB 3012DX ( 2 Cranks)  Katalog Produk:NURSING BED CB 135DX ( 1Crank)  Katalog Produk:SENSITIF Strip  Katalog Produk:FLASHCUTTER  Katalog Produk:BOTOL AJENG I 100ml  Katalog Produk:BOTOL AJENG II 100 ml  Katalog Produk:REAGENT MERCK  Katalog Produk:Pot lulur dara II  Katalog Produk:Pot lulur dara I  Katalog Produk:URINE ANALYZER H 50  Katalog Produk:URINE ANALYZER   RD 120 G  Katalog Produk:ELECTROLYTE ANALYZER   RD LYTE  Katalog Produk:COAGULOMETER   RD COAG  Katalog Produk:PRIME EVOLUTION Semi Automatic Analyzer for Clinical Chemistry and Immunoturbidimetry  Katalog Produk:FULL AUTOMATIC HEMATOLOGY ANALYZER RD 7021  Katalog Produk:FULL AUTOMATIC HEMATOLOGY ANALYZER TEK II MINI  Katalog Produk:ELISA ANALYZER  RD WASHER  Katalog Produk:ELISA ANALYZER  RD READER  Katalog Produk:ELISA FULL AUTO ANALYZER   BRIO2  Katalog Produk:ELISA ANALYZER ELISA MICROPLETE READER AND WASHER  Katalog Produk:AUTO BIOCHEMISTRY RD 140  Katalog Produk:AUTO BIOCHEMISTRY ANALYZER  KEYLAB  Katalog Produk:AUTO BIOCHEMISTRY ANALYZER  GLOBAL  Katalog Produk:AUTO BIOCHEMISTRY RD 240  Katalog Produk:BLUE CROSS 3WAY 1500 SUCTION UNIT  Katalog Produk:SEMI BIOCHEMISTRY ANALYZER/ PHOTOMETER   SLIM  Katalog Produk:SEMI BIOCHEMISTRY ANALYZER/ PHOTOMETER RD 60  Katalog Produk:AMBU UNI SUCTION PUMP  Katalog Produk:PTS CARDIOCHECK ALAT TEST DARAH Multivariabel  Katalog Produk:ROCHE ACCU TREN GCT PACKAGE Alat Test Multivariabel  Katalog Produk:UASURE   TEST ASAM URAT  Katalog Produk:DOCTOR\' S FRIENDS DF 750 Portable Suction Unit  Katalog Produk:GLUCO Dr BIOSENSOR Alat Test Gula Darah  Katalog Produk:BENECHECK PLUS   GLUCOSE, URIC ACID & Cholesterol  Katalog Produk:PTS CARDIOCHECK PA ALAT TEST DARAH Darah Multivariabel  Katalog Produk:GEA ANEROID SPHYGMOMANOMETER  Katalog Produk:SPIRIT CK 101C SPHYGMOMANOMETER  Katalog Produk:RIESTER RI SAN ANEROID SPHYGMOMANOMETER  Katalog Produk:ABN REGENCY MERCURIALSPHYGMOMANOMETER  Katalog Produk:BISTOS HI BEBE BT 200  Katalog Produk:RIESTER NOVA PRESAMETER 1030  Katalog Produk:BESTMAN BF 500+  Katalog Produk:BESTMAN BF 500+ +  Katalog Produk:BESTMAN BF 500  Katalog Produk:OMRON T9 P  Katalog Produk:OMRON IA 1  Katalog Produk:OMRON MC 510  Katalog Produk:OMRON MC 270  Katalog Produk:OMRON MC 240  Katalog Produk:OMRON NEC 29  Katalog Produk:OMRON SEM 1  Katalog Produk:NEBULIZER NEC 28 

Katalog Produk

Reagent, Media Mikrobiologi dan Chromatography
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1.24541.0001 Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate disodium salt for biochemistry NADP-NA2
1.24542.0001 Nicotineamide adenine dinucleotide free acid for biochemistry NAD
1.24542.0005 Nicotineamide adenine dinucleotide free acid for biochemistry NAD
1.24542.0025 Nicotineamide adenine dinucleotide free acid for biochemistry NAD
8.18714.0100 NicotiNic acid for synthesis
1.15924.0025 Nigrosine ( C.I. 50420) water-soluble for microscopy certistain®
1.19792.0100 Nikel
1.19792.0500 Nikel
1.70336.0100 Nikel ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
1.15946.0025 Nile blue ( hydrogen sulfate) ( C.I. 51180) for microscopy certistain®
1.06762.0010 Ninhydrin GR
1.06762.0100 Ninhydrin GR
1.06762.1000 Ninhydrin GR
1.06705.0100 Ninhydrin Spray Solution for thin-layer chromatography
1.06705.0100 Ninhydrin Spray Solution for Thin-Layer Chromatography
1.70337.0100 Niobium ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
1.09713.0001 Nitrate
1.09713.0002 Nitrate
1.10020.0001 Nitrate
1.16995 .0001 Nitrate
1.17961.0001 Nitrate
1.14773.0001 Nitrate ( also rf 114771)
1.11169.0001 Nitrate ( blister pack)
1.11170.0001 Nitrate ( blister pack)
Nitrate Broth ( dihapus, tanpa alternatif )
1.00614.0001 Nitrate Cell Test
1.14542.0001 Nitrate Cell Test
1.14563.0001 Nitrate Cell Test
1.14764.0001 Nitrate Cell Test
1.14556.0001 Nitrate Cell Test in seawater
1.14942.0001 Nitrate in seawater
1.18387.0001 Nitrate Test
1.01518.0250 Nitric acid 60% ultrapur * 1
1.01518.0500 Nitric acid 60% ultrapur * 1
1.00452.2500 Nitric acid 65% ( max. 0.0000005% hg) GR
1.00456.1000 Nitric acid 65% GR
1.00456.2500 Nitric acid 65% GR
1.00441.1000 Nitric acid 65% suprapur
1.00455.1000 Nitric acid fuming 100% GR
1.09964.0001 Nitric acid titrisol 0.1 n
1.09966.0001 Nitric acid titrisol 1 n
1.08025.0001 Nitrite
1.10007.0001 Nitrite
1.10022.0001 Nitrite
1.10057.000 1 Nitrite
1.14408.0001 Nitrite
1.14424.0001 Nitrite
1.14658.0001 Nitrite
1.1 4774.0001 Nitrite
1.14776.0001 Nitrite
1.14776.0002 Nitrite
1.16732.0001 Nit rite
1.16973.0001 Nitrite
1.17941.0001 Nitrite
1.18463.0002 Nitrite ( rf 114774, 114424, 114408)
1.00609.0001 Nitrite Cell Test
1.14547.0001 Nitrite Cell Test
1.09866.0001 Nitrite standard 1000 mg NO2- titrisol
1.19899.0500 Nitrite standard solution, certipur®
1.24823.0500 Nitro blue tetrazolium chloride ( NBT) for microscopy
8.06770.1000 NitroBenzene for synthesis * 2
8.06770.2500 NitroBenzene for synthesis * 2
8.06843.0500 Nitroethane for synthesis
1.00613.0001 Nitrogen ( total) Cell Test
1.14537.0001 Nitrogen ( total) Cell Test
1.14763.0001 Nitrogen ( total) Cell Test
8.20894.0250 Nitromethane for synthesis
8.20894.1000 Nitromethane for synthesis
1.06780.0025 Nitron GR
8.14715.0100 N-lauroyl sarcosine sodium salt for synthesis
8.06096.0100 N-methylaniline for synthesis
8.41102.0005 N-methyl-N-trimethylsilyl-trifluoroacetamide for s
8.06838.0250 N-nonane for synthesis
8.06838.1000 N-nonane for synthesis
8.20920.0100 N-octadecane for synthesis
1.09606.0005 n-Octadecane reference substance for gas chromatography
1.09606.0005 N-Octadecane Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography
8.06910.1000 N-octane for synthesis
1.09716.0005 n-Octane reference substance for gas chromatography
1.09716.0005 N-Octane Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography
8.20953.0050 N-pentadecane for synthesis
1.09607.0005 n-Pentadecane reference substance for gas chromatography
1.09607.0005 N-Pentadecane Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography
1.07176.1000 N-pentane about 95% extra pure
1.07288.1000 N-pentane for gc
1.07179.1000 N-pentane for spectroscopy uvasol
8.20957.1000 N-pentane for synthesis
1.07177.1000 N-pentane GR for analysis
1.07177.2500 N-pentane GR for analysis
1.09719.0005 n-Pentane reference substance for gas chromatography
1.09719.0005 N-Pentane Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography
8.21003.0250 N-phenyl-1-naphthylaminefor synthesis
8.20979.0100 N-phenylanthranilic acid for synthesis
8.14767.0050 N-tetradecane for synthesis
8.14767.0250 N-tetradecane for synthesis
1.09608.0005 n-Tetradecane reference substance for gas chromatography
1.09608.0005 N-Tetradecane Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography
1.09609.0005 n-Tridecane reference substance for gas chromatography
1.09609.0005 N-Tridecane Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography
1.15939.0025 Nuclear fast red ( C.I. 60760) for microscopy certistain®
1.09795.0100 N-undecane GR for analysis
1.09794.0005 n-Undecane reference substance for gas chromatography
1.09794.0005 N-Undecane Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography
1.05450.0500 Nutrient Agar
1.05443.0500 Nutrient Broth
8.00461.0500 O-anisidine for synthesis
8.09692.0500 O-cresol for synthesis
8.09692.1000 O-cresol for synthesis
8.41354.0005 Octacosane for synthesis
8.41029.0250 Octadecylamine for synthesis
1.18307.0025 Octane-1-sulfonic acid sodium salt for ion pair chromatography LiChropur
1.18307.0025 Octane-1-Sulfonic Acid Sodium Salt for Ion Pair Chromatography LiChropur
1.00193.0250 Octanoic acid for biochemistry
1.10282.0500 OF Basal Medium HUGH & LEIFSON
1.09877.0010 OGY Selective Supplement
1.05978.0500 OGYE Agar ( NEW)
1.06900.1000 Oil bath filling for oil baths up to about 250 ° C lab
1.06965.0100 Oil of cedar wood for microscopy
1.06965.0500 Oil of cedar wood for microscopy
1.05230.0025 Oil red o ( C.I. 26125) for microscopy certistain®
8.20736.0010 O-iodohippuric acid for synthesis
8.20737.0010 O-iodohippuric acid sodium salt dihydrate for synt
8.22114.0250 Oleoyl chloride for syntesis
1.01487.0005 Oracet blue 2r indicator
1.15925.0025 Orange G ( C.I. 16230) for microscopy certistain® * 2
1.18432.0010 Orange Serum Agar
1.10673.0500 Orange-serum Agar
1.07100.0005 Orcein for microscopy certistain®
1.07100.0025 Orcein for microscopy certistain®
1.01763.0001 Organic Acid
1.00573.1000 Ortho-phosphoric acid 85% GR for analysis ISO
1.00573.2500 Ortho-phosphoric acid 85% GR for analysis ISO
1.00565.0500 Ortho-phosporic acid 99% cryst GR
1.09266.0005 Osmic acid solution 2% for electron microscopy
1.24505.0001 Osmium( VIII) oxide for microscopy
1.24505.0100 Osmium( VIII) oxide for microscopy
1.24505.0500 Osmium( VIII) oxide for microscopy
8.22160.0100 O-toluidinium chloride for synthesis
1.00492.1000 Oxalic acid 2-hydrate extra pure
1.01841.0025 Oxalic acid bis( cyclohexylidene hydrazide) GR
1.00495.0100 Oxalic acid dihydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.00495.0500 Oxalic acid dihydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.00495.1000 Oxalic acid dihydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.09965.0001 Oxalic acid solution titrisol 0.1 n
1.10653.0001 Oxifrit ®
1.10654.0001 Oxifrit ® refill pack
1.12936.0030 Oxisolv oxidizing decomposition reagent for compound
1.11107.0001 Oxygen
1.14662.0001 Oxygen ( + BOD Reaction Bottle 114663.0001)
1.11152.0001 Oxygen ( rf 111149, 111107)
1.14694.0001 Oxygen Cell Test
1.19251.0001 Oxygen scavenger
8.08697.1000 O-xylene for synthesis
1.09798.0005 O-Xylene reference substance for gas chromatography
1.09798.0005 O-Xylene Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography
8.18242.0100 Oxylic acid dihydrate for syntesis
1.00607.0001 Ozone
1.00607.0002 Ozone
1.18755.0001 Ozone
1.18758.00 01 Ozone
1.18759.0002 Ozone ( rf 118758)
1.14282.0500 Palladium
8.07110.0001 Palladium ( II) chloride for synthesis
8.07110.0010 Palladium ( II) chloride for synthesis
1.07289.0050 Palladium modifier aas
1.19225.0001 Palladium powder ( lab)
8.07107.0001 Palladium( II) oxide ( 85% pd) hydrogenation catalys
8.07104.0010 Palladium/ Charcoal Activated ( 10% pd) hydrogenatio
8.00508.1000 Palmatic acid for synthesis
8.00508.0100 Palmitic acid for synthesis
8.00510.0250 Palmitoyl chloride for synthesis
1.07130.1000 Pancreatin USP * 4
8.00458.0100 P-anisidine for synthesis
1.07149.9025 Papain 30000 USP-u/ mg stabilized with sodium disulfite * 4
1.07144.0025 Papain water-soluble for biochemistry
1.09253.0500 Papanicolaou' s solution 1 a harris' hematoxylin sol., cytological cancer & cycle diag.
1.09253.1000 Papanicolaou' s solution 1 a harris' hematoxylin sol., cytological cancer & cycle diag.
1.09253.2500 Papanicolaou' s solution 1 a harris' hematoxylin sol., cytological cancer & cycle diag.
1.09254.0500 Papanicolaou' s solution 1 b hematoxylin sol. s, cytological cancer & cycle diagnosis
1.09254.2500 Papanicolaou' s solution 1 b hematoxylin sol. s, cytological cancer & cycle diagnosis
1.06888.0500 Papanicolaou' s solution 2 a orange g sol. ( og 6) , cytological cancer & cycle diagnosis
1.06888.1000 Papanicolaou' s solution 2 a orange g sol. ( og 6) , cytological cancer & cycle diagnosis
1.06888.2500 Papanicolaou' s solution 2 a orange g sol. ( og 6) , cytological cancer & cycle diagnosis
1.06887.0500 Papanicolaou' s solution 2 b orange ii solution for cytological cancer and cycle diag.
1.06887.2500 Papanicolaou' s solution 2 b orange ii solution for cytological cancer and cycle diag.
1.09272.0500 Papanicolaou' s solution 3 b polychromatic sol. ea 50, cytological cancer & cycle diag.
1.09272.1000 Papanicolaou' s solution 3 b polychromatic sol. ea 50, cytological cancer & cycle diag.
1.09272.2500 Papanicolaou' s solution 3 b polychromatic sol. ea 50, cytological cancer & cycle diag.
1.09270.0100 Papanicolaou' s solution 3 c polychromatic sol. ea 65, cytological cancer & cycle diag.
1.09269.0100 Papanicolaou' s solution 3 d polychromatic sol. ea 65, cytological cancer & cycle diag.
1.09269.2500 Papanicolaou' s solution 3 d polychromatic sol. ea 65, cytological cancer & cycle diag.
1.09271.0500 Papanicolaou' s solution 3a polychromatic sol. ea 31, cytological cancer & cycle diag.
1.09271.2500 Papanicolaou' s solution 3a polychromatic sol. ea 31, cytological cancer & cycle diag.
1.07337.1000 Paraffin 56-58, in pastille form
1.07150.1000 Paraffin block 42-44 C
1.07151.1000 Paraffin block 46-48 C
1.07161.0100 Paraffin liquid for spectroscopy uvasol®
1.07162.1000 Paraffin liquid reag. Ph Eur
1.07158.1000 Paraffin non caking 57-60 C
1.07164.2504 Paraffin pastilles solidification point about 56-58 grad C for histology * 5
1.07160.1000 Paraffin viscous Ph Eur, BP, USP
1.04005.1000 Paraformaldehyde extra pure DAC* 2
1.07509.0025 Pararosaniline ( chloride) ( C.I. 42500) for microscopy certistain® * 2
1.07509.0100 Pararosaniline ( chloride) ( C.I. 42500) for microscopy certistain® * 2
1.01646.0001 Pas staining kit for detection of aldehyde and muko substances
8.02410.0100 P-benzoquinone ( p-quinone) for synthesis
8.02410.1000 P-benzoquinone ( p-quinone) for synthesis
1.05579.0001 PEI Cellulose F 25 TLC Plastic Sheets 20 X 20 cm
1.05725.0001 PEI Cellulose F 25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm
1.18304.0025 Pentane-1-sulfonic acid sodium salt for ion pair chromatography LiChropur
1.18304.0025 Pentane-1-Sulfonic Acid Sodium Salt for Ion Pair Chromatography LiChropur
8.00821.0100 Pentanoic acid for synthesis
1.06999.1000 Penta-sodium triphosphate for BSB determination ac
1.06999.9025 Penta-sodium triphosphate for BSB determination ac
1.07190.1000 Pepsin ( from porcine gastric mucosa) 2000 fip-u/ g EC * 4
1.07185.0100 Pepsin ( porcine gastric mucosa) for biochemistry
1.07192.0001 Pepsin ( porcine gastric mucosa) lyophylized for biochemistry * 5
1.07197.5000 Pepsin dab * 4
1.07213.1000 Peptone from Casein pancreatic ( Tryptone)
1.07213.2500 Peptone from Casein pancreatic ( Tryptone)
1.02239.0500 Peptone from Casein pancreatic free from sulfonamide antagonist
1.07284.1000 Peptone from Gelatin pancreatic
1.07214.1000 Peptone from Meat pancreatic ( Peptone Bacteriological)
1.07214.2500 Peptone from Meat pancreatic ( Peptone Bacteriological)
1.07224.1000 Peptone from Meat peptic ( Bacto Pepton)
1.07224.2500 Peptone from Meat peptic ( Bacto Pepton)
1.07212.0500 Peptone from Soymeal papainic ( Soya peptone)
1.18436.0010 Peptone Water - Buffered ( BPW)
1.07228.0500 Peptone Water buffered ( BPW = Buffered Peptone Water) acc. to ISO
1.07228.5000 Peptone Water buffered acc. to ISO
1.10001.0001 Peracetic Acid
1.10084.0001 Peracetic Acid
1.16975.0001 Peracetic Acid
1.16976.0001 Peracetic Acid
1.17922.0001 Peracetic Acid
1.09065.1000 Perchloric acid 0.1 n * 5
1.00518.1016 Perchloric acid 60% GR for analysis * 5
1.00518.2501 Perchloric acid 60% GR for analysis * 5
1.00518.2514 Perchloric acid 60% GR for analysis * 5
1.00519.1016 Perchloric acid 70-72 % GR * 5
1.00519.2514 Perchloric acid 70-72 % GR * 5
1.09213.0001 Perforated Lid for Contact Plates ( new)
1.07209.0250 Perhydrol 30% H2O2 GR
1.07210.1000 Perhydrol 30% H2O2 GR ( for higher storage temperature ) * 5
1.07209.1000 Perhydrol 30% H2O2 GR * 5
1.00524.0025 Periodic acid GR * 5
1.00524.0100 Periodic acid GR * 5
1.16216.0001 Peroxidase ( horse radish) for biochemistry
1.16121.0001 Peroxidase in milk
1.10011.0001 Peroxide
1.10081.0001 Peroxide
1.10337.0001 Peroxide
1.167 31.0001 Peroxide
1.16974.0001 Peroxide
1.07040.0001 Petridish Rack ( Plate Basket) for up to 12 disposable petridish
1.01770.1000 Petroleum benzine 100-140 c extra pure
1.01786.2500 Petroleum benzine 30-50 ° C GR
1.00909.1000 Petroleum benzine 40-60 ° C extra pure
1.01772.2500 Petroleum benzine 40-60 ° C for gc
1.01775.1000 Petroleum benzine 40-60 ° C GR
1.01774.1000 Petroleum benzine 60-80 ° C GR
1.01781.1000 Petroleum benzine boiling range 100-120° C GR for analysis
1.01773.5000 Petroleum benzine boiling range 40-80° C extra pure
1.01774.5000 Petroleum benzine boiling range 60-80° C GR for analysis
1.01777.1000 Petroleum benzine boiling range 80-100° C GR for analysis
1.01775.2500 Petroleum benzine GR for analysis boiling range 40-60 grad C ACS, ISO
1.01775.5000 Petroleum benzine GR for analysis boiling range 40-60 grad C ACS, ISO
1.59542.0500 Petroleum ether boiling range 50-70° C reag. Ph Eur
1.01769.1000 Petroleum ether for denaturation
1.01769.5000 Petroleum ether for denaturation
1.08027.0001 pH
1.08038.0001 pH
1.16894.0001 pH
1.16895.0001 pH
1.16996.0001 pH
1.14669.0001 pH ( blister pack)
1.08043.0001 pH ( rf 108038)
1.09565.0001 pH Box containing Acilit, Neutralit and Alkalit
1.16898.0001 pH for cooling lubricants
1.09568.0001 pH Ind. paper, repl. rolls ( without col. Scale) pH
1.09569.0001 pH Ind. paper, repl. rolls ( without col. Scale) pH
1.09570.0001 pH Ind. paper, repl. rolls ( without col. Scale) pH
1.09526.0003 pH Indicator paper 1 - 10 including colour scale
1.09564.0003 pH Indicator paper 5.5 - 9 including colour scale
1.09562.0003 pH Indicator paper 9.5 - 13 including colour scale
1.09175.0100 Ph indicator solution universal with colour card Ph 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.5, 9
1.09175.1000 Ph indicator solution universal with colour card Ph 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.5, 9
1.09502.0001 pH Indicator strips non-bleeding pH 2-9 for pH instrument in turbid solution
1.09584.0001 pH Indicator strips non-bleeding special indicator
1.01744.0001 pH test
1.18773.0001 pH test ( fresh and sea water)
8.22122.0100 Phenanthrene for synthesis
1.14551.0001 Phenol Cell Test
1.00201.1000 Phenol emprove Ph Eur, USP
1.00206.0250 Phenol GR for analysis ACS
1.00206.1000 Phenol GR for analysis ACS
1.00206.9025 Phenol GR for analysis ACS
1.59375.0001 Phenol red ( PhenolsulfonPhthalein)
1.07241.0005 Phenol red indicator
1.07241.0025 Phenol red indicator
1.07241.0100 Phenol red indicator
1.07242.0100 Phenol red solution
1.00856.0001 Phenol Test
1.07233.0025 PhenolPhthalein indicator Ph 8, 2 - 9, 8 ( S. NR. 879) ACS
1.07233.0100 PhenolPhthalein indicator Ph 8, 2 - 9, 8 ( S. NR. 879) ACS
1.09521.0003 Phenolphthalein paper
1.07227.0250 PhenolPhthalein solution 1% in ethanol
1.07227.1000 PhenolPhthalein solution 1% in ethanol
1.10987.0500 Phenol-red Broth Base for biochemical test
8.20993.0250 Phenyl acetic acid for synthesis* 3
8.20993.1000 Phenyl acetic acid for synthesis* 3
8.18121.0100 Phenyl benzoate for synthesis
1.07255.0100 Phenyl isocyanate GR
8.07028.0250 Phenyl isothiocyanate for synthesis
1.07251.0100 Phenylhydrazine GR
1.07253.0100 Phenylhydrazinium chloride GR
8.20878.0050 Phenylmercury nitrate ( basic) for synthesis
1.09525.0003 pH-Indicator paper 1 - 10
1.09555.0003 pH-Indicator paper 3.8 - 5, 4
1.09556.0003 pH-Indicator paper 5.4 - 7.0
1.09557.0003 pH-Indicator paper 6.4 - 8
1.09558.0003 pH-Indicator paper 8.2 - 10
1.07251.1000 pH-Indicator paper GR
1.09535.0001 Ph-Indicator Strips Non-Bleeding Universal Indicator Ph 0-14
1.07069.0025 Phloroglucinol GR
1.07069.0100 Phloroglucinol GR
1.15926.0025 Phloxin b ( C.I. 45410) for microscopy certistain®
1.10428.0001 Phosphate
1.11138.0001 Phosphate
1.14445.0001 Phosp hate
1.14449.0001 Phosphate
1.14661.0001 Phosphate
1.14846.0001 Phosphate
1. 16978.0001 Phosphate
1.17942.0001 Phosphate
1.18388.0001 Phosphate
1.00798.0 001 Phosphate ( ortho) PMB
1.08046.0001 Phosphate ( rf 108021, 11138)
1.18465.0002 Phosphate ( rf 114846, 114445)
1.07290.0050 PhosPhate modifier for graPhite furnace aas nh4h2po4 100 ± 2 g/ l in h2o
1.14546.0001 Phosphate( ortho) Cell Test VM
1.14848.0001 Phosphate( ortho) PMB ( also rf 114445, 114846)
1.14848.0002 Phosphate( ortho) PMB ( also rf 114445, 114846)
1.14842.0001 Phosphate( ortho) VM ( also rf 114449, 114840)
1.00616.0001 Phosphate( ortho) Cell Test PMB
1.14543.0001 Phosphate( ortho+ tot) Cell Test PMB
1.14729.0001 Phosphate( ortho+ tot) Cell Test PMB
8.15058.0010 PhosPhoric acid-d3 85% solution in d2o deuteration degree min 99% for nmr spectroscopy
8.07270.0500 PhosPhorous ( red) for synthesis
8.07270.2500 PhosPhorus red ( stabilised) for synthesis
1.70340.0100 Phosporous ( icp1000 mg/ l)
8.00592.0100 Phthalic anhydride for synthesis
8.00592.1000 Phthalic anhydride for synthesis
8.00593.0500 Phthalonitrile for synthesis
8.00668.0050 Pimelic acid for synthesis
8.07325.0005 Piperazine anhydrous forsynthesis
8.07325.0250 Piperazine anhydrous forsynthesis
1.10220.0025 Piperazine Buffer substance Pipes
1.10220.0250 Piperazine Buffer substance Pipes
1.10220.1000 Piperazine Buffer substance Pipes
1.07327.9050 Piperazine hexahydrate Ph Eur, BP
1.10220.9010 Piperazine-1, 4-bis( 2-ethanesulfonic acid) buffer s
1.09724.0100 Piperidin GR for analysis
8.21036.0010 Piperine for synthesis
1.13108.0001 Plate Count Agar
1.13488.0001 Plate Count Agar
1.18433.0010 Plate Count Agar
1.18412.0020 Plate Count Agar [ Ø 55 mm]
1.05463.0500 Plate Count Agar acc. to ISO, AOAC, BAM
1.15338.0500 Plate Count Skim Milk Agar
1.70219.0100 Platinum
1.70219.0500 Platinum
8.24566.0500 Platinum ( II) chloride for synthesis
8.07347.0001 Platinum ( IV) chloride for synthesis
1.07443.0100 Polivynilpyrorolidone ( lab)
1.07443.1000 Polivynilpyrorolidone ( lab)
1.09729.0100 Polyethylene Glycol 1000 for gas chromatography
1.09729.0100 Polyethylene Glycol 1000 for Gas Chromatography
8.07489.1000 Polyethylene glycol 1500 for synthesis
8.07484.1000 Polyethylene glycol 300 for synthesis
1.09726.0100 Polyethylene Glycol 400 for gaschromatography
1.09726.0100 Polyethylene Glycol 400 for GasChromatography
1.09727.0100 Polyethylene Glycol 4000 for gas chromatography
1.09727.0100 Polyethylene Glycol 4000 for Gas Chromatography
8.17004.1000 Polyethylene glycol 600 dab
8.07488.1000 Polythylene glycol 1000 for synthesis
8.07485.1000 Polythylene glycol 400 for synthesis
8.07490.1000 Polythylene glycol 4000 for synthesis
8.07486.1000 Polythylene glycol 600 for synthesis
8.07491.1000 Polythylene glycol 6000 for synthesis
1.14266.0100 Polyvinyl alcohol protective colloid for argentometric titration
1.15927.0025 Ponceau S ( C.I. 27195) for microscopy certistain®
1.14275.0010 Ponceau S for electrophoresis
1.09114.1000 Potasium hydroxide solutionin ethanol
1.10042.0001 Potassium
1.16992.0001 Potassium
1.17945.0001 Potassium
1.70230.0100 Potassium
1.70230.0500 Potassium
1.70342.0100 Potassium ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
1.04820.1000 Potassium acetate extra pure
1.08092.0250 Potassium antimony ( III) oxide tartrate
1.04912.0100 Potassium bromate GR
1.04912.0250 Potassium bromate GR
1.04904.0100 Potassium bromide 99, 999 suprapur
1.04907.0500 Potassium bromide for ir spectroscopy uvasol
1.04907.0100 Potassium bromide for spectroscopy uvasol
1.04905.0500 Potassium bromide GR
1.04924.5000 Potassium carbonate extra pure Ph Eur, DAC, USP, E501
1.04928.0500 Potassium carbonate GR
1.04928.1000 Potassium carbonate GR
1.06683.0500 Potassium carbonate/ sodium carbonate GR
1.06683.2500 Potassium carbonate/ sodium carbonate GR
1.00615.0001 Potassium Cell Test
1.14562.0001 Potassium Cell Test
1.04944.0500 Potassium chlorate GR
1.04933.0500 Potassium chloride ( max..005% br) GR
1.04938.0500 Potassium chloride 99, 999 suprapur®
1.04935.9029 Potassium chloride extra pure dab
1.04935.5000 Potassium chloride extra pure Ph Eur, BP, USP, FCC, E 508
1.04936.0250 Potassium chloride GR for analysis
1.04936.0500 Potassium chloride GR for analysis
1.04936.1000 Potassium chloride GR for analysis
1.04936.9050 Potassium chloride GR for analysis
1.04818.0100 Potassium chloride sol saturated with silver chloride 3 mol/ l
1.01557.0500 Potassium chloride solution ( 0.001 mol/ l) ; 0.147 ms/ cm
1.01203.0500 Potassium chloride solution ( 0.01 mol/ l) ; 1.41 ms/ cm
1.01254.0500 Potassium chloride solution ( 0.1 mol/ l) ; 12.8 ms/ cm
1.04817.0250 Potassium chloride solution 3 mol/ l
1.04951.1000 Potassium chromate extra pure
1.04952.0250 Potassium chromate GR for analysis
1.04952.1000 Potassium chromate GR for analysis
1.02403.0080 Potassium dichromate
1.04862.1000 Potassium dichromate cryst. extra pure
1.04865.0500 Potassium dichromate GR for analysis
1.04864.0500 Potassium dichromate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.04864.1000 Potassium dichromate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.09928.0001 Potassium dichromate sol. titrisol 0.1 n
1.08158.0001 Potassium dichromate standard solution in sulfuric acid test set for calibrating the absorbance of s
1.04858.0001 Potassium dichromate tablets
1.05108.0050 Potassium dihydrogen phospate anhydrous suprapur
1.05108.0500 Potassium dihydrogen phospate anhydrous suprapur
1.04871.5000 Potassium dihydrogen phospate e.p. dab
1.04877.1000 Potassium dihydrogen phospate ISO
1.04875.1000 Potassium dihydrogen phospate solution
1.04873.0250 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate GR for analysis ISO
1.04873.1000 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate GR for analysis ISO
1.04873.5000 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate GR for analysis ISO
1.05107.1000 Potassium disulfate GR
1.05056.5000 Potassium disulfite extra pure NF, Ph Franch, E224
1.05057.0500 Potassium disulfite GR
1.05057.1000 Potassium disulfite GR
1.04994.1000 Potassium fluoride GR
1.04994.0250 Potassium fluoride GR * 5
8.04815.0100 Potassium for synthesis * 1, * 5
1.19238.0001 Potassium hexachloroplatinate ( IV) ( lab)
1.05110.0100 Potassium hexahydroxoantimonate GR
1.04852.9029 Potassium hydrogen carbonate extra pure Ph Eur, BP, USP, FCC, E 501
1.04854.0500 Potassium hydrogen carbonate GR
1.04867.0050 Potassium hydrogen diiodate GR
1.11769.0100 Potassium hydrogen phtalate SOL. ( 0.17G/ L) FOR CO
1.01965.0025 Potassium hydrogen phthalate certified secondary standard reference material for ph measurement
1.04874.0250 Potassium hydrogen phthalate GR for analysis
1.04885.0500 Potassium hydrogen sulfate GR
1.01963.0025 Potassium hydrogen tartrate certified secondary reference material for ph measurement
1.02400.0080 Potassium hydrogene phthalate
1.05021.0250 Potassium hydroxide pellets ( max. 0.002% na) GR
1.05021.1000 Potassium hydroxide pellets ( max. 0.002% na) GR
1.05032.9050 Potassium hydroxide pellets extra pure Ph Eur, BP,
1.05033.0500 Potassium hydroxide pellets GR for analysis
1.05033.1000 Potassium hydroxide pellets GR for analysis
1.05033.5000 Potassium hydroxide pellets GR for analysis
1.05029.1000 Potassium hydroxide pellets GR for analysis ( max.0, 05% Na)
1.05012.1000 Potassium hydroxide pellets pure
1.05012.9050 Potassium hydroxide pellets pure
1.09918.0001 Potassium hydroxide sol titrisol 1 n
1.09921.0001 Potassium hydroxide sol. titrisol 0.1 n
1.09919.0001 Potassium hydroxide sol. titrisol 0.5 n
1.09115.1000 Potassium hydroxide solution in ethanol 0.1 mol/ l
1.05544.1000 Potassium hydroxide solution in isopropanol
1.09351.1000 Potassium hydroxide solution in methanol 05mol/ l 0.5n
1.02404.0100 Potassium iodate
1.05040.1000 Potassium iodate extra pure EMPROVE Ph Eur, BP USP
1.05050.0500 Potassium iodate extra pure EMPROVE Ph Eur, BP USP
1.05051.0100 Potassium iodate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.05051.0500 Potassium iodate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.09917.0001 Potassium iodate solution for 1000 ml
1.09512.0003 Potassium iodate starch paper Reag.Ph.Eur
1.05043.0250 Potassium iodide GR for analysis ISO
1.05043.0500 Potassium iodide GR for analysis ISO
1.05043.1000 Potassium iodide GR for analysis ISO
1.05043.2500 Potassium iodide GR for analysis ISO
1.05065.0050 Potassium nitrate 99, 995 suprapur
1.05061.9050 Potassium nitrate extra pure dac, BP, Ph Nord, USP * 5
1.05063.0500 Potassium nitrate GR
1.05063.1000 Potassium nitrate GR for analysis ISO
1.05067.0250 Potassium nitrite cryst. GR
1.05076.0250 Potassium perchlorate GR
1.05076.1000 Potassium perchlorate GR
1.05084.1000 Potassium permanganate ( max. 0.000005% hg) GR
1.05080.1000 Potassium permanganate EP 0.1 n , BP, USP* 3
1.05082.0250 Potassium permanganate GR for analysis ACS* 3
1.05082.1000 Potassium permanganate GR for analysis ACS* 3
1.09935.0001 Potassium permanganate solution for 1000 ml c( kmno4) = 0, 02 mol/ l ( 0, 1 n) titrisol* 3
1.09122.1000 Potassium permanganate solution standardised against oxalate c( kmno4) = 0, 02 mol/ l ( 0, 1 n)
1.09121.1000 Potassium permanganate solution standardised against sodium thiosulfate c( kmno4) = 0, 02 mol/ l ( 0, 1 n)
1.05092.0250 Potassium peroxidesulfate ( max. 0.001% n ) GR
1.05091.0250 Potassium peroxodisulfate GR
1.05091.1000 Potassium peroxodisulfate GR
1.08087.0500 Potassium sodium tartrate GR
1.08087.1000 Potassium sodium tartrate GR
1.08087.5000 Potassium sodium tartrate GR
1.05150.9029 Potassium sulfate cryst, extra pure, dac, Ph belg, Ph helv
1.05153.0500 Potassium sulfate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.05153.5000 Potassium sulfate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.05153.1000 Potassium sulfate GR for analysis ACS, ISO * 5
1.05134.0250 Potassium sulfide about 44% GR * 5
1.05164.0100 Potassium tellurite tryhidrate
1.01961.0025 Potassium tetraoxalate dihydrate certified secondary standard reference material for ph measurement
1.05125.0250 Potassium thiocyanate GR
1.05125.1000 Potassium thiocyanate GR
1.05124.1000 Potassium thiocyanate pure
8.18401.0500 Potassium_hydrogenmonopersulfate for synthesis
1.10130.0500 Potato Dextrose Agar
1.51487.0001 PRE-Column Holder for Direct Coupling OF LiChroCART4-4 PRE-Columns with LiChroCARTRT Cartridges
1.16217.0001 PRE-Column Holder for PVDF Cartridges 4-4 for Capillary Connections
1.00414.0500 Presence-Absence Broth
1.51197.0001 Pressure Cone ( Peek) for manu-CART " 4" Cartridge Holder manu-CART
1.07467.1000 Procaine hydrochloride extra pure * 4
1.07433.0001 Pronase E ( Streptomyces griseus) for biochemistry
1.07433.0005 Pronase E ( Streptomyces griseus) for biochemistry
1.07427.5000 Prophyl 4-hydroxybenzoate Ph Eur, BP, NF, FCC, E216
8.22133.0100 Propionaldehyde for synthesis
8.22133.1000 Propionaldehyde for synthesis
8.00605.0500 Propionic acid for synthesis
8.00605.1000 Propionic acid for synthesis
8.00608.0100 Propionic anhydride for synthesis
8.20599.0100 Propyl 3, 4, 5 - trihydroxybenzoate
8.07521.0250 PropylBenzene for synthesis
1.10123.0025 Protamine silfate for biochemistry
1.10123.0005 Protamine silfate for biochemistry * 5
1.15791.0001 Protein standard mixture IV for SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis * 5
1.07393.0010 Proteinase K ( from Tritirachium album) solution
1.08543.0250 Proteinase K ( from Tritirachium album) solution
1.07229.1000 Proteose Peptone
1.10989.0500 Pseudomonas Agar F Base
1.10988.0500 Pseudomonas Agar P Base
1.07627.0010 Pseudomonas CFC Selective Supplement
1.07624.0010 Pseudomonas CN Selective Supplement
1.05284.0500 Pseudomonas Selective Agar ( Cetrimide)
1.07620.0500 Pseudomonas Selective Agar Base ( CN Medium) NEW
1.11452.0005 Pthaldialdehyde for fluorometry
1.11452.0050 Pthaldialdehyde for fluorometry
8.21027.0010 Pthaldialdehyde for synthesis
1.07297.0001 Pththalein purple indicator
1.10841.0050 P-Toluidine for the winkler determination of hydro
8.08691.1000 P-xylene for synthesis
1.09799.0005 P-Xylene reference substance for gas chromatography
1.09799.0005 P-Xylene Reference Substance for Gas Chromatography
8.15005.0010 P-xylene-d10 deuteration degree min 99.5% for nmr spectroscopy
8.07064.0010 Pyrazine for synthesis
8.21051.0050 Pyrene for synthesis
1.07463.0500 Pyridine dried GR
1.07462.1000 Pyridine ep
1.09728.0500 Pyridine GR
1.09728.1000 Pyridine GR for analysis ACS
1.09728.2500 Pyridine GR for analysis ACS
8.00614.0100 Pyridine-2, 6-dicarboxylic acid for synthesis
1.07475.0010 Pyridine-d5 deuteration degree min 99.8% for nmr spectroscopy uvasol
8.22261.0250 Pyrocathechol for synthesis
1.00612.0050 Pyrogallol GR
1.00612.0250 Pyrogallol GR
1.07518.0025 Pyronine g ( C.I. 45005) for microscopy certistain®
8.07492.0100 Pyrrole for synthesis
8.21100.0025 Pyrrolidine-1-dithiocarboxylic acid ammonium salt
1.07495.0010 Pyrrolidine-1-dithiocarboxylic acid ammonium salt GR
8.20170.0100 Pyruvic acid for synthesis
8.20170.0500 Pyruvic acid for synthesis
1.06619.0050 Pyruvic acid sodium salt for biochemistry
1.06619.0250 Pyruvic acid sodium salt for biochemistry
1.06619.1000 Pyruvic acid sodium salt for biochemistry
1.07536.0250 Quartz fine granular washed and calcined GR
1.17920.0001 Quaternary Ammonium Compounds
8.05805.0100 Quinaldine for synthesis
8.05805.0250 Quinaldine for synthesis
1.02282.0005 Quinaldine red indicator
1.02284.0100 Quinhydrone GR
8.02407.0250 Quinoline for synthesis
8.02407.1000 Quinoline for synthesis
1.00073.0020 R2A Agar
1.00073.0480 R2A Agar
1.00416.0500 R2A Agar ( Nutrient medium for the determination of the heterotrophic total bacterial count in drinking water)
1.07419.0050 Raffinose for bichemistry
1.13999.0001 Rambach Agar
1.15999.0001 Rambach Agar
1.07500.0001 Rambach Agar ( Chromogenic Agar Salmonella) ( 1 liter)
1.07500.0002 Rambach Agar ( Chromogenic Agar Salmonella) ( 4 liter)
1.16751.0500 Rapid Perfringens Medium
1.00467.0500 RBC Agar ( Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar)
1.01298.0001 Readycult Coliforms 100 ( Detecting Coliform and E. coli)
1.01295.0001 Readycult Coliforms 50 ( Detecting Coliform and E. coli)
1.01299.0001 Readycult Enterococci 100
1.16954.0001 Recalibration set for Rqflex and Rq plus
1.14946.0001 Rectangular Cell Tests 10 mm ( Glass : Visible Range)
1.00784.0001 Rectangular Cell Tests 10 mm ( Quartz : UV Range)
1.14947.0001 Rectangular Cell Tests 20 mm ( Glass : Visible Range)
1.14944.0001 Rectangular Cell Tests 50 mm ( Glass : Visible Range)
1.73502.0001 Rectangular Cell Tests 50 mm ( half Micro cell)
1.00265.0001 reference colour solution B for testing the colour intensity
1.00266.0001 reference colour solution BY for testing the colour intensity
1.00268.0001 reference colour solution GY for testing the colour intensity
1.00269.0001 reference colour solution R for testing the colour intensity
1.00267.0001 reference colour solution Y for testing the colour intensity
1.17990.0001 Reflectoquant Dilution Set
1.05410.0500 Reinforced Clostridial Agar
1.05411.0500 Reinforced Clostridial Medium ( RCM)
1.14567.0001 Replacement Filter for Extrelut NT 20 HDPE Columns
1.51220.0001 Replacement Frits ( D 10 mm) with PTFE Sealing Rings Hibar
1.51211.0001 Replacement Frits ( D 4 mm) with PTFE Sealing Rings Hibar
1.11142.0001 Residual Hardness
1.14683.0001 Residual Hardness Cell Test
1.07590.5000 Resorcinol extra pure dab
1.07593.0100 Resorcinol GR
1.07593.0250 Resorcinol GR
8.07632.0001 Rhodium( III) chloride trihydrate ( 38% rh) for synt
1.06595.0005 Rhodizonic acid disodium salt indicator
5.00259.1000 Riboflavine 5' -phospate monosodium salt dihidrate Ph Eur, BP, USP, JP
1.10424.0001 Rice Extract Agar
1.15525.0001 RINGER' S Tablets
1.05413.0500 ROGOSA Agar ( Lactobacillus Selective Agar)
1.05914.0001 RP-18 25 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm
1.15037.0001 RP-18 25 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm with Concentrating Zone 20 X 2.5 cm for PAH Determination Acc. to ...
1.05559.0001 RP-18 F254S 20 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm
1.05560.0001 RP-18 F254S 20 TLC Aluminium Sheets 5 X 7, 5 cm
1.13724.0001 RP-18 F254S 25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm
1.15498.0001 RP-18 F254S 25 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm with Concentrating Zone 20 X 2.5 cm
1.15389.0001 RP-18 F254S 25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm
1.15685.0001 RP-18 F254S 25 TLC Plates 5 X 10 cm
1.15423.0001 RP-18 F254S 50 TLC Plates 10 X 20 cm
1.15683.0001 RP-18 F254S 50 TLC Plates 5 X 20 cm
1.05434.0001 RP-18 F254S, 1 mm 15 PLC Plates 20 X 20 cm
1.14296.0001 RP-18 W 25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 20 cm
1.13124.0001 RP-18 WF254S 25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm
1.13726.0001 RP-2 F254S 25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm
1.13725.0001 RP-8 F254S 25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm
1.15388.0001 RP-8 F254S 25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm
1.15684.0001 RP-8 F254S 25 TLC Plates 5 X 10 cm
1.15424.0001 RP-8 F254S 50 TLC Plates 10 X 20 cm
1.16957.0001 Rqcheck Check Set
1.16998.0001 Rqdata
1.16955.0001 RQflex® plus reflectometer
1.16970.0001 RQflex® reflectometer
1.00629.0010 Rubeanic acid GR
1.00629.0100 Rubeanic acid GR
1.07615.0025 Rubidium chloride GR for analysis
1.70346.0100 Rubidium ICP standard traceable to srm from nist certipur®
5.00064.9025 Rutin water soluble in chips
1.07700.0500 RVS ( Rappaport Vassiliadis) Salmonella Enrichment Broth acc. To APHA & ISO
1.07666.0500 RVS ( Rappaport Vassiliadis) Salmonella Enrichment Broth acc. To harmonized pharmacopeia USP/ EP/ JP
1.18428.0025 RVS Broth
1.07315.0500 SABOURAUD 2% Dextrose Agar
1.08339.0500 SABOURAUD 2% Dextrose Broth
1.10413.0001 Sabouraud 2% Glucose Agar
1.18368.0020 Sabouraud 2% Glucose Agar with neutralizer
1.18368.0480 Sabouraud 2% Glucose Agar with neutralizer* ( only produced on special order)
1.15504.0001 Sabouraud 2% Glucose Agar* ( only produced on special order)
1.05438.0500 SABOURAUD 4% Dextrose Agar ( SDA)
1.18425.0010 Sabouraud 4% Dextrose Agar with chloramphenicol
1.18414.0020 Sabouraud 4% Dextrose Agar with chloramphenicol [ Ø 55 mm]
1.18409.0020 Sabouraud 4% Dextrose Agar with neutralizers [ Ø 55 mm] ( lecithin, polysorbate 80, histidine, thiosulphate)
1.18411.0020 Sabouraud 4% Dextrose Agar with neutralizers [ Ø 90 mm] ( lecithin, polysorbate 80, histidine, thiosulphate)
1.18358.0020 Sabouraud 4% Glucose Agar
1.18358.0480 Sabouraud 4% Glucose Agar
1.18359.0001 Sabouraud 4% Glucose Agar with neutralizer
1.18364.0001 Sabouraud 4% Glucose Agar with neutralizer
1.05439.0500 SABOURAUD 4% Maltose Agar
8.17022.1000 Saccharin Ph Eur
1.07651.1000 Saccharose ( Sucrose)
1.07651.5000 Saccharose ( Sucrose)
1.15948.0025 Safranine o ( C.I. 50240) for microscopy certistain®
1.07665.0025 Salicin ( 2-o-( B-D-glucopyranoside) -benzylalcohol)
1.00631.1000 Salicylic acid extra pure dab * 4
1.00631.9024 Salicylic acid extra pure dab * 4
8.18731.0100 Salicylic acid for synthesis
1.15034.0500 Salmonella Agar acc. to ONOZ
1.10236.0500 Salmonella Enrichment Broth RAPPAPORT
1.10153.0500 Salmosyst Broth Base
1.10141.0001 Salmosyst Selective Supplement
1.12321.0010 Samarium( III) oxide
1.15332.0001 Sangodiff® g staining foils for manual staining of blood smears
1.19513.0500 Scandium
1.70349.0100 Scandium ICP standard traceable to srm from nist
1.00543.0500 Scapent with indicator ( lab)
1.00543.2800 Scapent with indicator ( lab)
1.13051.0001 Schaedler Agar
1.13575.0001 Schaedler KV Agar
1.09033.0500 Schiff' s reagent for electrophoresis and microscopy
1.09034.0250 Schiff' s reagent gor detection of aldehydes
1.09034.1000 Schiff' s reagent gor detection of aldehydes
1.73500.0001 Screw cap for Spectroquant ® TOC Digestion
1.07711.1000 Sea sand extra pure
1.07711.5000 Sea sand extra pure
1.51195.0001 Sealing Element for 3 and 2 mm Cartridges LiChroCART
1.51496.0001 Sealing Element for 4.6 and 4 mm Cartridges LiChroCART
8.21717.0100 Sec-butylBenzene for synthesis
1.05467.0500 Selective Agar for Pathogenic Fungi
1.10415.0001 Selective Agar for pathogenic fungi
1.07709.0500 Selenite Cystine Broth ( sodium hydrogen selenite included)
1.18438.0010 Selenite Cystine Enrichment Broth
1.18449.0025 Selenite Cystine Enrichment Broth
1.07717.0500 Selenite Enrichment Broth LEIFSON
1.19796.0500 Selenium
1.70350.0100 Selenium ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
1.07714.0050 Selenium black ( lab)
1.07714.0250 Selenium black ( lab)
8.00653.0250 Selenium dioxide
8.00653.0050 Selenium dioxide sublimed for synthesis
1.08030.0250 Selenium mixture GR
1.08030.1000 Selenium reagent mixture GR ( for the determination of nitrogen ACC. to wieninger)
1.08030.5000 Selenium reagent mixture GR ( for the determination of nitrogen ACC. to wieninger)
1.07722.0025 Semicarbazide hydrochloride GR
1.07722.0100 Semicarbazide hydrochloride GR
1.09275.0500 Shorr staining solution for hormonal cytodiagnosis
1.09126.0001 Shoulder bag for MAS-100 Eco
1.05620.0001 SI 60 F254 MULTIforMAT 25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm, Pre-scored to 5 X 10 cm
1.07735.1000 Silica gel ( drying agent) ( lab)
1.05007.0001 Silica Gel ( Monolithic) _10 Mym 25 UTLC Plates 60 X 36 mm
1.10180.1000 Silica gel 40 particle Sze 0.063-0.200 mm ( 70-230
1.05633.0001 Silica Gel 60 100 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm
1.05644.0001 Silica Gel 60 100 HPTLC Plates 5 X 5 cm EX 10 X 10 cm Pre-Scored
1.15326.0001 Silica Gel 60 100 TLC Plates 2.5 X 7.5 cm
1.05724.0001 Silica Gel 60 100 TLC Plates 5 X 20 cm
1.05547.0001 Silica Gel 60 25 HPTLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm
1.05631.0001 Silica Gel 60 25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm
1.13748.0001 Silica Gel 60 25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm with Concentrating Zone 10 X 2.5 cm
1.05553.0001 Silica Gel 60 25 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm
1.05582.0001 Silica Gel 60 25 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm with Concentrating Zone 20 X 2.5 cm
1.05748.0001 Silica Gel 60 25 TLC Plastic Sheets 20 X 20 cm
1.05721.0001 Silica Gel 60 25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm
1.11845.0001 Silica Gel 60 25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm with Concentrating Zone 20 X 2.5 cm
1.05641.0001 Silica Gel 60 50 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm
1.13749.0001 Silica Gel 60 50 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm with Concentrating Zone 20 X 2.5 cm
1.16835.0001 Silica Gel 60 50 TLC Aluminium Sheets 5 X 10 cm
1.05626.0001 Silica Gel 60 50 TLC Plates 10 X 20 cm
1.11844.0001 Silica Gel 60 50 TLC Plates 10 X 20 cm with Concentrating Zone 10 X 2.5 cm
1.10757.1000 Silica gel 60 f254
1.05562.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 1 TLC Aluminium Roll 500 X 20 cm
1.05749.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 1 TLC Plastic Roll 500 X 20 cm
1.05629.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 100 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm
1.05635.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 100 HPTLC Plates 5 X 5 cm EX 10 X 10 cm Pre-Scored
1.05714.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 100 TLC Plates 5 X 20 cm
1.05556.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 20 HPTLC Aluminium Sheets 5 X 7.5 cm
1.05549.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 20 TLC Aluminium Sheets 5 X 7.5 cm
1.05719.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 200 TLC Plates 5 X 10 cm
1.05548.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 25 HPTLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm
1.05628.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm
1.13727.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm with Concentrating Zone 10 X 2.5 cm
1.13187.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 25 HPTLC Plates 5 X 10 cm with Concentrating Zone 5 X 2.5 cm
1.05570.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 25 TLC Aluminium Sheets 10 X 20 cm
1.05554.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 25 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm
1.05583.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 25 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm with Concentrating Zone 20 X 2, 5 cm
1.05735.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 25 TLC Plastic Sheets 20 X 20 cm
1.05715.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm
1.11798.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm with Concentrating Zone 20 X 2.5 cm
1.05789.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 25 TLC Plates 5 X 10 cm
1.05808.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 25 TLC Plates 5 X 20 cm
1.05642.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 50 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm
1.13728.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 50 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm with Concentrating Zone 20 X 2.5 cm
1.16834.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 50 TLC Aluminium Sheets 5 X 10 cm
1.05750.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 50 TLC Plastic Sheets 4 X 8 cm
1.05729.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 50 TLC Plates 10 X 20 cm
1.11846.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 50 TLC Plates 10 X 20 cm with Concentrating Zone 10 X 2.5 cm
1.15341.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 500 TLC Plates 2.5 X 7.5 cm
1.05564.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 GLP 25 HPTLC Plates 10 X 10 cm
1.05566.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 GLP 25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm
1.05747.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254 Silanized 25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm
1.11764.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254, 0.1 mm for AMD ACC. to DIN 38407-F11 25 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm
1.05744.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254, 0.5 mm 20 PLC Plates 20 X 20 cm
1.13794.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254, 0.5 mm 20 PLC Plates 20 X 20 cm with Concentrating Zone 20 X 4 cm
1.13895.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254, 1 mm 15 PLC Plates 20 X 20 cm
1.13792.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254, 1 mm 15 PLC Plates 20 X 20 cm with Concentrating Zone 20 X 4 cm
1.05717.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254, 2 mm 12 PLC Plates 20 X 20 cm
1.13793.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254, 2 mm 12 PLC Plates 20 X 20 cm with Concentrating Zone 20 X 4 cm
1.05637.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254+ 366, 2 mm 12 PLC Plates 20 X 20 cm
1.15696.0001 Silica Gel 60 F254S 25 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm
1.07729.1000 Silica gel 60 for cc < 63 m
1.09385.1000 Silica gel 60 for cc particle size 0, 040-0, 063 mm
1.09385.2500 Silica gel 60 for cc particle size 0, 040-0, 063 mm
1.15101.1000 Silica gel 60 for cc particle size 0, 063-0, 100mm
1.07733.0500 Silica gel 60 for cc, 200-500 m
1.07733.1000 Silica gel 60 for cc, 200-500 m
1.07734.1000 Silica gel 60 for cc, 63-200 m
1.07731.1000 Silica Gel 60 G for Thin-Layer Chromatography
1.07731.5000 Silica Gel 60 G for Thin-Layer Chromatography
1.07731.9025 Silica Gel 60 G for Thin-Layer Chromatography
1.07730.0500 Silica Gel 60 GF254 for Thin-Layer Chromatography
1.07730.1000 Silica Gel 60 GF254 for Thin-Layer Chromatography
1.07730.5000 Silica Gel 60 GF254 for Thin-Layer Chromatography
1.07730.9025 Silica Gel 60 GF254 for Thin-Layer Chromatography
1.07736.1000 Silica Gel 60 H for Thin-Layer Chromatography
1.07736.2500 Silica Gel 60 H for Thin-Layer Chromatography
1.07736.9025 Silica Gel 60 H for Thin-Layer Chromatography
1.07739.1000 Silica Gel 60 HF254 for Thin-Layer Chromatography
1.07748.1000 Silica Gel 60 HF254+ 366 for Preparative Layer Chromatography
1.07748.2500 Silica Gel 60 HF254+ 366 for Preparative Layer Chromatography
1.07741.1000 Silica Gel 60 HF254+ 366 for Thin-Layer Chromatography
1.07749.1000 Silica Gel 60 PF254 Containing Gypsum for Preparative Layer Chromatography
1.07749.2500 Silica Gel 60 PF254 Containing Gypsum for Preparative Layer Chromatography
1.07749.9025 Silica Gel 60 PF254 Containing Gypsum for Preparative Layer Chromatography
1.07747.1000 Silica Gel 60 PF254 for Preparative Layer Chromatography
1.07747.2500 Silica Gel 60 PF254 for Preparative Layer Chromatography
1.05746.0001 Silica Gel 60 Silanized 25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm
1.16487.0001 Silica Gel 60 W 25 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm
1.16484.0001 Silica Gel 60 WF254S 25 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm
1.16485.0001 Silica Gel 60 WF254S 25 TLC Plates 20 X 20 cm
1.15552.0001 Silica Gel 60 WRF254S 25 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm
1.12363.0001 Silica Gel 60 WRF254S, 0.1 mm 25 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm for AMD ACC. to DIN 38407-F11
1.13894.0001 Silica Gel 60, 0.5 mm 20 PLC Plates 20 X 20 cm
1.05745.0001 Silica Gel 60, 2 mm 12 PLC Plates 20 X 20 cm
1.05567.0001 Silica Gel 60/ Kieselguhr F254 25 TLC Aluminium Sheets 20 X 20 cm
1.15327.0001 Silica Gel F254 100 TLC Plates 2.5 X 7.5 cm
1.05616.0001 Silica Gel F254 25 HPTLC Plates 5 X 10 cm
1.05608.0001 Silica Gel F254 80 TLC Plates 5 X 20 cm EX 20 X 20 cm Pre-Scored
1.05613.0001 Silica Gel F254 GLP 25 HPTLC Plates 20 X 10 cm
1.01907.1000 Silica gel granules, desiccant ~ 2-5 mm
1.01908.1000 Silica gel with moisture indicator ( blue gel) desiccant ~ 0.2-1 mm ACS
1.01908.5000 Silica gel with moisture indicator ( blue gel) desiccant ~ 0.2-1 mm ACS
1.01925.9025 Silica gel with moisture indicator ( lab)
1.01969.1000 Silica gel with moisture indicator ( orange gel) dessicant ~ 1-3 mm
1.08045.0001 Silicate ( rf 108021)
1.18323.0002 Silicate ( rf 114792, 114410)
1.00857.0001 Silicate ( Silicic Acid)
1.14410.0001 Silicate ( Silicic Acid)
1.14792.0001 Silicate ( Silicic Acid)
1.14794.0001 Silicate ( Silicic Acid)
1.00657.1000 Silicic acid extra pure light dab
1.12310.0500 Silicon
1.70236.0100 Silicon
1.70236.0500 Silicon
1.70365.0 100 Silicon ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
1.07743.0100 Silicon anti-foaming agent ( lab)
1.07746.0100 Silicon grease ( lab)
1.07922.0100 Silicon high vacuum grease medium ( lab)
1.09762.0100 Silicon Oil 550 for gas chromatography
1.09762.0100 Silicon Oil 550 for Gas Chromatography
1.07742.0100 Silicon oil for oil bths up to 250 grad C
1.09947.0001 Silicon standard for aqueous
1.07921.0100 Silicone high vacuum grease heavy lab
1.14831.0001 Silver
1.19797.0500 Silver
8.01504.0025 Silver acetate for syntheSis
1.19203.0025 Silver chloride ( lab)
1.01515.0005 Silver diethyldithiocarbamate GR
1.70352.0100 Silver icp standard traceable to srm from nist agno3 in hno3 2-3% 1000 mg/ l ag certipur®
1.01512.0025 Silver nitrate GR for analySis ACS, ISO
1.01512.0100 Silver nitrate GR for analySis ACS, ISO
1.01512.0250 Silver nitrate GR for analySis ACS, ISO
1.09081.1000 Silver nitrate solution 0.1 mol/ l
1.09990.0001 Silver nitrate solution titrisol 0.1 n
1.19208.0025 Silver oxide ( lab)
1.01534.0050 Silver sulfate extra pure
1.01534.0250 Silver sulfate extra pure
1.01509.0025 Silver sulfate GR for analysis ACS
1.01509.0100 Silver sulfate GR for analysis ACS
1.01517.1000 Silver sulfate solution 10 G/ L in sulfuric acid fo
1.01517.2500 Silver sulfate solution 10 G/ L in sulfuric acid fo
1.01574.1000 Silver sulfate solution 80 G/ L in sulfuric acid
1.05470.0500 SIM Medium
1.02501.0500 SIMMONS Citrate Agar
1.04143.0001 Singlepath Campylobacter
1.04141.0001 Singlepath E. coli O157
1.04147.0001 Singlepath Legionella
1.04148.0001 Singlepath L' mono ( Listeria monocytogenes)
1.04140.0001 Singlepath Salmonella
1.15363.0500 Skim milk powder for microbiology
1.07754.1000 Slica gel 60 for cc extra pure ( acid washed) , 63-200 m
1.09207.0500 SMAC ( Sorbitol MacCONKEY Agar) Selective Agar for the direct isolation and differentiation of enterohemorrhagic ( EHEC) E. coli 0157: H7-strains
1.06839.1000 Soda lime pellets with indicator GR
1.06733.0501 Sodalime with indicator, granules ~ 1- 2.5 mm
1.70238.0500 Sodium
8.22284.0250 Sodium ( rods) for synthesis ( protective liquid: pa * 5
1.70238.0100 Sodium * 5
1.12146.0005 Sodium 1-dodecanesulfonate for tenside tests
1.12292.0005 Sodium 1-octanesulfonate forsurfactant tests
1.06265.5000 Sodium acetate 3-hydrate e.p. dab
1.06267.0500 Sodium acetate 3-hydrate GR
1.06267.1000 Sodium acetate 3-hydrate GR
1.06264.0050 Sodium acetate anhydrous 99, 99 suprapur
1.06268.0250 Sodium acetate anhydrous GR
1.06268.1000 Sodium acetate anhydrous GR for analysis ACS
1.06682.1000 Sodium ammonium hydrogen phospate GR
1.06277.1000 Sodium arsenic solution
1.06688.0100 Sodium azide extra pure
1.06688.0250 Sodium azide extra pure
1.06688.1000 Sodium azide extra pure
8.22335.0100 Sodium azide for synthesis
8.22335.0250 Sodium azide for synthesis
1.06687.0001 Sodium azide tablets
8.20233.0100 Sodium barbiturate for synthesis * 5
1.06348.0050 Sodium bismuthate GR
1.06371.0100 Sodium borohydride GR * 1, * 5
8.14368.0250 Sodium bromate for synthesis
1.06360.1000 Sodium bromide extra pure dab
8.20236.0250 Sodium butyrate for synthesis
1.02405.0080 Sodium carbonate
1.06391.1000 Sodium carbonate 10-hydrate GR
1.06395.0050 Sodium carbonate anhydrous 99, 999 suprapur
1.06398.5000 Sodium carbonate anhydrous e.p. Ph Eur, BP, NF
1.06392.0500 Sodium carbonate anhydrous GR for analysis ISO
1.06392.1000 Sodium carbonate anhydrous GR for analysis ISO
1.06392.5000 Sodium carbonate anhydrous GR for analysis ISO
1.00885.0001 Sodium Cell Test
1.06420.1000 Sodium chlorate
1.02406.0080 Sodium chloride
1.10582.0500 Sodium Chloride Buffered Peptone Broth
1.10582.5000 Sodium Chloride Buffered Peptone Broth
1.06400.5000 Sodium chloride extra pure dab
1.06400.9029 Sodium chloride extra pure dab
1.16224.5000 Sodium chloride extra pure low in endotoxins
1.16224.9029 Sodium chloride extra pure low in endotoxins
1.06404.0500 Sodium chloride GR
1.06404.1000 Sodium chloride GR
1.06404.5000 Sodium chloride GR
1.18424.0010 Sodium Chloride peptone Broth ( buffered)
1.06406.0050 Sodium chloride suprapur
1.06406.0500 Sodium chloride suprapur
1.09945.0001 Sodium chloridesolution titrisol
8.14815.1000 Sodium chlorite ( solution 25% in water) for synthe
8.20293.0500 Sodium chloroacetate for synthesis
1.06504.0250 Sodium deoxycholate for microbiology
1.06336.0250 Sodium dichromate 2 hydrate GR
1.06689.0025 Sodium diethyldithiocarbomate GR
1.06689.0100 Sodium diethyldithiocarbomate GR
1.06346.0500 Sodium dihydrogen phospate 1-hydrate GR
1.06346.1000 Sodium dihydrogen phospate 1-hydrate GR
1.06345.1000 Sodium dihydrogen phospate 2-hydrate extra pure dab
1.06345.5000 Sodium dihydrogen phospate 2-hydrate extra pure dab
1.06370.0050 Sodium dihydrogen phosphate anhydrous
1.06342.0250 Sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate
1.06345.9026 Sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate extra pure p
1.06349.1000 Sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate extra pure
1.06528.0100 Sodium disulfite ( sodium metabisulfite) GR for analysis ACS
1.06528.0500 Sodium disulfite ( sodium metabisulfite) GR for analysis ACS
1.06528.1000 Sodium disulfite ( sodium metabisulfite) GR for analysis ACS * 5
1.06528.5000 Sodium disulfite ( sodium metabisulfite) GR for analysis ACS * 5
1.06357.5000 Sodium disulfite extra pure
1.06507.0500 Sodium dithionite ( lab) * 5
1.06507.2500 Sodium dithionite ( lab) * 5
8.17034.1000 Sodium dodecyl sulfate dab, Ph.Eur., BP
8.18199.1000 Sodium ethylate ( solution 20 % in ethanol) for syn
1.06450.0025 Sodium fluoride 99, 99 suprapur
1.06441.1000 Sodium fluoride extra pure Ph Eur, BP, USP
1.06449.0250 Sodium fluoride GR
1.06449.1000 Sodium fluoride GR
8.06455.5000 Sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate dihydrate for synt
8.06455.9050 Sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate dihydrate for synt
8.06455.1000 Sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate for synthesis
1.06443.0500 Sodium formate GR
8.22058.1000 Sodium gluconate for synthesis
8.22058.0100 Sodium gluconate for synthesis * 5
1.04164.5000 Sodium glycerophosphate hydrate
1.06260.0250 Sodium GR * 5
1.02521.0025 Sodium hexanitrocobaltate ( III) GR
1.02521.0100 Sodium hexanitrocobaltate ( III) GR
1.06323.2500 Sodium hydrogen carbonate e.p. dab
1.06329.0500 Sodium hydrogen carbonate GR
1.06329.1000 Sodium hydrogen carbonate GR
1.06329.5000 Sodium hydrogen carbonate GR
1.06575.1000 Sodium hydrogen phosphate heptahydrate GR
1.06340.0050 Sodium hydrogen selenite for microbiology
1.06350.1000 Sodium hydrogen sulfate 1-hydrate e.p.
1.06352.0500 Sodium hydrogen sulfate 1-hydrate GR
8.06356.2500 Sodium hydrogen sulfite ( solution 39% in water) fo
8.06356.1000 Sodium hydrogen sulfite for synthesis
1.01567.0250 Sodium hydroxide on support granulated 0.8-1.6 mm
1.01564.1000 Sodium hydroxide on support, granulated about 1.6-3 mm, for elementary analysis
1.06495.0250 Sodium hydroxide pellets ( max.0.0002% k) GR
1.06495.1000 Sodium hydroxide pellets ( max.0.0002% k) GR
1.06469.1000 Sodium hydroxide pellets ( max.0.02% k) GR
1.06482.5000 Sodium hydroxide pellets extra pure
1.06498.0500 Sodium hydroxide pellets GR for analysis ISO
1.06498.1000 Sodium hydroxide pellets GR for analysis ISO
1.06498.5000 Sodium hydroxide pellets GR for analysis ISO
1.06462.1000 Sodium hydroxide pellets pure
1.06462.5000 Sodium hydroxide pellets pure
1.06462.9050 Sodium hydroxide pellets pure
1.09141.1000 Sodium hydroxide solution 0.1 mol/ l 0.1 n
1.09137.1000 Sodium hydroxide solution 1 mol/ l 1n
1.09137.2500 Sodium hydroxide solution 1 mol/ l 1n
1.11584.5000 Sodium hydroxide solution 4 mol/ l 4n
1.05590.2500 Sodium hydroxide solution min 32% GR
1.05590.9025 Sodium hydroxide solution min 32% GR
1.58793.1000 Sodium hydroxide solution min 50% GR
1.09961.0001 Sodium hydroxide solution titrisol 0.01 n
1.09959.0001 Sodium hydroxide solution titrisol 0.1 n
1.09958.0001 Sodium hydroxide solution titrisol 0.25 n
1.09957.0001 Sodium hydroxide solution titrisol 0.5 n
1.09956.0001 Sodium hydroxide solution titrisol 1 n
1.06525.0100 Sodium iodate GR
1.06523.0100 Sodium iodide GR for analysis
1.06523.0250 Sodium iodide GR for analysis
1.06522.2500 Sodium lactate solution 50% e.p. Dab * 4
1.06445.1000 Sodium l-glutamate NF, food grade
1.06597.0050 Sodium metaperiodate GR for analysis ACS * 5
1.06597.0250 Sodium metaperiodate GR for analysis ACS * 5
1.06597.1000 Sodium metaperiodate GR for analysis ACS * 5
8.18194.2500 Sodium methylate ( solution 30% in methanol) for sy * 5
8.06538.0500 Sodium methylate for synthesis
8.06538.0250 Sodium methylate for synthesis * 5
1.06521.0100 Sodium molybdate 2-hydrate GR
1.06521.0250 Sodium molybdate dihydrate GR for analysis
1.06521.1000 Sodium molybdate dihydrate GR for analysis
1.06524.9050 Sodium molybdate-dihydrate extra pure
1.06537.0500 Sodium nitrate GR
1.06537.1000 Sodium nitrate GR
1.06544.1000 Sodium nitrite extra pure USP
1.06549.0100 Sodium nitrite GR
1.06549.0500 Sodium nitrite GR
1.06564.0100 Sodium perchlorate 1-hydrate GR * 5
1.06564.0500 Sodium perchlorate 1-hydrate GR * 5
1.06563.0100 Sodium peroxide granular GR * 1
1.06563.0500 Sodium peroxide granular GR * 1
1.06563.1000 Sodium peroxide granular GR * 1
1.06609.0500 Sodium peroxidisulfate GR for analysis
1.06609.1000 Sodium peroxidisulfate GR for analysis
1.06529.1000 Sodium polyphosphate ( graham' s salt)
1.06601.0250 Sodium salicylate GR
1.05621.2500 Sodium silicate solution extra pure
1.05621.9040 Sodium silicate solution extra pure
1.05621.9250 Sodium silicate solution extra pure
1.19507.0500 Sodium standard solution traceable to srm from nist nano3
8.22145.0250 Sodium sulfanilate dihydrate for synthesis
1.06648.1000 Sodium sulfate 10-hydrate GR
1.06647.0050 Sodium sulfate anhydrous 99, 99 suprapur
1.06649.0500 Sodium sulfate anhydrous GR
1.06649.1000 Sodium sulfate anhydrous GR
1.06649.5000 Sodium sulfate anhydrous GR
1.06649.9025 Sodium sulfate anhydrous GR
1.06639.0500 Sodium sulfate anhydrous granulated for residue analysis suprasolv
1.06637.0500 Sodium sulfate anhydrous, coarse granules GR for analysis 0.63 - 2.0 mm ACS
1.06645.2500 Sodium sulfate anhydrousextra pure fine powder ph
1.06643.2500 Sodium sulfate anhydrousextra pure Ph Eur, BP, US
1.06657.0500 Sodium sulfite anhydrous GR
1.06657.1000 Sodium sulfite anhydrous GR for analysis ACS
1.06657.5000 Sodium sulfite anhydrous GR for analysis ACS
1.06652.1000 Sodium sulfite extra pure BP, Ph Franc, E 221
1.06669.0010 Sodium tetraphenylborate GR
1.06669.0025 Sodium tetraphenylborate GR
1.06669.0100 Sodium tetraphenylborate GR
1.06627.2500 Sodium thiocyanate pure
1.06691.0500 Sodium thioglycollate for microbiology
1.06512.2500 Sodium thiosulfate anhydrous
1.06516.0500 Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.06516.1000 Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.06516.5000 Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate GR for analysis ACS, ISO
1.09147.1000 Sodium thiosulfate solution 0.1 mol/ l 0.1n
1.09950.0001 Sodium thiosulfate solution for 1000 ml C( Na2S2O3) = 0, 1 mol/ l ( 0, 1 n) titrisol
1.09909.0001 Sodium thiosulfate solution titrisol 0.01 n
1.06673.0250 Sodium tungstate 2 - hydrate GR
1.06673.1000 Sodium tungstate 2 - hydrate GR
1.09226.0001 Software for MAS 100 Airsampler
1.00662.5000 Sorbic acid dab
1.03140.9028 Sorbitol instant dab
1.02994.9050 Sorbitol liquid ( sorbitol syrup, crystallizing) Ph Eur, BP, USP
8.40123.0100 Span 80 for synthesis
1.14237.0001 Spare Filters for Extrelut NT 3 Prepacked Glass Columns
1.14236.0001 Spare Filters for Extrelut NT1 Prepacked Glass Columns
1.09540.0001 Special indicator papers pH 0-2.5 strip non bleeding
1.09541.0001 Special indicator papers pH 2.5-4.5 strip non bleeding
1.09542.0001 Special indicator papers pH 4.0-7.0 strip non bleeding
1.09547.0001 Special indicator papers pH 5.2-7.2 strip non bleding
1.09545.0001 Special indicator strips pH 11.0 - 13.0 strip non bleeding
1.09543.0001 Special indicator strips pH 6.5-10.0 strip non bleeding
1.13175.1000 Spectromelt a 1000 Li2B4O7 + 0.07% libr
1.14676.0001 Spectroquant CombiCheck 10
1.14675.0001 Spectroquant CombiCheck 20
1.14677.0001 Spectroquant CombiCheck 30
1.14692.0001 Spectroquant CombiCheck 40
1.14695.0001 Spectroquant CombiCheck 50
1.14696.0001 Spectroquant CombiCheck 60
1.14689.0001 Spectroquant CombiCheck 70
1.14738.0001 Spectroquant CombiCheck 80
1.14693.0001 Spectroquant PhotoCheck
1.09748.0001 Spectroquant Photometer NOVA 30 A
1.09751.0001 Spectroquant Photometer NOVA 60
1.09752.0001 Spectroquant Photometer NOVA 60 A
1.14962.0001 Spectroquant PipeCheck
1.73630.0001 Spectroquant® Colori meter Multy
1.73602.0001 Spectroquant® Picco Ammonium
1.73607.0001 Spectroquant® Picco Cl2/ pH/ Ozone/ CyA/ ClO2
1.73601.0001 Spectroquant® Picco COD
1.73606.0001 Spectroquant® Picco Flouride
1.73603.0001 Spectroquant® Picco Nitrate
1.73605.0001 Spectroquant® Picco Phosphate
1.73604.0001 Spectroquant® Picco Total Nitrogen
1.00706.0001 Spectroquant® Spectrophotometer Pharo 100
1.00707.0001 Spectroquant® Spectrophotometer Pharo 300
1.71200.0001 Spectroquant® Thermoreactor TR 320
1.71201.0001 Spectroquant® Thermoreactor TR 420
1.71202.0001 Spectroquant® Thermoreactor TR 620
1.51257.0001 SPLIT COLLETS for manu-CART " 4" Cartridge Holder ( 2 Pieces)
1.08541.0001 Spray Nozzles for TLC Sprayer Content: 6 Units
1.10235.0500 SPS Agar ANGELOTTI Perfringens Selective Agar
1.08000.1000 Sputofluol for microbiology and microscopy sputofluol cat. no. 108000.2500 packing 2, 5 l dihapus alt
1.15178.0001 SS Agar
1.07667.0500 SS Agar ( Salmonella Shigella Agar)
1.01621.0500 Standard Count Agar
1.07881.0500 Standard I Nutrient Agar
1.10416.0001 Standard I Nutrient Agar
1.00417.0020 Standard I Nutrient Agar with neutralizer
1.07882.0500 Standard I Nutrient Broth
1.07883.0500 Standard II Nutrient Agar
1.19812.0500 Standard solution amonium
1.19897.0500 Standard solution chloride
1.19780.0500 Standard solution chromate
1.19814.0500 Standard solution fluoride
1.19811.0500 Standard solution nitrate
1.19898.0500 Standard solution phospate
1.19813.0500 Standard solution sulfate
1.07899.0500 Staphylococcus Enrichment Broth Base acc. BAIRD
1.11685.0250 Starch ( from wheat) for biochemistry
1.11685.1000 Starch ( from wheat) for biochemistry
1.01257.0050 Starch soluble Zulkowsky GR
1.01257.0250 Starch soluble Zulkowsky GR
1.01257.1000 Starch soluble Zulkowsky GR
1.01252.1000 Starch soluble GR
1.01252.9025 Starch soluble GR
1.01252.0100 Starch soluble GR extra fine powder extra pure Ph Eur, BP
1.01252.0250 Starch soluble GR extra fine powder extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP, FCC
8.00673.1000 Stearic acid for synthesis
1.00661.9020 Stearic acid vegetable grade Ph Eur, BP, NF
8.07680.0100 Stearyl alcohol for synthesis
8.07680.1000 Stearyl alcohol for synthesis
1.10274.0002 Sterikon Plus Bioindicator ( USP XXIII) big pack
1.10274.0001 Sterikon Plus Bioindicator ( USP XXIII) small pack
1.04318.0250 Stopcock grease melting point 45-53° C lab
1.16953.0001 Strip adapter for RQflex and RQflex plus
1.19799.0500 Strontium
1.07861.0500 Strontium carbonate precipitated selectipur
1.07857.0025 Strontium chloride for atomic absorption spectroscopy
1.07865.0250 Strontium chloride GR
1.07865.1000 Strontium chloride GR
1.70354.0100 Strontium ICP standard traceable to SRM from NIST, certipur®
1.07872.0250 Strontium nitrate anhydrous GR
8.07679.2500 Styrene for synthesis
8.07679.0100 Styrene stabilised for synthesis
8.07679.1000 Styrene stabilised for synthesis
1.00682.0250 Succinic acid GR
8.00683.0100 Succinic anhydride for synthesis
8.00683.0500 Succinic anhydride for synthesis
1.07653.9029 Sucrose ( saccharose) extra pure dab, Ph Eur, BP,
1.07687.0250 Sucrose ( saccharose) for biochemistry
1.07687.1000 Sucrose ( saccharose) for biochemistry
1.07687.5000 Sucrose ( saccharose) for biochemistry
1.07654.1000 Sucrose for density gradient ultracentrif
1.11747.0025 Sudan III lab
1.11799.0100 Sulfanilamide GR
1.00686.0100 Sulfanilic acid GR
1.00686.0250 Sulfanilic acid GR
1.00684.0005 Sulfanilic acid standard for elemental analysis gr for analysis
1.10019.0001 Sulfate
1.14411.0001 Sulfate
1.14789.0001 Sulfate
1.14 791.0001 Sulfate ( also rf 114789, 114411)
1.00617.0001 Sulfate Cell Test
1.14548.0001 Sulfate Cell Test
1.14564.0001 Sulfate Cell Test
1.09872.0001 sulfate standard 1000 mg SO42- ( H2SO4 in H2O) titrisol® * 3
1.14416.0001 Sulfide
1.14777.0001 Sulfide
1.14779.0001 Sulfide
1 .18468.0002 Sulfide ( 114777, 114416)
1.10013.0001 Sulfite
1.11148.0001 Sulfite
1.16987.0001 Sulfite
1.143 94.0001 Sulfite Cell Test
1.16722.0001 Sulfite in wine
1.01746.0001 Sulfite test
8.07993.1000 Sulfolane for synthesis
1.70355.0100 Sulfur ICP standard
1.09074.1000 Sulfuric acid ( H2SO4) = 0, 05 mol/ l ( 0, 1n) * 3
1.09912.0001 Sulfuric acid 1, 000 l for the preparation of dilute volumetric solutions or for direct use c( H2SO4)
1.12223.1000 Sulfuric acid 100% for conductivity meaSurements lab
1.00716.1000 Sulfuric acid 25% GR for analysis
1.00729.0500 Sulfuric acid 90-91% for gerber fat determination* 3
1.00729.9025 Sulfuric acid 90-91% for gerber fat determination* 3
1.00732.2500 Sulfuric acid 95-97% GR for analysis ( max. 0, 0000005% hg) ACS ISO* 3
1.00731.1000 Sulfuric acid 95-97% GR for analysis ISO* 3
1.00731.2500 Sulfuric acid 95-97% GR for analysis ISO* 3
1.00748.0500 Sulfuric acid 98% for the determination of nitrogen* 3
1.00748.2500 Sulfuric acid 98% for the determination of nitrogen* 3
1.09984.0001 Sulfuric acid for 1000 ml C( H2SO4) = 0, 05 mol/ l ( 0, 1n) titrisol
1.09981.0001 Sulfuric acid for 1000 ml C( H2SO4) = 0, 5 mol/ l ( 1n) titrisol* 3
1.00720.1000 Sulfuric acid fuming 65% SO3 extra pure* 3
1.00761.1000 Sulfurous acid 5 -6 % SO2 GR
1.10864.0500 Sulphite Iron Agar Base
1.19613.0010 Superspher 100 RP-18
1.19618.0010 Superspher 100 RP-18 Endcapped
1.19612.0010 Superspher 60 RP-8
1.19617.0010 Superspher 60 RP-8 Endcapped
1.19643.0010 Superspher 60 RP-Select B
1.19609.0010 Superspher SI 60
1.14697.0001 Surfactants ( anionic) Cell Test
1.01764.0001 Surfactants ( Cationic) Cell Test
1.01787.0001 Surfactants ( Nichtion) Cell Test
1.06023.1000 TAE Buffer 10x pH 8.3 TRIS-Acetate-EDTA Buffer
1.06174.1000 TAE Buffer 50x pH 8.3 TRIS-Acetate-EDTA Buffer
1.00773.1000 Tannic acid powder pure dab
1.70356.0100 Tantalum ( ICP1000 mg/ l)
1.16721.0001 Tartaric Acid
8.08616.0250 Taurine for synthesis
1.05400.0500 TB Medium Base LOEWENSTEIN-JENSEN
1.08512.0500 Tb-color carbol fuchsin solution for the microscopic cold staining of mycobacteria
1.08512.2500 Tb-color carbol fuchsin solution for the microscopic cold staining of mycobacteria
1.00497.0001 Tb-color modified staining kit for the detection of mycobacteria ( AFB) by hot staining ( zn) methods
1.16450.0001 Tb-color staining kit for the microscopic investigation of mycobacteria ( cold staining)
1.06177.2500 TBE Buffer 10xpH 8.3 TRIS-Borate-EDTA Buffer
1.01597.0001 Tb-fluor phenol-free staining kit for the acid-fast smear examination with fluor- escence microscopy
1.09093.0001 Tb-fluor
menampilkan 129 dari 434