Tanggal Bergabung: 24 May. 2023 Terakhir Diperbarui: 16 Mar. 2010
Sifat Dasar Usaha: Jasa dari kategori Layanan Bisnis
Penjelasan Ringkas
Di web site ini banyak terdapat model Feasibility Study / Business Plan dari perusahaan skala kecil, menengah sampai besar yang sampai sekarang beberapa masih berdiri di bidang Perusahaan Induk, Pertambangan, Dagang, Farmasi, Pertanian, Televisi, Properti, Telekomunikasi, Perikanan, Akuakultur, TV Berlangganan, Majalah, Pabrik Keramik, dll.
FS disusun secara comprehensive dan telah diuji untuk keperluan mencari investor dan pinjaman, dilengkapi dengan rumus-rumus dan paramater sebagai Key Success Factor dimana setiap business selalu berbeda.
Disini juga banyak terdapat templates seperti: Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasi, Acquisition, Merger, Business Valuation, Laporan Fiskal dsb.
FS ini dalam linking document, yang dapat anda gunakan sebagai referensi untuk mengembangkan business dan mudah dipelajari, menjadikan anda lebih professional
Selain yang tersebut diatas, terdapat juga aplikasi Database MS Access yang siap dipakai untuk menyusun Financial Report, Financial Project, Inventory, Fixed Assets, Personnel, dsb.
Kunjungi kami di www.feasibilitystudy.multiply.com
Produk / Jasa Utama
Menjual :
- Business Plan
In this website, you will find many models of Feasibility Study / Business Plan starting from Small to Medium Enterprises (SME) to Large Scale companies which are currently existing in Holding Company, Mining, Trading, Pharmaceutical, Agriculture, Television Broadcasting, Property, Telecommunications, Fishery, Aquaculture, Pay TV, Magazine, Ceramic Manufacture, etc.
The FS have been prepared in comprehensive way and been evaluated for the purpose to source reliable investors and loans. It is also enhanced with formulas and parameters as the Key Success Factor of various types of business.
The FS is set in linking document, which can be used as references to develop your own business. It is friendly user and adopt and would help you more professionally.
There are a lot of templates related to Consolidated Financial Report, Business Acquisition, Merger, Business Valuation, Fiscal Report, etc.
You can also find some ready-to-use of MS Access Database applications in order to help you to make your own Financial Report, Financial Project, Inventory, Fixed Assets, Personnel, etc