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SANYO NC-CFN06BTG ECO Family Pack Battery Charger
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai

SANYO Battery Charger Eco Family Pack NC-CFN06BTG

SANYO offers ' Power Pack Set with the Long Life Charger
The packs are with 4 pcs of size AA and 4 pcs of size AAA eneloop
rechargeable battery. The pack has also 2-kind of Adapters in size C
and D battery.


It' s a Power-Pack-Set of Power ! ! !
Sanyo Eneloop 6 hours Standard Charger + 4pcs AA, 4pcs AAA & 2pcs each of C, D size of Adapter

SANYO offers power pack set with the long life charger. The packs are with four of size AA and four of size AAA
eneloop batteries. The pack has also two kind of adapters in size C and D.

What is eneloop?

- eneloop is a Ready to use Rechargeable Battery that has virtually no memory effect. It can be recharged up-to 1000
times. Once charged, eneloop retains 85% of its charged capacity after 12-months of storage .

eneloop are:

• ECO-friendly & Economical ( up-to 1000x recharging cycles! )
• Long Lasting ( 85% charge retention after 12-months)
• Powerful ( 4.4x photo-shooting battery life! )

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Email : sales@
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