PT. ESSI Perkasa Utama

Katalog Produk

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Slipform Curber and Kerbmaker
The equipment for do kerbmaker or slipform curber designed for forming curb on top of finished pavements.

ARROW 350 powered by a 3 cylinder YANMAR, water cooled diesel engine.
Launcher Gantry
The best solution for beam or segmental bridge with high workabilty such as top on the river or sea or in the city with high traffic.
Formwork for Beam Girder,  Box Segment,  Tunnel
Steel Formwork / Mould with hydraulic system for precasting Beam girder, box segmental bridge or tunnel mould. It' s guarranty for the best result.
SANY-Batching Plant
Capacity : 60 -150 m3/ hr.
Mixer Capacity : 1 M3- 2, 68 m3 with Horizontal Twin Shaft System. Guarranty for the best mixing result.
Max. Aggregate Size : 80 mm
Lifting Frame
Alternative solution for beam or segmental bridge with high workabilty such as top on the river or sea or in the city with high traffic, for low budget.
Straddle Carrier
Specials equipment for beam, segmental box, or heavy goods transporter in the sea port or in casting yard.
SULLAIR-Portable Compressor
Sullair Portable compresor with capacity 375 cfm-1050 cfm powered by Dong feng-Cummins engine. USA product, assembly in China. The best solution for your portable compressors.
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