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CV ERELHAES REHJAYANA Supplier : Laboratory Equipment, Glassware, Electrical Test, Measuring Instrument, Civil Laboratory Testing Equipment, etc.
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Tn. Hendrik [Pemasaran]

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Jl. Muhtar tabrani. Perum Bintang Metropol Blok A-7 No 16
Bekasi 17122, Jawa Barat

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AGILENT Atomic Absorption Systems AA DUO AAS
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
Negara AsalAmerika Serikat
AAS DUO SYSTEM, Simultaneous Operation of Flame and Graphite
Furnace Controlled by PC

• Simultaneous operation of Flame and graphite furnace doubles
your productivity
• Combine flame or hydride atomizer wit either a deuterium or Zeeman
corrected graphite furnace, depending on your needs
• Dedicated atomizers eliminate setup and changeover times
• Widest linear dynamic range from sub parts-per-billion to percent level.
• Controlled by Varian’ s acclaimed worksheet software, which delivers rapid
instrument setup, easy operation and simple method development.

Flame AAS ( 4 Lamps)
• ICP-AES speed of analysis with AAS cost
• FULLY AUTOMATED PC Controlled AAS with Varian Patented “ FAST
SEQUENTIAL“ Software Assembly, ability to determine multi-elements ( min. 4
elements simultaneously) in sample.
• Double beam optic fully sealed and mirrors quartz over coated. Automated Slit
selection of 0.2; 0.5 and 1.0 nm plus one reduced height slit of 0.5 nm for
Graphite Furnace Operation.
• High intensity Deuterium background corrector; to 2.3 Abs, 2 ms response.
Electronic modulation with automatic attenuation. Easy aliqued and replaced by
• New Technology Patented Fixed 4 Lamp position not using Turret. All
lamp operated simultaneously in Fast Sequential mode. Fast lamp selection
using mirror. Speed of analysis 2 times faster than conventional AAS using
8 LAMP TURRET. Lamps automatically switch off at the end of analysis.
• Hammer Programmable Gas Control. PC Controlled gas flows with automatic
oxidant setting of gas flows for each element. Automatic oxidant change over.
Features unique fast response Hammer solenoid valve for rapid regulation and
setting of selected gas flow.
• Fast Sequential Software Assembly; determines 10 elements in 20 samples in
under 90 minutes comes in CD and IEEE card and windows operating system.
• Typical Performance: > 0.90Absorbance with precision of
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