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LED Headlight / Headlamp Zumax HL-8000[4 Jan. 2010, 7:01:55]
HargaHarga Penawaran Rp 12.750.000
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
Kemas & PengirimanCarton Box
Negara AsalChina


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LED Headlight / Headlamp Zumax HL-8000

HL8000 series dipergunakan untuk pemeriksaan umum / rutin dan berbagai macam pembedahan.

LED Headlamp ini dapat dipergunakan untuk dokter :
. Mata
. Gigi
. Digestif ( Ambeien)
. ObGyn
Dan lain-nya yg membutuhkan pencahayaan lebih fokus dan terang.

Cahaya berwarna putih bersih, dengan intensitas cahaya sebanding dengan Xenon.

1. Light Source: Our LED lamp without the heat of traditional Halogen headlight. With a color temperature of 6000 Kelvin, this light supplies bright, white, shadow-free light allowing the doctor to see tissue characteristics without distortion.
2. Enjoy the flexibility of operating the headlight using the rechargeable Lithium battery, can use without the direct power source. It is one of the most comfortable lightweight headlights and suitable for all kinds of surgery.
3. The headlight could be used when it is charging.
4. Has low-battery indicator light.
5. Adapts to any Binocular Loupes of Zumax
6. Smart design, convenient for mobile diagnosis.

Diameter of the light spot at a distance of 420mm : 20-80mm
Illumination in 200mm working distance : > 32000 LX
Fluctuation distance : 12.5mm
Direction of Illumination: Vertical ± 25° adjustable
Weight : 69g
Illumination Source: Extremely bright light, 5W LED, life 20000 hours continuous burn.
Battery : 7.2 V Lithium battery
Battery Run-time : > 2.5 hours
Input Voltage : 110 VAC / 220 VAC
Maximum Power Input : 10W
Electrical Safety Standard : IEC60601.1, class II equipment

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