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  • bamboo fencing

    bamboo fencing


    bamboo fence panel includes fence posts for fixing into the ground. all specifications as per our standard models.

  • bamboo panel,  abstract.

    bamboo panel, ....


    this option is available with the same specifications as our standard bamboo panel. the design can be varied according to customer needs.

  • bamboo garden edging/borders.

    bamboo garden edging....


    bamboo garden edging is a quick and easy way to contain garden spaces and handy for a wide variety of landscaping applications.

    specs: 25cm high x 100cm long x 5-6cm diameter. ....

  • bamboo panels.

    bamboo panels.

    RP90,000 / 180cm x 90cm panel.

    We manufacture a wide range of bamboo products for home and garden use. Our standard bamboo panel is 180cm x 90cm wide and approximately 6cm thick.They can be supplied either....

  • bamboo trellis/panel

    bamboo trellis/ panel

    Rp70,000 per unit (or Rp27,000/m2)

    bamboo trellis is suitable for garden applications such as screening, plant support and decoration.

    size: 240cm x 110cm x 2.5cm loading 1005 units per 40' high cube container.

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