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Easy Life Technologies
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    Drum crushers

    Drum crushers

    from 6,000 USD
    Jumlah Pesanan:
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    Cara Pembayaran:
    The "EZcrush 25-30" drum crusher is designed to crush empty barrels which can reach up to a 200 litter volume and a tin thickness of up to 1.4 mm.
    Its design emphasizes maximal performances, easy operation, performance speed and easy maintenance.
    The actual crushing is performed inside a closed compartment. A transparent window is designed in the crusher's door which enables the operator to watch the crushing process.
    The liquid's residue which slides from the crushed barrels flow into a drain and then through a tubular is drained outside to a collection point. The crushing of the barrel is performed by a hydraulic piston which in addition to the actual crushing also pierces the barrel's lid so as to free confined air and to allow the liquids, should any exist, to flow outside during the crushing process.
    The hydraulic power unit constitutes an integral part of the crusher and is located above it, thus saving sizable space.
    The crusher is operated by pressing electric operating push buttons (the crusher can be also supplied with a manual hydraulic selector).
    The crusher's compartment is especially large in order to allow the crushing of damaged, bent or bulged barrels. The crushing cycle performance time (pressing and back) – less then a minute.
    Crushers type “XP" can be also supplied in order to operate within an explosive and/or toxic environment.
    Exclusive advantages:
    Crushing power of 25-30 Ton.
    Supplied with a "huge" crushing compartment while maintaining small sizes
    An integral hydraulic power unit
    A hydraulic pressure gauge with real time display
    12 months guarantee
    Instruction guide which includes operation and maintenance instructions in English

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