Airflex CB element assemblies are used as both clutches and brakes in general power transmission service. The primary feature of the CB design and construction is the Airflex torsion resilient principle made possible by the transmission of power through the side walls of the flexible neoprene and cord actuating tube. This flexibility also permits minor shaft misalignment.
The Type CB is suited for high speed, cyclic operations, as well as for coupling and general power transmission.
Torque Capacities* Up To: 1, 160, 000 Ib· in, 131.000 N· m
Typical Applications: Can making machinery, commercial laundry equipment, metalforming machinery, oil & gas machinery, printing machinery, rubber processing machinery, tire building machinery
Standard Sizes: 3CB150, 4CB200, 5CB200, 6CB200, 8CB250, 10CB300, 12CB350, 14CB400, 16CB500, 18CB500, 20CB500, 22CB500, 24CB500, 26CB525, 28CB525, 30CB525, 32CB525, 36CB525, 40CB525, 45CB525