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frequency detectors, 021 70245069, TXD CHASER, pelacak frekuensi[30 Jan. 2012, 20:31:39]
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TXD CHASER is the dual mode detector with alarm function and receiving function. Electronic sound alarm and LED meter helps you to narrow down the distance between you and hidden bug.


* Dual function. Electronic sound alarm synchronized with LED meter helps you to locate hidden bug. Receiving function recieves radiowave and it is very helpful to find if the radiowave is really coming from hidden bug.
* User-friendly operation. Switches and buttons are kept at minimum. There' s no complicated operation like the wideband recievers. Anyone can handle it without effort.

Note: Bug Pinger is not a receiver.


* Product Name: TXD CHASER
* Size: 65 x 32 x 115( 125) mm
* Weight: 191g
* Antenna: Ø 14.5 x 155 - 615mm adjustable, 28g
* Power Supply: AA x 4
* Battery Life: 30hrs ( alkaline)
* Receiving Frequency: 28 - 1, 000MHz
* Alarm Mode: Alarm mode locates the dirrection of the radio wave emitted. Using this mode you can narrow down the distance to a hidden bug
* Receiving Mode: Receiving mode helps you to judge if the radio wave Bug Pinger receiving is really coming from bug or other device

Untuk Pemesanan Hub.

Telp. : 021 7024 5069
E-Mail : duniaspy@
YM ID : duniaspy/ csduniaspy3
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Alamat : Jl. Raharja No. 09 Lt. 01 No. 03-Pondok Pinang
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