Anggota Gratis
DjatiMakmur Agung Export Furniture
Produk Terbaru
Djati Makmur Agung is a company engaged in the field of indoor and outdoor furniture. Our company was established 15 years ago. We have tremendous respect for honesty, punctuality, and work discipline. For terms of quality, no doubt the export quality of all goods is done by professional experts in their fields, to give satisfaction to you.

Contact Person, Phone Office: ( 0291) 592193
Mobile Phone: 0817243251, Djoko/ 085641711998, Dhio ( dhio sms only)
Email: djati_makmuragung@

Our Show room: JL. Pemuda 54 Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia
Our FB page: http: / / profile.php? id= 100000026639299
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