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Cure natural gel
HargaRp. 330
Jumlah Pesanan:
Kemas & Pengirimanbolot, sample
Kenalkan ke teman Anda
Rp. 330, 000, -
= > 250ml/ botol = > 2-3 bulan pemakaian

tersedian kemasan ekonomis, sample 10ml

Selama 7 tahun telah menjadi produk BEST SELLER, Terjual 1 botol setiap 20 menit...! ! !

Nature Aqua Gel Cure is formulated with natural ingredients that are gentle to your skin and is suitable for all skin type. It softens the top layer and gently removes the dead skin cells from your skin. It aids in removing dead and old skin cells which normal cleansing product are unable to remove.

With continued usage, it helps to prevent blackheads and reveal a brighter, firmer and smoother skin.

Features: Non-scented, color free, no preservatives and no animal testing.90% of ingredient is made of water.

How to use:
- Wash face thoroughly with soap and water. Dry your face with a clean towel.
- Pump 3 to 5 times to obtain an appropriate amount of gel on your hand. Apply gel to your face, neck, or other areas that are dry and rough.
- Gently massage when the gel turns milky white ( do not rub skin too hard) . Splash with clean water to remove away excess dead skin.
- Apply lotion or moisturizer as per normal.
- For best results, use â Cureâ 2 times per week.

* This product can be applied to other parts of your body: neck, wrist. etc
* seminggu pake 2 kali buat mencegah komedo datang lagi.

Review from Customer in Singapore:
sLesTa Jan 19, 2009, 04: 22 PM :
i fell in love with a new find. kemaren ini, 2 orang member FD maen ke spore. pas ketemuan di takashimaya, salah satu dari mereka ngajak liat ke watson' s, ngasih tau ttg product skincare from japan. namanya cure: natural aqua jel.

pas dicobain sih, enak gitu di tangan. kalo abis di usap2, kayak keluar kotoran macam daki gitu warna putih. padahal bentuknya ya kayak cairan jel gitu. berhubung gue orangnya gak gampang percaya, gue gak mau langsung beli. sementara 2 member FD itu langsung borong.. hehe..

gue dikasih 2 sachet sample yang langsung gue cobain malemnya. and voila! gue bener2 ngerasa seneng banget. enak di muka dan langsung berasa halus banget muka gue. kebetulan akhir2 ini gue emang lagi sebel banget ama blackheads yang numpuk di sekitar idung. biasanya gue ngerawat dengan rajin facial, tapi sejak pindah kesini agak susah facial seperti yang gue mau ( belom nemu tempat yang oke) .

biasanya kalo nyobain sekali, gue ya udah.. lupa. tapi kali ini gue suka banget ama hasilnya, makanya langsung kepikiran dan akhirnya balik lagi buat beli 1 botol! heheh..

setau gue sih gak ada lagi skin care laennya. hanya satu ini tuh..

in the meantime, this product really helps a lot! and the fact that 90% of ingredient is made out of water is really perfect for sensitive skin.
menampilkan 7 dari 12 | Sebelum : Meiji Pink | Berikut : babyfoot
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