Charlie Banana - Baby Pink[17 Jun. 2011, 20:03:08]
Charlie Bananaâ„¢ One Size or Size diapers are a 2 in 1 system.
You can use washable inserts or disposable inserts.
A diaper with options! We recommend you stuff the inside with reusable inserts.
There are times when you need to be able to use disposable.
While traveling, dropping your kid to someone that might be inexperienced with cloth diapers, or any occasion when a disposable is needed.
Sized versus One Size?
* Some mothers prefer the Sized Diapers as no adjustments are needed and they always give a perfect fit.
* Nappies This is especially true for the Small size diapers. Many babies are light weight upon arrival and it is harder to fit a One Size as snugly as a Small Size on an underweight baby.
* We often recommend to get a couple of each size as you will use them all anyway and see what you like best, then add more of your favorite style and colour as you wish.
* Every baby is different and it is really a personal preference.
* They are both great diapers. Really! !
Paket termasuk 2 Insert Microfiber.
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