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 Katalog Produk:SPEAKER ACTIVE / AKTIF HIGH DEFINITION MACKIE HD1521  Katalog Produk:TTL 55A  Katalog Produk:TTL33 A  Katalog Produk:TTL12 AS  Katalog Produk:TT25 SMA  Katalog Produk:24FX  Katalog Produk:SUNTEC M105FX  Katalog Produk:SUNTEC M125FX  Katalog Produk:POWER MIXER MACKIE PPM1012  Katalog Produk:MIXER ROXY RENYX 1622FX  Katalog Produk:MIXER ROXY RENYX 1822FX  Katalog Produk:MIXER ROXY RENYX 1002FX  Katalog Produk:MIXER SOUNDCRAFT NOTEPAD 124FX  Katalog Produk:BROADCAST MIXER ALLEN & HEATH XB 14  Katalog Produk:DJ MIDI CONTROLLER ALLEN & HEATH XONE 1D  Katalog Produk:DIGITAL AUDIO CONTROLLER ALLEN & HEATH XONE 2D  Katalog Produk:PEAVEY RQ2310 MIXER  Katalog Produk:PEAVEY RQ2318 MIXER  Katalog Produk:SHURE SVX 14 / PG30  Katalog Produk:PEAVEY ESCORT 3000 PA SYSTEM  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER JBL SRX728S  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER JBL SRX725  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER JBL SRX718S  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER ACTIVE BETA 3 U15a  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER TT08  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER TT22  Katalog Produk:GB8 Soundcraft MIXER  Katalog Produk:GB4 Soundcraft MIXER  Katalog Produk:GB2 SOUNDCRAFT MIXER  Katalog Produk:LX7ii SOUNDCRAFT MIXER  Katalog Produk:MIXER SOUNDCRAFT MPMi SERIES  Katalog Produk:MIXER SOUNDCRAFT MFXi SERIES  Katalog Produk:MIXER SOUNDCRAFT FX16i  Katalog Produk:MIXER SOUNDCRAFT EPM SERIES  Katalog Produk:MIXER SOUNDCRAFT EFX SERIES  Katalog Produk:MIXER SOUNDCRAFT NOTEPAD 124FX  Katalog Produk:MIXER SOUNDCRAFT NOTEPAD 124  Katalog Produk:POWER MIXER SOUNDCRAFT GIGRAC 1000ST  Katalog Produk:POWER MIXER SOUNDCRAFT GIGRAC 600  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER JBL VRX 918SP  Katalog Produk:POWER MIXER AXL AUDION PD 6  Katalog Produk:POWER MIXER AXL AUDION PDM 8  Katalog Produk:POWER MIXER AXL AUDION PDM 12  Katalog Produk:POWER MIXER AXL AUDION PDM 6  Katalog Produk:MIXER AXL AUDION MD 16  Katalog Produk:POWER AMPLIFIER AXL AUDION A15SB  Katalog Produk:POWER AMPLIFIER AXL AUDION A3  Katalog Produk:POWER AMPLIFIER AXL AUDION A6  Katalog Produk:POWER AMPLIFIER AXL AUDION A8  Katalog Produk:POWER AMPLIFIER AXL AUDION A10  Katalog Produk:POWER AMPLIFIER AXL AUDION A10DSP  Katalog Produk:POWER AMPLIFIER AXL AUDION A12  Katalog Produk:MIC SHURE PG58 LC  Katalog Produk:MIC SHURE SM58 LC  Katalog Produk:MIC SHURE BETA 58A  Katalog Produk:MIC SHURE SVX24 / PG28  Katalog Produk:MIC SHURE SM57 LC  Katalog Produk:MIXER ALLEN HEATH ZED 22FX  Katalog Produk:MIXER ALLEN HEATH ZED 420  Katalog Produk:MIXER ALLEN HEATH ZED 12FX  Katalog Produk:MIXER ALLEN HEATH ZED 24  Katalog Produk:HORN EMINENCE H395  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER EMINENCE KAPPA PRO 15LF 2  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER EMINENCE KAPPA PRO 15A  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER EMINENCE DELTA 15A  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER EMINENCE KAPPA 15A  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER EMINENCE DELTA PRO 18A  Katalog Produk:KOMPONEN / COMPONENT SPEAKER EMINENCE OMEGA PRO 18A  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER EMINENCE KILOMAX® PRO 18A  Katalog Produk:TWEETER / DRIVER EMINENCE ASD 1001  Katalog Produk:TWEETER / DRIVER EMINENCE PSD 200  Katalog Produk:POWER MIXER YAMAHA EMX 312 SC  Katalog Produk:32FX™  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER PEAVEY KB 3  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER PEAVEY KB 4  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER PEAVEY KB 5  Katalog Produk:SUBWOOFER PASSIVE / PASIF PEAVEY PV 118  Katalog Produk:MIXER PEAVEY PV 8  Katalog Produk:POWER MIXER YAMAHA EMX 512 SC  Katalog Produk:MIXER YAMAHA MG166CX USB  Katalog Produk:MIXER YAMAHA MG166C USB  Katalog Produk:MIXER YAMAHA MG206C USB  Katalog Produk:MIXER PEAVEY PV 20 ( USB)  Katalog Produk:MIXER PEAVEY PV 14  Katalog Produk:MIXER PEAVEY PV10  Katalog Produk:MIXER PEAVEY PV 8  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER MONITOR RECORDING MACKIE HR824mk2  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER MONITOR RECORDING MACKIE HR624mk2  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER MONITOR RECORDING MACKIE MR8  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER MONITOR RECORDING MACKIE MR  Katalog Produk:MACKIE ONYX BLACKJACK  Katalog Produk:MACKIE ONYX BLACKBIRD  Katalog Produk:MACKIE MCU XT PRO ( The All Powerful, Ultra Expandable Control Surface Made for Your Software)  Katalog Produk:MACKIE MCU PRO ( The All Powerful, Ultra Expandable Control Surface Made for Your Software)  Katalog Produk:MIXER MACKIE ONYX FIREWIRE1640i  Katalog Produk:MIXER MACKIE ONYX FIREWIRE 1220i  Katalog Produk:MIXER MACKIE ONYX FIREWIRE 820i  Katalog Produk:MIXER MACKIE ONYX FIREWIRE 820  Katalog Produk:MIXER MACKIE ONYX FIREWIRE1620i  Katalog Produk:MIXER MACKIE 3204 VLZ3  Katalog Produk:MIXER MACKIE 2404 VLZ3  Katalog Produk:MIXER MACKIE 1604 VLZ3  Katalog Produk:MIXER MACKIE 1642 VLZ3  Katalog Produk:MIXER MACKIE 1402 VLZ3  Katalog Produk:MIXER MACKIE 1202 VLZ3  Katalog Produk:MIXER MACKIE 802 VLZ3  Katalog Produk:MIXER MACKIE 402 VLZ3  Katalog Produk:MIXER MACKIE CFX20 MKII  Katalog Produk:MIXER MACKIE CFX16 MKII  Katalog Produk:MIXER MACKIE CFX12 MKII  Katalog Produk:SUBWOOFER ACTIVE / AKTIF HIGH DEFINITION MACKIE HD1801  Katalog Produk:SUBWOOFER ACTIVE / AKTIF HIGH DEFINITION MACKIE HD1501  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER ACTIVE / AKTIF HIGH DEFINITION MACKIE HD1531  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER MACKIE SRM1801  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER MACKIE SRM 450V2  Katalog Produk:SRM 350V2 MACKIE SPEAKER  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER PUBLIC ADDRES ACTIVE / AKTIF MACKIE SRM150  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER MACKIE TH 15A  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER PASIF MACKIE C300Z  Katalog Produk:SPEAKER PASIF MACKIE C200  Katalog Produk:MIXER ALLEN HEATH ZED R16  Katalog Produk:MIXER ALLEN HEATH ZED 436  Katalog Produk:MIXER ALLEN HEATH ZED 428  Katalog Produk:MIXER ALLEN HEATH ZED 22FX  Katalog Produk:MIXER ALLEN HEATH ZED 420  Katalog Produk:MIXER ALLEN HEATH ZED 12FX  Katalog Produk:MIXER ALLEN HEATH ZED 14  Katalog Produk:MIXER ALLEN HEATH ZED 24  Katalog Produk:MIXER ALLEN HEATH ZED 10FX  Katalog Produk:DJ WORKSPACE ALLEN & HEATH XONE 4D  Katalog Produk:DJ CONTROLLER ALLEN & HEATH XONE 3D  Katalog Produk:MIXER ALLEN HEATH MIXWIZARD WZ3 16 : 2  Katalog Produk:MIXER MACKIE PROFX8  Katalog Produk:MIXER ALLEN & HEATH ML3000  Katalog Produk:MIXER ALLEN & HEATH GL2800  Katalog Produk:MIXER ALLEN & HEATH GL2800M  Katalog Produk:SNAKE CABLE ( KABEL PROEL EBN 1604)  Katalog Produk:SNAKE CABLE / KABEL PROEL EBN 3208  Katalog Produk:POWER AMPLIFIER SOUNDSTANDARD HQ SERIES  Katalog Produk:POWER AMPLIFIER SOUNDSTANDARD CA SERIES 
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    The DAW-loving, premium analog mixing, FireWire-laden mother of all compact mixers

    The 16-channel 1640i is the flagship mixer of the series featuring a full 16 mono mic/ line channels each with 4-band dual sweep Perkins EQ, a whopping six aux sends each with pre/ post and solo capability, 4 sub groups and a powerful master section. Despite its large channel count, the 1640i is compact, rack mountable and features our renowned flexible RotoPod� design, allowing the mixer to be housed in any configuration � from custom studio furniture, live sound installs or even post production machine rooms. The 1640i� s full-featured 16x16 FireWire capability allows the user to route all channels, aux sends, sub groups and master L/ R to their favorite DAW. However, the true power of the 1640i lies in its ability bring back the full 16 channels of FireWire output from your computer directly into the channel strips � for a true tape style mix down. Plus, FireWire aggregation allows for connection of multiple 1640i� s, providing the capability to record or mix down even the largest of sessions.

    Mackie-designed gear is more often than not, the result of customer interaction and suggestion. After all, we are making gear for you. For years, our customers have been asking for the freedom to work with any DAW they choose. So when we designed the Onyx-i series, we took this suggestion to heart. We are very proud that Onyx-i mixers are more DAW-friendly than any other interface ever. Onyx-i mixers are qualified by Mackie for use with all major DAWs, including Pro Tools® M-Powered� 8* , Logic© , SONAR� , Cubase© and more. Now, dedicated Mackie customers can enjoy using their Mackie mixer with the world� s most popular DAW. And Pro Tools® M-Powered� 8 users now have a variety of new, and different, tools to use with their favorite DAW. It� s a win-win situation.

    * Pro Tools® M-Powered� 8 users must download FREE Mackie Universal Driver Upgrade here

    The Onyx 1640i is the flagship mixer of the series, boasting a full 16x16 FireWire interface, allowing for something that a DAW could never do alone: A true tape-style mixdown.

    If you are doing a real analog mixdown, you will surely benefit from the premium features that the 1640i provides. Send all channels simultaneously to your DAW, get them recorded and apply your plug-ins. Once you have everything edited and ready, you can simply route up to 16 streams straight back into the 1640i� s channel strips. You can choose to apply some of that lovely Perkins EQ if you wish. All of these signals hit our premium, high-headroom custom summing bus. It combines the best of both the digital and analog realm to create seamless workflow that makes your sessions faster, easier and better sounding than ever possible before.

    Wet or Dry? � Every channel on the mixer can be routed pre or post EQ to the computer, allowing you to choose whether to implement � EQ to tape� or not.
    Studio Quality Effects� All aux sends are routable to the computer, allowing you to utilize your computer as a powerful FX engine by implementing your favorite plug-ins in a live scenario.
    Preserve Your Mix � Master L/ R is routable to the computer for recording your analog mix. Burn and sell CDs of the mix at the end of the gig!
    Mix Integration � Up to 16 sources from your computer can be routed to either the control room for instant monitoring or right back into the channel strips for mix integration.
    Latency-Free Overdubs � Having a � real� mixer has its benefits. Latency-free overdubs are simple since you are using an analog mixer. No more wasted time dealing with the complicated � DSP� mixers commonly used on standalone interfaces.

    Most DAWs also support device aggregation, allowing you to use multiple 1640i� s in any given session. Imagine 32 or 48 channels, streaming effortlessly to and from your DAW, with all the power right in your hands. It� s the ideal combination of modern technology and classic mixing style.

    When it comes to the high pressure environment of a recording session or live performance, you simply cannot beat the stability and reliability of an analog mixer. With features honed over 20 years of design by some of the legends in the industry, the Onyx-i Series mixers are simply the best sounding full-featured analog mixing boards available to the modern sound engineer.
    The 1640i has a plethora of analog features that are sure to please. Sixteen full-featured channels each feature Onyx mic preamps, with a reputation as some of the best boutique quality preamps available today. Every channel features 48V phantom power, a low-cut switch and dedicated 4-band, dual-sweep Perkins EQ, offering a highly musical Q filter without sacrificing the precise control the Mackie EQs are known for. Six aux sends provide pre/ post control over additional dedicated mixes, including monitor mixes and effects loops. The 1640i features true 4-bus architecture, offering four subgroups that are perfect for managing your mix or for zone control of multiple PA setups. There are built-in DIs on the first two channels for direct connection of guitars or bass and a dedicated talkback section with a built-in mic that lets you easily communicate with band members while on stage or recording. With all these proven, great-sounding analog features, it is easier than ever to create a memorable mix.

    The Onyx 1640i is an ideal mixer for live sound, with plenty of inputs to get the whole band hooked up and tons of premium analog features like flexible EQ, aux sends and subgroups to properly mix the show. Then there� s the built-in 16x16 FireWire interface, allowing you to create easy multi-track recordings for later mixdown� completely independent of the house mix. But, when integrated with Waves� MultiRack plug-in platform ( available separately) , the 1640i becomes a live sound superbeast, with talons of awesomeness and teeth of solid power. Ok, maybe that� s a stretch, but it will change the way you think about live sound. You can read more about MultiRack on their site, but here� s the down and dirty:

    Your favorite plug-ins: Use your favorite Waves plug-ins in a live environment in a convenient user interface that offers the look and functionality of a full rack of outboard gear
    Ultra-low latency: Tested in real world applications with latency equal to standalone digital consoles
    Clear the clutter: Just your Onyx 1640i, a FireWire cable and a laptop running MultiRack
    Snapshot Recall: From individual plug-in settings to full recall of racks and sessions, without turning a thousand knobs

    The Onyx 1640i is uniquely capable of unleashing the full potential of this software, with powerful processing available on each and every channel, not to mention auxes, groups and the master L/ R. You can forget about cheap digital mixers with inferior effects. Premium analog mixer. Premium processing capability. Unparalleled DAW support, including groundbreaking support for Pro Tools® M-Powered� 8. All of this is available now with the Onyx 1640i and Waves MultiRack software.

    The Onyx 1640i offers a tremendous collection of professional analog features and extremely deep DAW integration, but it is so much more than that. The sleek, modern design might even tempt you build a museum quality display for your engineer friends to admire. Plus, since it� s a Mackie, you can be sure that it is � Built-Like-A-Tank� and will survive years of abuse.

    Any audio company can cram a bunch of inferior components into a chassis and, believe us, a lot of them do. This is never the case with a Mackie mixer. Everything about the Onyx-i Series smacks of quality, because only the most quality, high-end components are used throughout the entire signal path. At the front end, you have the pristine signal boost offered by the Onyx mic preamps, which will likely get routed through the legendary Perkins EQ. The signal then passes through a series of sealed rotary knobs, which keep dust and grime out of the potentiometer. Then your mix hits the summing bus, which has been custom-designed to offer the highest possible headroom while preserving the sonic quality offered by the aforementioned components. Maybe you assigned the signal to stream across the FireWire outputs. If so, your signal will glide effortlessly out of ( and back through if your returning streams) the ridiculously high-end Cirrus converters. These converters are the best Mackie has ever specified, and can be found in some of the most esoteric ( and expensive) interfaces out there today. From start to finish, no matter how you use it, the 1640i offers the quality demanded by industry professionals.

    � 16-channel premium analog mixer with integrated 24-bit/ 96kHz FireWire I/ O
    � Qualified by Mackie for use with all major DAWs, including:
    » Pro Tools® M-Powered� 8 ( Requires FREE driver upgrade download)
    » Logic®
    » SONAR�
    » Cubase®
    » Ableton® Live
    » Final Cut Pro®
    � 16 Onyx boutique-quality mic preamps
    � 4-band Perkins EQ with sweepable mids on mic/ line channels
    � Full 16x16 FireWire channel streaming for ultimate DAW integration
    � Flexible FireWire routing, including aux sends, groups and pre/ post EQ assignment for all channels
    � 6 aux sends with pre/ post assignment and solo
    � Smooth 60mm channel and master faders
    � Built-in DI on first two channels for direct connection of guitars, bass, etc.
    � Individual 48V phantom power switches on all mic inputs
    � 4-segment metering on every channel
    � 4-bus architecture for flexible sub-grouping of channels
    � Talkback section for use with internal or external mic
    � Rotating I/ O pod for desktop or rackmount operation � rack ears included
    � � Planet Earth� switching power supply for worldwide use
    � Includes Tracktion 3� Music Production Software for Mac or PC
    The BBE EQA-215 is a professional dual 15-band graphic equalizer. ideal for use in live sound rigs and installed setups such as studio, stage, DJ and sound contracting. The EQA-215 utilizes Constant-Q filters ( constant bandwidth) this means that the bandwidth of each individual filter has a perfect balance between being narrow enough to prevent unwanted interaction between filters, yet wide enough to deliver exactly the type of correction curve for the ultimate in precision equalizing.

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