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Full IP and Expandable Office Communication System

The Panasonic KX-TDE600 builds on the  Pure IP PBX converged model as in KX-TDE100 / 200. As an advanced communication platforms for IP networking Environments, Supporting network as well as desktop SIP connectivity, the convergence ready KX-TDE products support a range of advanced IP telephones as well as digital extensions and ISDN trunks. Built as a business application environment and bundled with important business telephony applications  the KXTDE systems can easily address you business communication needs well into the 21st Century. Targeting Medium to Large businesses, single site or multiple offices, the TDE600 is a welcome member to the family to support customer needs.

The new KX-TDE IP PBXs are packed with features and applications that can enhance your business productivity and have a direct impact on your business communication bottom line. Some of the key benefits include:
Support small to large communication system.
Up to maximum 992 ( with DXDP 1152) Extensions/ 512 mobility Extensions
Built-in support for Advanced IP extensions as well as standard SIP phones.
Easy Migration to IP
Upgrade from KX-TDA to KX-TDE, simply by exchanging the Main Processor Card.
SIP trunking
Integrated SIP telephony via ITSPs* and other SIP trunk Providers.
Panasonic Phone Assistant CTI software with TDE600.
It is a high intuitive PC Based application suit that blend powerful point and click telephony.
Wireless Mobility Solutions.
TDE support KX-TCA series for DECT
Built-in and Optional Voice Mail Processing system Optional Cards:
Internal: ESVM2 KX-TDA0192 2ch SVM, 2ch DISA ( 250message, 120minutes) , ESVM4 KX-TDA0194 2X2ch SVM, 4ch DISA ( 2x250message, 120minutes) External: KX-TVM50 ( 2- 6Channels 4-8hours) , KX-TVM200 ( 0-24Channels 1000hours)
Reduced Total Cost of Ownership
( Installation & Network call costs reduced)
Enhance your business with an integrated SIP solution designed to meet your ever changing needs - withwireless mobility, productivity applications, network solutions and a common infrastructure that supportscompanies with distributed and geographically diverse office locations and helps connect all your users with customers wherever they may be.

* ITSP : Internet Telephony Service Providers

CO Ch. Total Available Trunks 640

640 BRI
600 PRI
640 IP-GW
32 SIP Trunk

Telephone Total Available ext 992 ( 1152 ) DPT ( DXDP)

672 IP EXT
320 APT
640 DPT
960 SLT

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