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Tn. Burhan Saleh [Pemasaran]

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Office : * Jakarta - Jl. Yos Sudarso Sunter Jakarta Utara. Warehouse & Office : * Bekasi - Taman Duta Indah 2 Blok A 35 Taruma Jaya
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Lignomat Ligno-Scanner D Wood Moisture Meter ( Alau Ukur Kadar Air dalam Kayu)
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
Kemas & PengirimanKardus
Negara AsalAmerika Serikat


Lignomat Ligno-Scanner D Wood Moisture Meter ( Alau Ukur Kadar Air dalam Kayu)

All Ligno-Scanners give true wood moisture readings in percent using built-in corrections for different species. For ease-of-operation a HOLD function is built-in.

With a pinless meter you can quickly scan a large number of boards. Pinless meters are essential when checking finished products such as cabinet doors, table tops and ready-to-sell furniture, where pins would leave visible marks. Ideal for building inspectors to assess moisture conditions and water damage in buildings, especially since Scanners can also be used for non-wood building materials such as drywall, concrete, tile, etc.

N ew Ligno-Scanner SDM offers dual depth

and calibrations for wood, bamboo, concrete, etc..

List $
Special $ with
Pin Meter
Ligno-Scanner S, 1/ 4" deep
199 .00 185.00
Ligno-Scanner D, 3/ 4" deep
199 .00 185.00
Ligno-Scanner SD, 1/ 4" and 3/ 4" deep
275 .00 250.00
new: Ligno-Scanner SDM, 1/ 4" and 3/ 4" deep
287 .00 269.00

Specifications and Description: Ligno-Scanners

The measuring depth of a pinless meter is crucial. Moisture readings are too low, when the Scanner is placed on a work piece which is thinner than the measuring depth. Scanners never measure any deeper than the measuring depth.

The entire measuring pad has to be on a flat and smooth surface for accurate readings

Measuring Depth
Corrections for Species
Range of Specific Gravity
Size of Measuring Pad

Ligno-Scanner S

Ligno-Scanner D Ligno-Scanner SD

Ligno-Scanner SDM
1/ 4 "

3/ 4 "

1/ 4 " , 3/ 4 "

1/ 4 " , 3/ 4 "
71 Settings

71 Settings

71 Settings

80 Settings
0.3 - 1.0

0.3 - 1.0

0.3 - 1.0

0.3 - 1.0
1 5/ 8 " x 2 5/ 8 "

1 5/ 8 " x 2 5/ 8 "

1 5/ 8 " x 2 5/ 8 "

1 5/ 8 " x 2 5/ 8 "

1/ 4 " , 3/ 4 "
71 Settings
0.3 - 1.0
1 5/ 8 " x 2 5/ 8 "

* Species Corrections for Ligno-Scanners and Ligno-VersaTec correlate directly to the Specific Gravity. Example: For a specific gravity of 0.57 ( 0.57g/ cm 3 ) set species # 57. Specific Gravity for most wood species can be found on the Internet. We also include a Species Chart with recommended settings.

The Ligno-Scanners SDM and the Ligno-VersaTec have calibrations built-in for drywall and concrete and a reference scale for non-wood building materials.

Measuring range: 5-60% dependent upon Species. For hardwoods the Scanners read lower than 5% , for softwoods the Scanners start reading above 5% . Resolution of read-out: 0.1% Less accurate above Fiber Saturation Point at 30% .

Wood temperature correction is not necessary.

1 9-V Battery for 3000 Readings, Battery included

Size: 1/ 2" H x 2" L x 5" W ( for Scanner LD width is 2 7/ 8" ) Weight: 8 ozs

Comes in a Carry Pouch with Belt Loop.

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