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Tahun ke-13
CV. Tiga Cipta
CV. Tiga Cipta
Weighbridge - Floor Scale - Metal Detector - Checkweigher - Laboratory Balance

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Metal Detector
Jumlah Pesanan: Tambah ke Keranjang
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
Kemas & PengirimanBaru & Bergaransi 1 Tahun
Negara AsalChina
Metal Detector series products have a history of over 20 years and widely apply to such fields as food, medicine, chemicals, rubber & plastic, toys, textiles and all industries. At present, the various features of the products have been greatly enhanced and reached the international advanced level through several stages of product upgrading and technology innovation.
The Inovation is develop Metal Detector which can detect Ferrous contamination in Aluminum packed product.
Biside that Metal detector can combine with Checkweigher to double check contaminated metal and sorting the weight.

Rehoo Metal Detector atau Alat Pendeteksi Metal/ Logam ( Inline Metal Detector, Hand Held Metal Detector, Walk Through Metal Detector, X-Ray Inspection Machine) Serta Pendeteksi Berat Otomatis ( Inline Checkweigher)
Lokasi Pemakaian adalah : Bandara, Perkantoran, Gedung, Mall, Industry Farmasi, Industry Garment atau Industry Makanan.

Untuk permintaan penawaran, presentasi, demo product dapat menghubungi kami di : :

Phone : ( 021) 68607889, 74638168 - 69
Fax. : ( 021) 74638169

Mobile Phone : 0812 821 821 88

Email : enquiry.timbangan@ ATAU tigacipta@

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