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PT. ANUGRAH NIAGA MANDIRI ( Specialist In General Laboratory,  Scientific Equipment,  Laboratory Chemical,  Laboratory Glasswares)
PT. ANUGRAH NIAGA MANDIRI ( Specialist In General Laboratory, Scientific Equipment, Laboratory Chemical, Laboratory Glasswares)
PT. ANUGRAH NIAGA MANDIRI ( Specialist In General Laboratory,  Scientific Equipment,  Laboratory Chemical,  Laboratory Glasswares)

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MicroLogPRO Compact 10-bit Data Logger

Harga : Bersaing

Two data logger models are available:
- Internal Temperature sensor plus one external sensor input
- Humidity and Temperature sensors plus one external sensor input

The new....
CHEMICAL REAGENTS: Acetone for gas chromatography,  supraSolv,  Acetone for chromatography liChrosolv,  Acetonitrile GR,  Acetonitrile for gas chromatography supraSolv,  Acetonitrile gradient grade for chromatography,  Acetonitrile isocratic grade for liquid ch

Harga : Kompetitive

CHEMICAL REAGENTS: Acetone for gas chromatography, supraSolv, Acetone for chromatography liChrosolv, Acetonitrile GR, Acetonitrile for gas chromatography supraSolv, Acetonitrile....

Harga : Kompetitive

Kami menjual dan mendistribusikan GLASS WARE: Watch Glass, Dropping Bottle, Picnometer, Drying Tube, Test Tube, Color Comparison Tube ( Nessler) , Centrifuge Tube, Cylinder, ....
TISSUE CULTURE WARE : We sell and distribute Tissue Culture Ware : T/ C Dish & Petri Dish,  T/ C Flask,  Micro Plate,  Centrifuge Tube,  Micro Centrifuge,  Culture Tube,  Cryogenic Vial,  Dispossable Plastic Pipette,  Transfer Pipette,  Pipettor,  Pipet Tip,  Micro
TISSUE CULTURE WARE : kita menjual dan mendistribusikan Tissue Culture Ware : T/ C Dish and Petri Dish, T/ C Flask, Micro Plate, Centrifuge Tube, Micro Centrifuge, Culture Tube, ....
Titan Trap® Maximum efficiency for vacuum trapping of corrosive vapors to -100° C

Harga : Bersaing

Titan Trap ®
Maximum efficiency for vacuum trapping of corrosive vapors to -100Â ° C.

" Starts up in less than ten minutes
" Available in either -50Â ° C or -100Â ° C....
Digital Salt Meters ( Alat Ukur Kadar Garam Digital )

Harga : Kompetitive

Digital Salt Meters ( Alat Ukur Kadar Garam Digital ) : GMK-530/ 540/ 550

With checking out the salt density of foods accurately and quickly,
- To control the....
DaqPRO" All in one solution for data logging and analysis

Harga : Bersaing

The DaqPRO" is a portable, battery operated data acquisition and logging system offering 16-bits, high-resolution, 8 channel data logging. The DaqPRO" features powerful graphical....
HORIBA,  Water Quality Meters & Others,  pH/ ORP/ ION/ Conductivity/ DO

Harga : Competitive

We supply Horiba for Water Analyzing, can be used in Laboratory and outdoor application.
Freeze-Dryers Benchtop Accessories

Harga : Bersaing

Benchtop Accessories

Quik-Dry" Flasks
When a product is frozen in a thin layer on the inner wall surface of a large-diameter flask using a shell freezer, the....
GLASSWARE: We distribute and sell GLASS WARE: Gas Washing Bottle,  Aspirator,  Filtering Flash,  Bottle Filtering,  Adapter Silicone,  Filter Funnel,  Filter Holder,  Funnel,  Bottle,  Crystallizing Dish,  Weighing Bottle,  Glass Rod Stirrer,  Desicator,  Petri Dish

Harga : Kompetitive

Kami menjual dan mendistribusikan GLASS WARE: Beaker , Erlenmeyer, Iodine Flask, Culture Flask, Culture Test Tube, Boiling Flask, Nasu Flask, Distilling Flash, Kjeldahl Flash, ....
Digital Urine S.G Refractometer ( Refractometer Digital Untuk Pengukuran S.G Urine )

Harga : Kompetitive

Digital Urine S.G Refractometer ( Refractometer Digital Untuk Pengukuran S.G Urine ) : GMK-201U.

With checking out specific gravity of urine accurately and quickly.
Multi-Cool® Bath

Harga : Bersaing

Multi-Cool ® Bath
Mechanically refrigerated benchtop bath eliminates the need for dry ice and LN2.

" Temperatures from -80Â ° C to + 100Â ° C
" Â ± 0.1Â ° C control stability....

Harga : Bersaing

Model : TR-PS2W-xxBAR
* Range : 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 400 BAR.
* Output : 4 to 20 mA DC,
4 mA = 0 pressure,
20 mA = full scale pressure.
* 2....

Harga : Bersaing

* The test clips used for measuring the SMD components( resistor, capacitor, inductor, diode..)
* Cable length : appro x 90 cm
RS Series Recirculating Chiller

Harga : Bersaing

RS Series Recirculating Chiller
Dependable cooling for laboratory applications.

" -40Â ° C to + 75Â ° C ( with auxiliary heater)
" Â ± 0.1Â ° C control stability ( process....
Plastic ware


Distributor And Agent, Stockist sell : Plastic ware Beaker with hand Beaker wihot handle, Disposable Beaker, Bottle, Pro Bottle, Bottle, with stopcock, Wash Bottle Funnel, Safety....

Harga : Bersaing

Model : RBOX-408
* 1 to 11, 111, 110 ohm, 1 ohm per step.
* Wattage : 1W
* Slide switches that allow the user to simply add or subtract for desired value....
Tools & Equipment ( Laboratory) : We sell and distribute Hotplate,  Ultrasonic Cleaner,  Water Still WS-6. OTHER TOOL

Harga : Kompetitive

Tools & Equipment ( Laboratory) : Kami menjual dan mendistribusikan Hotplate, Ultrasonic Cleaner, Water Still WS-6. OTHER TOOL Keck Clip, Hoffman Tubing Clamp, Lamp Alcohol, ....
Diaphragm pumps with 24 DC drive particularly for integration into OEM products

Harga : Bersaing

In OEM applications, we adapt our pumps to your installation requirements: Color, motors, electrical interfaces, fastening and a whole lot more can be adapted to your design....
Flexi-Cool® Immersion Cooler

Harga : Bersaing

Flexi-Cool ® Immersion Cooler

â € ¢ Temperatures from ambient to -100Â ° C
â € ¢ Temperatures to -50Â ° C in 30 minutes or to -80Â ° C in 50 minutes ( two liter bath)
â € ¢ Â ± ....
AES/ AEJ Analytical balance

Harga : Bersaing


* For applications that require verification, please order verification at the same time, verification at a later date is not possible.
* Internal adjustment....
Flour/ Red Pepper/ Red Pepper Powder Starch/ Vanilla/ Topioca( Cassava) Moisture Meters ( Alat Ukur Kelembaban Tepung / Merica / Serbuk Merica / Pati / Vanili / Tapioka )
* Flour/ Red Pepper/ Red Pepper Powder. Starch/ Vanilla/ Topioca.( Cassava) .Moisture Meters ( Alat Ukur Kelembaban Tepung atau Merica atau Serbuk Merica / Pati / Vanili / Tapioka....
Tissue culture ware

Harga : Competitive

Kami menjual dan mendistribusikan Tissue Culture Ware : T/ C Dish & Petri Dish T/ C Flask, Micro Plate, Centrifuge Tube, Micro Centrifuge, Culture Tube, Cryogenic Vial, ....
Porcelain ware

Harga : Competitive

* We distribute and sell PORCELAIN WARE Mortar with Lip, Pestle, Evaporating, Basin, Basin for. Incinerating Flour, Incenerating Dishes, Crucible, Fliter Disc, Crucible Lid, ....
HORIBA,  Water Quality Meters & Others,  pH/ ORP/ ION/ Conductivity/ DO: We Sell HORIBA ( Water Quality Meters & Others,  pH/ ORP/ ION/ Conductivity/ DO) ,  Water Quality Monitoring System,  Water Quality Checker,  Water Quality Meter,  Bench Top Type pH / Ion M

Harga : Kompetitive

Water Quality Meters and Others, pH/ ORP/ ION/ Conductivity/ DO: We Sell HORIBA ( Water Quality Meters And Others, pH/ ORP/ ION/ Conductivity/ DO) , Water Quality....
Digital Salt Meters ( Alat Ukur Kadar Garam Digital )

Harga : Kompetitive

Digital Salt Meters ( Alat Ukur Kadar Garam Digital ) : GMK-535/ 545/ 555

With checking out the salt density of foods accurately and quickly,
- To control the....
Flour/ Red Pepper/ Red Pepper Powder Starch/ Vanilla/ Topioca( Cassava) Moisture Meters ( Alat Ukur Kelembaban Tepung / Merica / Serbuk Merica / Pati / Vanili / Tapioka)

Harga : Kompetitive

Flour/ Red Pepper/ Red Pepper Powder Starch/ Vanilla/ Topioca( Cassava) Moisture Meters ( Alat Ukur Kelembaban Tepung / Merica / Serbuk Merica / Pati / Vanili / Tapioka) : GMK-310....
Wood/ Tobacco/ Hay Moisture Meters ( Alat Ukur Kelembaban Kayu / Tembakau / Jerami )

Harga : Kompetitive

Wood/ Tobacco/ Hay Moisture Meters ( Alat Ukur Kelembaban Kayu /
Tembakau / Jerami ) : GMK-3306
With checking out the moisture content in wood, tobacco or hay....
Digital Refractometers/ Sugar Meter ( Refractometer Digital Untuk Mengukur Kadar Gula Buah-Buahan) .

Harga : Kompetitive

Digital Refractometers/ Sugar Meter ( Refractometer Digital Untuk Mengukur Kadar Gula Buah-Buahan) : GMK-701R/ 702R/ 704R

With checking out brix% / sweetness of fruits, ....

Harga : Kompetitive

Kami menjual dan mendistribusikan PORCELAIN WARE.
Mortar with Lip, Pestle, Evaporating Basin, Basin for Incinerating Flour, Incenerating Dishes, Crucible, Filter Disc, Crucible....
TISSUE CULTURE WARE : We sell and distribute Micro Tube & Microtube Rack

Harga : Kompetitive

TISSUE CULTURE WARE : kami menjual dan mendistribusikan Micro Tube and Microtube Rack

PT. Anugrah Niaga Mandiri
Jakarta  Indonesia
Phone. 021 8611212
Grain Moisture Meters ( Alat Ukur Kelembaban Biji )

Harga : Kompetitive

Grain Moisture Meters ( Alat Ukur Kelembaban Biji)

With checking out moisture content in grains accurately and quickly,
- To decide the appropriate harvest time.
Diaphragm Pumps
VACUUBRAND' s aluminum design diaphragm pump is a perfect match for many applications in the laboratory and operations because it is oil-free and whisper quiet, and because it....
Highest safety and integrated vacuum control capabilities

Harga : Bersaing

* Includes al standard LR 20 features for safety, ease of use and efficiency plus

* Excellent user safety with high impact transparent PMMA door

* Non-fogging safety glass....
CENTRIFUGES: Sigma type 1-14 and accessories rotor,  Microcentrifuge type 1-15,  Refrigerated Centrifuge type 1-15 K ,  Centrifuge type 1-6 ,  Centrifuge type 2-5,  Centrifuge type 2-16,  Refrigerated Centrifuge type 2-16 K ,  Centrifuge type 3-16,  Refrigerated

Harga : kompetitif


Sigma type 1-14 and accessories rotor, Microcentrifuge type 1-15, Refrigerated Centrifuge type 1-15 K , Centrifuge type 1-6 , Centrifuge type 2-5, Centrifuge type 2....
SIBATA,  Dust Indicator,  Air Sampler & Others (Environment Products): We sell and distribute Water Sampling,  Laboratory Instrumentation,  Mask Testing & Environmental Testing,  Toxicity Testing & Lidar Technology,  Standard Meter

Harga : Kompetitive

SIBATA, Dust Indicator, Air Sampler & Others ( Environment Products) : We sell and distribute Water Sampling, Laboratory Instrumentation, Mask Testing & Environmental Testing, ....
DaqPRO"  All in one solution for data logging and analysis

Harga : Bersaing

The DaqPRO" is a portable, battery operated data acquisition and logging system offering 16-bits, high-resolution, 8 channel data logging. The DaqPRO" features powerful graphical....

Harga : Bersaing

* Measurement : m/ s, km/ h, ft/ min, knots.
* Output : 1 mV per 1 m/ s, per 1 km/ h, per 100 ft/ min, per 1 knots.
* Size : 100x50x25 mm, Sensor-72 mm Dia
Wood/Tobacco/Hay Moisture Meters ( Alat Ukur Kelembaban Kayu / Tembakau / Jerami )

Harga : Kompetitive

Wood/ Tobacco/ Hay Moisture Meters ( Alat Ukur Kelembaban Kayu / Tembakau / Jerami ) : GMK-3308

With checking out the moisture content in wood, tobacco or hay accurately and....
Seawater Specific Gravimeter/Salinity Refractometer ( Gravimeter Spesifik Air Laut / Refractometer Salinitas )

Harga : Kompetitive

Seawater Specific Gravimeter/ Salinity Refractometer ( Gravimeter Spesifik Air Laut atau Refractometer Salinitas ) ; GMK-500/ 510.

With checking out the specific gravity or....
Honey/Tea/Coffee Moisture Meters ( Alat Ukur Kelembaban Madu / Teh / Kopi )

Harga : Kompetitive

Honey/ Tea/ Coffee Moisture Meters ( Alat Ukur Kelembaban Madu / Teh / Kopi ) : GMK-305T.

With checking out the moisture content in honey, tea leaves or coffee beans....
Maxi-Cool® Recirculating Chiller

Harga : Bersaing

Maxi-Cool ® Recirculating Chiller
Midsize recirculators for maximum cooling.

â € ¢ Temperatures from -38Â ° C to + 75Â ° C
â € ¢ Temperatures from -38Â ° C to + 75Â ° C â € ¢ Â ± 0.1Â ° C control....
Tools & Equipment (Laboratory): We sell and distribute Filtering Stand,  Labjack. RACK: Pipette Support Rack,  Bench Labrack,  Test Tube Rack,  Sealing Film,  Rubber Stopper. LABORATORY TOOL: Eye Wash Bottle,  Safety Glasses.LABORATORY EQUIPMENT: Strirrer,  Hotp

Harga : Kompetitive

Tools & Equipment ( Laboratory) : kami menjual dan mendistribusikan Filtering Stand, Labjack
Pipette Support Rack, Bench Labrack, Test Tube Rack, Sealing Film, Rubber Stopper.....
CENTRIFUGES: Refrigerated Centrifuge type 3-16 K,   Centrifuge type 3 - 18,  Refrigerated Centrifuge type 3-18 K,  Refrigerated Centrifuge type 3K30,  Centrifuge type 4-15,  Refrigerated Centrifuge type 4K15,  Centrifuge type 6-15,  Refrigerated Centrifuge type

Harga : kompetitif

CENTRIFUGES: Refrigerated Centrifuge type 3-16 K, Centrifuge type 3 - 18, Refrigerated Centrifuge type 3-18 K, Refrigerated Centrifuge type 3K30, Centrifuge type 4-15, ....
Wood/Tobacco/Hay Moisture Meters ( Alat Ukur Kelembaban Kayu / Tembakau / Jerami )

Harga : Kompetitive

Wood/ Tobacco/ Hay Moisture Meters : GMK-1010
With checking out the moisture content in wood, tobacco or hay accurately and quickly,
- To keep the same content of moisture as....
ULT Series Recirculating Chiller

Harga : Bersaing

ULT Series Recirculating Chiller
Ultra-low temperature recirculators provide maximum heat removal to -90Â ° C

" Wide temperature range from -90Â ° C to + 150Â ° C
" Cools from 0Â ° C to....
XR Sample Cooler

Harga : Bersaing

XR Sample Cooler
Controlled temperature air stream delivery devices.

â € ¢ Precise temperature control
â € ¢ Temperatures from -80Â ° C to + 100Â ° C
â € ¢ Â ± 0.1Â ° C temperature....
ABS/ABJ Analytical balance

Harga : Bersaing

ABS/ ABJ Analytical Balance Description:

* For applications that require verification, please order verification at the same time, verification at a later date is not possible.....