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PT. ANUGRAH NIAGA MANDIRI ( Specialist In General Laboratory,  Scientific Equipment,  Laboratory Chemical,  Laboratory Glasswares)
PT. ANUGRAH NIAGA MANDIRI ( Specialist In General Laboratory, Scientific Equipment, Laboratory Chemical, Laboratory Glasswares)
PT. ANUGRAH NIAGA MANDIRI ( Specialist In General Laboratory,  Scientific Equipment,  Laboratory Chemical,  Laboratory Glasswares)


HoribaDistributor, agent, store and suplier bahan-bahan
kimia,dan alat-alat laboratorium.

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HORIBA,  Water Quality Meters & Others,  pH/ ORP/ ION/ Conductivity/ DO

Harga : Competitive

We supply Horiba for Water Analyzing, can be used in Laboratory and outdoor application.
HORIBA,  Water Quality Meters & Others,  pH/ ORP/ ION/ Conductivity/ DO: We Sell HORIBA ( Water Quality Meters & Others,  pH/ ORP/ ION/ Conductivity/ DO) ,  Water Quality Monitoring System,  Water Quality Checker,  Water Quality Meter,  Bench Top Type pH / Ion M

Harga : Kompetitive

Water Quality Meters and Others, pH/ ORP/ ION/ Conductivity/ DO: We Sell HORIBA ( Water Quality Meters And Others, pH/ ORP/ ION/ Conductivity/ DO) , Water Quality....
HORIBA,  Water Quality Meters & Others,  pH/ ORP/ ION/ Conductivity/ DO: We sell DO Meter,  Conductivity Meter Portable Type,  Conductivity Meter Bench,  Compact pH Meter,  Compact Ion Meter,  Compact Salt Meter,  Compact Conductivity Meter & Oil Content Analyzer

Harga : Kompetitive

HORIBA, Water Quality Meters & Others, pH/ ORP/ ION/ Conductivity/ DO: We sell DO Meter, Conductivity Meter Portable Type, Conductivity Meter Bench, Compact pH Meter, Compact Ion....