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PT. ANUGRAH NIAGA MANDIRI ( Specialist In General Laboratory,  Scientific Equipment,  Laboratory Chemical,  Laboratory Glasswares)
PT. ANUGRAH NIAGA MANDIRI ( Specialist In General Laboratory, Scientific Equipment, Laboratory Chemical, Laboratory Glasswares)
PT. ANUGRAH NIAGA MANDIRI ( Specialist In General Laboratory,  Scientific Equipment,  Laboratory Chemical,  Laboratory Glasswares)

menampilkan 253 dari 272


ULT Series Recirculating Chiller
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Negara AsalAmerika Serikat
ULT Series Recirculating Chiller
Ultra-low temperature recirculators provide maximum heat removal to -90°C

" Wide temperature range from -90°C to +150°C
" Cools from 0°C to -80°C in 15 minutes
" Mechanically refrigerated, air or water-cooled
" Cost-effective heat removal through a constant flow of clean, ultra-low temperature coolant
Heat exchangers
Jacketed vessels
Plastic molding and extrusion
Vacuum chambers
Plasma etch equipment
Reaction cooling
Cloud and pour point