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jual FURUNO FCV 620 Echo Sounder [ 29 Jan. 2012, 23:12:37 ]
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Kemas & Pengirimanbox
The FCV620 is a dual frequency ( 50 kHz and 200 kHz) Color LCD Sounder featuring Furuno' s DSP technology that displays underwater conditions in 8, 16 or 64 colors on a super-bright 5.6" LCD screen.
You ve probably heard about digital fish finders, but aren t quite sure what the difference is. The main difference is the filtering capabilities and auto adjustments. Our new DSP ( Digital Signal Processing) technology helps adjust gain, STC  Clutter and output power, as well as suppress main bang ( the echoes just below the transducer.) It also makes the picture clearer and easier to decipher. But even the best digital filter won t help unless you start with a solid basis, such as Furuno s renowned fish finder technology.
The FCV620' s waterproof construction allows it to be installed on any bridge. Audio and visual alarms alert you whenever preset limits are met for water depth, water temperature and fish echoes. Selectable display modes include High or Low Frequency, Dual Frequency, Zoom, Nav Data, A-Scope, Marker Zoom, Bottom Zoom or Bottom-Lock. Furuno' s TLL ( Target Lat/ Lon) output allows you to interface the FCV620 with your Furuno chart plotter so you can mark any spot you desire and save it as a waypoint, enabling you to return to it whenever you desire.
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