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JENCO 63, Analog benchtop pH meter[22 Nov. 2010, 4:01:19]
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Negara AsalAmerika Serikat
Model : 63

Description :
pH Analog benchtop meter with pH 0.00 to 14.00 mirrored analog scale with + / 0.04 pH readability using the mirrored scale. Temperature compensation is manual. pH calibration is via knobs and input connector is BNC. AC/ DC Powered.

* Low cost
* Easy to use
* Rugged design
* Slope adjustment
* Mirror scale/ easy to read
* Ideal for educational use
* UL/ CE approved ac line adaptor
* Manual temperature compensation

Specifications :
pH 0 to 14pH ± 0.2pH ± 0.05 pH ( Relative: within 2pH of Calibration Buff

* Readability: ± 0.04ph ( mirror scale)
* Temp. compensation: Manual 0-100 ° C
* Input impedance: 10exp( 12) ohms
* Power source: 115/ 230 v ± 15% , 50/ 60 hz AC adaptor
* Weight: 1kg
* Dimensions ( wxlxh) : 250mm x 240mm x 100mm
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