Signal Calibrators: MultiCal 14
Signal Calibrators: MultiCal 14
Multifunction, Rugged, High Accuracy, Calibrator for Test and Calibration in the Field or Laboratory
High Accuracy ± 0.02% of reading
Capability to Measure and Simulate DC Voltage, Resistance, Thermocouples, & RTD Readings
Measurment and Simulation of:
10 Types of Thermocouples:
R, S, B, E, K, J, T, N, L, & U
6 RTD Types
Pt100, Pt1000, Pt200, Pt500, Cu50, & Cu10
Measurment and Simulation of:
Resistance of 500© & 5K©
Measurment and Simulation of:
DC Voltage 50mV & 500mV
Includes light weight unit with holster
Rugged and easy to use
Designed to meet your test and calibration needs in the field or laboratory