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    Lignomat Mini-Ligno E/ D Wood Moisture Meter

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    Lignomat ( USA-LTD)
    Mini-Ligno E/ D

    Spesications and Description :
    Measuring Range : 6 - 45%
    Resolution : 0.1% for values below 10% and 1% steps above 10%
    Species Corrections : 2 settings for wood species corrections with LED indicator
    Pins : 2 pair of pins, measuring depth of 3/ 16" and 7/ 16" ( 5, 10mm)
    Battery : 8 ounces( 200g) , made out of high-impact plastic
    Size : Pocket-size 2-3/ 4" x 5" x 1" ( 70 x 140x25 mm)
    Weight : 8 ounces( 200g) , made out of high-impact plastic
    Accessories : wrist strap and pouch, battery and 2 pair of pins

    - a unique shape that fits comfortably in your hand when measuring
    - a measuring range low enough to check hardwood floors ( 6% )
    - a measuring range high enough to evaluate wet lumber ( 55% )
    - a bright, digital display readable even in dark crawi spaces
    - resolution of 0.1% below the critical moisture range of 10%
    - 2 settings for wood species corrections