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Total Stations Nikon DTM-362[18 May. 2010, 23:11:02]
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Total stations Nikon dtm-362

- Ketelitian Sudut : 5 â
- Ketelitian Jarak : ± -( 3mm+ 3ppmxD)
- Pembesaran Lensa : 33x
- Ketelitian sudut : 1â
- Internal Memory : 10.000 Points
- Display : 2 Muka
- Jarak ukur 1 Prisma : 2.300 M
- Jarak ukur 3 Prisma : 3.000 M

The Nikon 362 Total Station offers the
superior optics, intelligent design, and quality components your surveying jobs demand.

Add the powerful Nikon onboard software, and you have a total station solution that performs all
day, every day. 3" accuracy For most construction and surveying applications, the Nikon 362 Total Stationâ s superior 3" accuracy is ideal. And with its quality
Nikon construction and reliability, you can be confident that you will achieve this accuracy with every measurement.
Rugged and reliable The Nikon 362 Series robust construction and long battery life enable it to work as long and as hard as you do. On a single battery, the Nikon DTM-362 provides nonstop distance/ angle measurement of 16 hours, or 27 hours of measurements spaced 30 seconds apart. And with its tough water-resistance rating of IPX6,
both Nikon 362 models will keep on working whatever the weather.

Easy to use
The Nikon 362 Total Stationâ s onboard
software is powerful, but is also
intuitive and easy to use. Accessed
by a full alphanumeric keyboard
and large configurable display, the
software makes data management
fast and simple. Perform surveying
tasks quickly and efficiently, and
gain even further productivity as you learn to maximize the total stationâ s capabilities. Reflectorless EDM for safety and increasedproductivity
Gain complete confidence in your measurements with Nikon NPL-362 reflectorless technology.
This completely eye-safe ( Class 1) reflectorless system uses a patented focused beam design to provide positive target identification, and an excellent combination of range and accuracy
( up to 200 m/ 650 ft away) . It automatically rejects erratic return signals that are reflected from objects that are out of focus. Simply focus
the circular reticle on the target and
measure. This unique feature measures to difficult and dangerous locations with
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