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Info Perusahaan
Kontak Perusahaan
Nama:Tn. Puguh Setyono
E-mail:Kirim Pesan
Nomor Ponsel:Nomor ponsel Tn. Puguh Setyono di Gresik
Nomor Telpon:Nomor telpon Tn. Puguh Setyono di Gresik
Alamat:Gresik, Jawa Timur
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Tanggal Bergabung:25 Jun. 2024
Terakhir Diperbarui:25 Jul. 2015
Sifat Dasar Usaha:Dagang, Jasa dari kategori Kebutuhan Industri

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Permintaan Anda akan disimpan di "Surat Bisnis".

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Penjelasan Ringkas

PT. Sarana Andalan Kita is servicing a broad market as follows :
 § Power plants
 § Oil & Gas upstream and midstream
 § Oil refineries
 § Petrochemical plants
 § Fertilizer plants
 § Pulp and paper mills
 § Cement plants
 § Sugar mills
 § Marine propulsion
 § Locomotive

Leading data center planning and
management system for today' s space, power,
and cooling challenges.
A leading manufacturer of standard, custom and
configurable power supplies and embedded
power converters.
Safeguarding facilities from operational
discontinuity in the event of an electrical supply
Embedded power converters with one of
the largest portfolios in the world.
Providing open, secure, modular solutions that
enable customers to simply manage IT
Provides secure power solutions, including
Chloride UPS systems and diesel generators.
Connectivity Keeping your voice,
video and data flowing smoothly and quickly.
Electrical Reliability Services
Delivers the most complete solutions for
electrical system reliability and safety.
Embedded Computing
AdvancedTCAÂ ® ,
AdvancedMCâ „ ¢ ,
CompactPCIÂ ® , COM
Express ® , OpenVPXâ „ ¢
and VMEbus open standards.
Embedded Power
AC-DC and DC-DC power supplies,
adapters, chargers and power accessories that
make power conversion easy.
Energy Systems
Provides DC power systems and outside
plant equipment for telecom and other
A full complement of fire pump controllers you can
count on to start every time without fail.
High Voltage Maintenance Electrical testing,
maintenance, and engineering services
including acceptance testing, commissioning,
maintenance testing and engineering analysis.
Providing clean AC power by eliminating
lower-voltage noise.
Network racks, rackmount servers, and
cooling systems that keep your business
Data center infrastructure solutions
including cooling, power and monitoring reduce
costs and deliver high availability.
Surge Protection
The industryâ € ™ s widest range of Surge
Protective Devices ( SPDs) .

Our service staff can assist you in ensuring these machineries are operating reliably hence to
achieve its production performance.
Service in the Field
Our team of service engineers and technicians are committed to assist your service needs, these include :
â € ¢ System start-up and commissioning.
â € ¢ System troubleshooting and diagnostics
â € ¢ Machinery condition assessment and monitoring
â € ¢ Outage support

Equipment Support
We can supply you with a full range of original or field tested replacement parts that will fit to your systemâ € ™ s needs. Just contact us with the list of parts that you required and our service staff will find the correct parts or replacement items for your system.

Maintenance Service Contracts
We can provide you with a variety of options for maintenance service contracts, including :
â € ¢ Preventive and recurring maintenance
â € ¢ Routinely scheduled staff development training programs
â € ¢ Management of replacement parts
â € ¢ Standby service support

Our Competency is driven by our Mechanical Engineering background. Our competency also define Our Services, which are :
â € ¢ Engineering Services
â € ¢ Reverse Engineering
â € ¢ Engineering Design
â € ¢ Retrofit and Troubleshooting
â € ¢ Inspection and Study
â € ¢ Project Management Services
â € ¢ Procurements
â € ¢ Shop-based Repair
â € ¢ Machining Services
â € ¢ Parts Manufacturing
â € ¢ Mechanical Engineering Solution
â € ¢ Dimensional Inspection
â € ¢ Site Support ( 24/ 7)
â € ¢ Fabrication
Our teams are equipped with the latest tools and technologies including computational fluid dynamics and many types of simulation software.
Our teams are also able to access the multidiscipline and multi-industry expertise through practice, expertise directories and peer networks.

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