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PT Klimatek

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PT Klimatek
PT Klimatek
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PT Klimatek

PT. Klimatek is an independent research and development brand management and operates HVAC in technology of indoor and vehicular environmental comfort. Provide the best dehumidification process design, equipment selection, program and control mode to meet the requirements of user in different sector. Climatherm the pursuit of perfect quality and inovative products to achieve a high market share and excellent reputation in the domestic, Asian and Global market.

PT. Klimatek is an independent research and development brand management and operates HVAC in technology of indoor and vehicular environmental comfort.

Creating â Climathermâ brand committed to secure mid and high-end customers. Climatherm provides a comprehensive solution of the temperature and humidity and offers more than just quality, energy efficient temperature, humidity control equipment and systems. and more important according to the different requirements of different customers.

Provide the best dehumidification process design, equipment selection, program and control mode to meet the requirements of user in different sector. Climatherm the pursuit of perfect quality and inovative products to achieve a high market share and excellent reputation in the domestic, Asian and Global market.

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