JUAL ANEMO METER AR - 816 . Hubungi Bapak HIBOR 081210434500/ 081210582600 email : sales_ tokogsi@ hotmail.com Tlp/ Fax: 021-30012552
Anemometer AR816 -
Fungsi : mengukur kecepatan angin, mengukur suhu dan indikasi angin dingin.
AR 816 is ideal for weather enthusiast, lovers of kite flying, kite-surfing, wind-surfing, paragliding and sailors. Not only will it help you measure wind speed, but it will also help measure temperature and wind chill indication.
Wind speed measure in mph, tf/ min, Km/ h, m/ s or Konts
Wind speed in Beaufort wind scale bar graph
Wind chill display
Temperature display in Celsius or Fahrenheit
LCD back light
Auto power OFF
Neck band included
3V lithium battery operation
Stok : Ready
Hubungi Bapak HIBOR 081210434500/ 081210582600 email : sales_tokogsi@ hotmail.com Tlp/ Fax: 021-30012552