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CV. Tiga Cipta
CV. Tiga Cipta
Weighbridge - Floor Scale - Metal Detector - Checkweigher - Laboratory Balance

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Checkweigher[2 Feb. 2012, 20:49:03]
Jumlah Pesanan: Tambah ke Keranjang
Kemas & Pengiriman1
Negara AsalChina
Scales In-Motion: Dynamic Weighing as inline process control for sorting product .
Checkweighers are often used as process control instruments to check upstream events such as filling, grouping and packaging ( product inspection) . The collected data is the basis for following statistical evaluation of production processes and quality control
A checkweigher is an automatic machine for checking the weight of packaged commodities. It is normally found at the offgoing end of a production process and is used to ensure that the weight of a pack of the commodity is within specified limits. Any packs that are outside the tolerance are taken out of line automatically, such as :
v rejecting products with shortage of weight
v calculation of weight dependant quantities ( eg. volume, number)
v tendency prognosis for continuous adaptation of filling and dosage machines
v filling level control
v product labeling with weight data

Integration of checkweighers into production-courses puts high requests for speed and resolution of the weighing cell. The supply also has to guarantee, that only one single product passes the checkpoint at a time. Modern dynamic checkweighers with digital data-processing complete several hundred weighings per minute and allow band-speeds of more than 100m/ min. On the basis of already using control mechanisms within the merchandise flow checkweighers can offer, beside the pure weight regulations ( i.e. mass regulation) , to affiliate further components of product inspection like metal detectors.

A checkweigher is an automatic machine for checking the weight of packaged commodities. It is normally found at the offgoing end of a production process and is used to ensure that the weight of a pack of the commodity is within specified limits. Any packs that are outside the tolerance are taken out of line automatically.
A checkweigher can weigh in excess of 300 items per minute. ( depending on carton size and accuracy requirements)
Checkweighers often incorporate additional checking devices such as metal detectors to enable other attributes of the pack to be checked and acted upon accordingly.

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